2 Local time zone
Carsten Larsen edited this page 2021-01-31 21:30:23 +01:00

Local Time Zone

Selecting Time Zone

The local time zone is selected from 5 different options, in the following order:

  1. TZVALUE setting
  2. TZ setting
  3. Global TZ environment variable
  4. Global TZONE environment variable
  5. Workbench Locale Preferences


The local time zone value setting is available from CLI, icon tool types and ARexx. The value is specified in hours and minutes from GMT or UTC. One hour ahead is equal to 100. One hour behind is equal to -100.

TZ setting

The TZ setting is available from CLI, icon tool types and ARexx.

Global TZ environment variable

The Amiga DOS global environment variable TZ containing a POSIX TZ compliant string.

Global TZONE environment variable

The Amiga DOS environment global variable TZONE containing a POSIX TZ compliant string.

Workbench Locale Preferences

Amiga OS / Workbench Locale Preferences Editor