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animate a blitter object

Now we can finally do something slightly more interesting.

In this example we refactor the code a bit as now we have more going on.

In blit.s we adapt the blit code from 008.shift_blit to be a slightly more general blit routine that can blit any 64x64 pixel object to any location as long as it's completely on the screen. If we try and blit off the screen the blitter will happily overwrite the adjacent ram with our blitter object's data.

The initialisation code is moved to init.s. Other shared stuff is moved into utils.s. With only the main loop and glue left in the main file anim_blit.s. Constants have been moved to constants.i.

The main loop moves the object around the screen.

We don't yet clear the background before each blit, so we get a nice trail. Also there is no double buffering.



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