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To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Amiga, I decided to write a couple of small applications that run on classic Amiga computers. The point ? Does there need to be one ? The Amiga was a fun machine, programming it was fun and it still is.

Another goal is to practice Amiga OS development using only free software tools and libraries (the exception being the OS itself) and gain a deeper understanding of the system.

System Requirements

The software was developed on a GNU/Linux system with VBCC and GNU make. It was mostly deployed and tested on FS-UAE.

I am certain it can be built on different systems, however this will require modifications.


The software was developed on VBCC and apart from VBCC and NDK, there are no other dependencies.

Currently, on a correctly set up development system typing


should just work.


In progress :)

Current applications

  • intuitoy1 - experiments with Intuition (Kickstart 1.x)
  • iffview - a simple IFF viewer