
565 lines
22 KiB
Executable File

# Script for building AROS from the GIT repository
# Currently only a limited amount of Linux distros is supported.
# If you improve this script, send modifications back to me, please.
# Matthias Rustler,
# This script is public domain. Use it at your own risk.
# In contrast to this script creates the toolchain
# in external directories.
# $VER: 1.16 (18.01.2020)
makeopts="-j3 -s"
configopts="--enable-ccache --with-portssources=$portsdir"
if [ $# -ne 2 ]
echo "install_pkg() needs 2 arguments"
exit 100
echo -e "\nInstalling " $2
sudo $1 $2
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
echo -e "\n install failed. Script cancelled."
exit 100
echo -e "\n\n\n\n\n"
echo -e "***********************************************"
echo -e "* Script for downloading and building of AROS *"
echo -e "***********************************************"
echo -e "\n\n"
echo -e "*********************************"
echo -e "* Step 1: install prerequisites *"
echo -e "*********************************"
echo -e "The build system needs some packages to do its job."
echo -e "If you are asked for a password enter you admin password."
echo -e "\n1 .. Get packages with apt-get for Debian and similar (e.g. Ubuntu)"
echo -e " for building 32-bit AROS on 32-bit Linux or 64-bit-AROS on 64-bit-Linux"
echo -e "2 .. As 1) but with additional packages for building 32-bit AROS"
echo -e " on 64-bit Linux"
echo -e "3 .. Get packages with yum for Fedora"
echo -e "4 .. Get packages with pacman for Arch"
echo -e "5 .. Get packages with zypper for openSuse"
echo -e "6 .. As 5) but with additional packages for building 32-bit AROS"
echo -e " on 64-bit Linux"
echo -e "99 ..Skip this step"
echo -e "0 .. Exit"
echo -e "\nEnter number and press <Enter>:"
read input
case "$input" in
1 ) echo -e "\nInstalling prerequisites with apt-get..."
install_pkg "apt-get install" git-core
install_pkg "apt-get install" gcc
install_pkg "apt-get install" g++
install_pkg "apt-get install" make
install_pkg "apt-get install" cmake
install_pkg "apt-get install" gawk
install_pkg "apt-get install" bison
install_pkg "apt-get install" flex
install_pkg "apt-get install" bzip2
install_pkg "apt-get install" netpbm
install_pkg "apt-get install" autoconf
install_pkg "apt-get install" automake
install_pkg "apt-get install" libx11-dev
install_pkg "apt-get install" libxext-dev
install_pkg "apt-get install" libc6-dev
install_pkg "apt-get install" liblzo2-dev
install_pkg "apt-get install" libxxf86vm-dev
install_pkg "apt-get install" libpng-dev
install_pkg "apt-get install" libsdl1.2-dev
install_pkg "apt-get install" byacc
install_pkg "apt-get install" python-mako
install_pkg "apt-get install" libxcursor-dev
2 ) echo -e "\nInstalling prerequisites with apt-get..."
install_pkg "apt-get install" git-core
install_pkg "apt-get install" gcc
install_pkg "apt-get install" g++
install_pkg "apt-get install" make
install_pkg "apt-get install" cmake
install_pkg "apt-get install" gawk
install_pkg "apt-get install" bison
install_pkg "apt-get install" flex
install_pkg "apt-get install" bzip2
install_pkg "apt-get install" netpbm
install_pkg "apt-get install" autoconf
install_pkg "apt-get install" automake
install_pkg "apt-get install" libx11-dev
install_pkg "apt-get install" libxext-dev
install_pkg "apt-get install" libc6-dev
install_pkg "apt-get install" liblzo2-dev
install_pkg "apt-get install" libxxf86vm-dev
install_pkg "apt-get install" libpng-dev
install_pkg "apt-get install" gcc-multilib
install_pkg "apt-get install" libsdl1.2-dev
install_pkg "apt-get install" byacc
install_pkg "apt-get install" python-mako
install_pkg "apt-get install" libxcursor-dev
install_pkg "apt-get install" libc6-dev-i386
install_pkg "apt-get install" lib32gcc1
3 ) echo -e "\nInstalling prerequisites with yum..."
install_pkg "yum install" git-core
install_pkg "yum install" gcc
install_pkg "yum install" gawk
install_pkg "yum install" bison
install_pkg "yum install" flex
install_pkg "yum install" bzip2
install_pkg "yum install" netpbm
install_pkg "yum install" autoconf
install_pkg "yum install" automake
install_pkg "yum install" libX11-devel
install_pkg "yum install" glibc-devel
install_pkg "yum install" lzo-devel
4 ) echo -e "\nInstalling prerequisites with pacman.."
echo -e "\nUpdating the List of software"
echo -e "\nEnter sudo password"
sudo pacman -Sy
install_pkg "pacman --needed --noconfirm -S" git-core
install_pkg "pacman --needed --noconfirm -S" gcc
install_pkg "pacman --needed --noconfirm -S" gawk
install_pkg "pacman --needed --noconfirm -S" bison
install_pkg "pacman --needed --noconfirm -S" flex
install_pkg "pacman --needed --noconfirm -S" bzip2
install_pkg "pacman --needed --noconfirm -S" netpbm
install_pkg "pacman --needed --noconfirm -S" autoconf
install_pkg "pacman --needed --noconfirm -S" automake
#it appears as though the libx11-dev,libc6-dev,liblzo2-dev is not needed on arch
5 ) echo -e "\nInstalling prerequisites with zypper..."
# tools
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" git-core
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" gcc
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" gcc-c++
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" make
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" gawk
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" bison
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" flex
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" bzip2
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" netpbm
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" autoconf
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" automake
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" patch
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" cmake
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" gperf
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" perl-Switch
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" byacc
# libs
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" libXxf86vm1
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" alsa-plugins-pulse
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" libX11-devel
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" glibc-devel
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" libpng12-devel
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" alsa-devel
6 ) echo -e "\nInstalling prerequisites with zypper..."
# tools
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" git-core
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" gcc
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" gcc-c++
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" make
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" gawk
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" bison
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" flex
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" bzip2
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" netpbm
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" autoconf
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" automake
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" patch
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" cmake
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" gperf
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" perl-Switch
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" byacc
# libs
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" libXxf86vm1
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" alsa-plugins-pulse
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" libX11-devel
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" glibc-devel
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" libpng12-devel
# 32-bit support
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" gcc-32bit
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" gcc-c++-32bit
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" glibc-devel-32bit
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" libXxf86vm1-32bit
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" alsa-plugins-pulse-32bit
install_pkg "zypper --non-interactive install" alsa-devel-32bit
0 ) exit 0
until [ "$input" = "99" ]
cd "$curdir"
echo -e "\n\n\n\n\n"
echo -e "******************************************************"
echo -e "* Step 2: get the sources from the GITHUB repository *"
echo -e "******************************************************"
echo -e "1 .. Get AROS core (required)"
echo -e "2 .. Get contrib (optional)"
echo -e "3 .. Get ports source (optional, needs contrib)"
echo -e "4 .. Get documentation source (optional)"
echo -e "5 .. Get binaries (wallpapers, logos etc.) (optional)"
echo -e "\n99 .. Go to next step"
echo -e "0 .. Exit"
echo -e "\nEnter number and press <Enter>:"
read input
case "$input" in
1 ) echo -e "\nGetting AROS V1 core with Git...\n"
git clone "$srcdir"
cd "$srcdir"
git submodule update --init --recursive
2 ) echo -e "\nGetting contrib V1 with Git...\n"
git clone "$srcdir/contrib"
cd "$srcdir/contrib"
git submodule update --init --recursive
3 ) echo -e "\nGetting ports V1 with Git...\n"
git clone "$srcdir/ports"
cd "$srcdir/ports"
git submodule update --init --recursive
4 ) echo -e "\nGetting documentation V1 with Git...\n"
git clone "$srcdir/documentation"
cd "$srcdir/documentation"
git submodule update --init --recursive
5 ) echo -e "\nGetting binaries V1 with Git...\n"
git clone "$srcdir/binaries"
cd "$srcdir/binaries"
git submodule update --init --recursive
0 ) exit 0
until [ "$input" = "99" ]
cd "$curdir"
echo -e "\n\n\n\n\n"
echo -e "*******************************"
echo -e "* Step 3: configure toolchain *"
echo -e "*******************************"
echo -e "\n 1 | i386 (32-bit)"
echo -e " 2 | x86_64 (64-bit)"
echo -e " 3 | m68k (32-bit)"
echo -e " 4 | armhf (32-bit)"
echo -e "\n99 .. Go to next step"
echo -e "0 .. Exit"
echo -e "\nEnter number and press <Enter>:"
read input
case "$input" in
1 ) echo -e "\nConfiguring i386 Toolchain...\n"
mkdir -p "$portsdir"
mkdir -p aros-i386-toolchain-builddir
cd aros-i386-toolchain-builddir
"../$srcdir/configure" $configopts --target=linux-i386 --with-aros-toolchain-install="$tooldir"-i386
2 ) echo -e "\nConfiguring x86_64 Toolchain...\n"
mkdir -p "$portsdir"
mkdir -p aros-x86_64-toolchain-builddir
cd aros-x86_64-toolchain-builddir
"../$srcdir/configure" $configopts --target=linux-x86_64 --with-aros-toolchain-install="$tooldir"-x86_64
3 ) echo -e "\nConfiguring m68k Toolchain...\n"
mkdir -p "$portsdir"
mkdir -p aros-m68k-toolchain-builddir
cd aros-m68k-toolchain-builddir
"../$srcdir/configure" $configopts --target=amiga-m68k --with-aros-toolchain-install="$tooldir"-m68k
4 ) echo -e "\nConfiguring armhf Toolchain...\n"
mkdir -p "$portsdir"
mkdir -p aros-armhf-toolchain-builddir
cd aros-armhf-toolchain-builddir
"../$srcdir/configure" $configopts --target=raspi-armhf --with-aros-toolchain-install="$tooldir"-armhf
0 ) exit 0
until [ "$input" = "99" ]
cd "$curdir"
echo -e "\n\n\n\n\n"
echo -e "***************************"
echo -e "* Step 4: build toolchain *"
echo -e "***************************"
echo -e "\nYou can only build what you've already configured."
echo -e "\n 1 | i386 (32-bit)"
echo -e " 2 | x86_64 (64-bit)"
echo -e " 3 | m68k (32-bit)"
echo -e " 4 | armhf (32-bit)"
echo -e "\n99 .. Go to next step"
echo -e "0 .. Exit"
echo -e "\nEnter number and press <Enter>:"
read input
case "$input" in
1 ) echo -e "\nBuilding i386 Toolchain...\n"
cd aros-i386-toolchain-builddir
make $makeopts crosstools
2 ) echo -e "\nBuilding x86_64 Toolchain...\n"
cd aros-x86_64-toolchain-builddir
make $makeopts crosstools
3 ) echo -e "\nBuilding m68k Toolchain...\n"
cd aros-m68k-toolchain-builddir
make $makeopts crosstools
4 ) echo -e "\nBuilding armhf Toolchain...\n"
cd aros-armhf-toolchain-builddir
make $makeopts crosstools
0 ) exit 0
until [ "$input" = "99" ]
cd "$curdir"
echo -e "\n\n\n\n\n"
echo -e "**************************"
echo -e "* Step 5: configure AROS *"
echo -e "**************************"
echo -e "\n 1 | linux-i386 (32-bit) debug"
echo -e " 2 | linux-i386 (32-bit)"
echo -e " 3 | linux-x86_64 (64-bit) debug"
echo -e " 4 | linux-x86_64 (64-bit)"
echo -e " 5 | pc-i386 (32-bit)"
echo -e " 6 | pc-x86_64 (64-bit)"
echo -e " 7 | pc-x86_64 SMP (64-bit)"
echo -e " 8 | amiga-m68k (32-bit)"
echo -e " 9 | raspi-armhf (32-bit)"
echo -e "\n99 .. Go to next step"
echo -e "0 .. Exit"
echo -e "\nEnter number and press <Enter>:"
read input
case "$input" in
1 ) echo -e "\nConfiguring linux-i386 V1 with full debug...\n"
mkdir -p "$portsdir"
mkdir -p aros-linux-i386-dbg
cd aros-linux-i386-dbg
"../$srcdir/configure" $configopts --target=linux-i386 --enable-debug --with-aros-toolchain-install="$tooldir"-i386 --with-aros-toolchain=yes
2 ) echo -e "\nConfiguring linux-i386 V1 without debug...\n"
mkdir -p "$portsdir"
mkdir -p aros-linux-i386
cd aros-linux-i386
"../$srcdir/configure" $configopts --target=linux-i386 --with-aros-toolchain-install="$tooldir"-i386 --with-aros-toolchain=yes
3 ) echo -e "\nConfiguring linux-x86_64 V1 with full debug...\n"
mkdir -p "$portsdir"
mkdir -p aros-linux-x86_64-dbg
cd aros-linux-x86_64-dbg
"../$srcdir/configure" $configopts --target=linux-x86_64 --enable-debug --with-aros-toolchain-install="$tooldir"-x86_64 --with-aros-toolchain=yes
4 ) echo -e "\nConfiguring linux-x86_64 V1 without debug...\n"
mkdir -p "$portsdir"
mkdir -p aros-linux-x86_64
cd aros-linux-x86_64
"../$srcdir/configure" $configopts --target=linux-x86_64 --with-aros-toolchain-install="$tooldir"-x86_64 --with-aros-toolchain=yes
5 ) echo -e "\nConfiguring pc-i386 V1...\n"
mkdir -p "$portsdir"
mkdir -p aros-pc-i386
cd aros-pc-i386
"../$srcdir/configure" $configopts --target=pc-i386 --with-aros-toolchain-install="$tooldir"-i386 --with-aros-toolchain=yes
6 ) echo -e "\nConfiguring pc-x86_64 V1...\n"
mkdir -p "$portsdir"
mkdir -p aros-pc-x86_64
cd aros-pc-x86_64
"../$srcdir/configure" $configopts --target=pc-x86_64 --with-aros-toolchain-install="$tooldir"-x86_64 --with-aros-toolchain=yes
7 ) echo -e "\nConfiguring pc-x86_64 SMP V1...\n"
mkdir -p "$portsdir"
mkdir -p aros-pc-x86_64-smp
cd aros-pc-x86_64-smp
"../$srcdir/configure" $configopts --target=pc-x86_64 --enable-target-variant=smp --with-aros-toolchain-install="$tooldir"-x86_64 --with-aros-toolchain=yes
8 ) echo -e "\nConfiguring amiga-m68k V1...\n"
mkdir -p "$portsdir"
mkdir -p aros-amiga-m68k
cd aros-amiga-m68k
"../$srcdir/configure" $configopts --target=amiga-m68k --with-serial-debug=yes --with-aros-toolchain-install="$tooldir"-m68k --with-aros-toolchain=yes
9 ) echo -e "\nConfiguring raspi-armhf V1...\n"
mkdir -p "$portsdir"
mkdir -p aros-raspi-armhf
cd aros-raspi-armhf
"../$srcdir/configure" $configopts --target=raspi-armhf --with-aros-toolchain-install="$tooldir"-armhf --with-aros-toolchain=yes
0 ) exit 0
until [ "$input" = "99" ]
cd "$curdir"
echo -e "\n\n\n\n\n"
echo -e "*****************"
echo -e "* Step 6: build *"
echo -e "*****************"
echo -e "\nYou can only build what you've already configured."
echo -e "\n 1 | linux-i386 (32-bit) debug"
echo -e " 2 | linux-i386 (32-bit)"
echo -e " 3 | linux-x86_64 (64-bit) debug"
echo -e " 4 | linux-x86_64 (64-bit)"
echo -e " 5 | pc-i386 (32-bit)"
echo -e " 6 | pc-x86_64 (64-bit)"
echo -e " 7 | pc-x86_64 SMP (64-bit)"
echo -e " 8 | amiga-m68k (32-bit)"
echo -e " 9 | raspi-armhf (32-bit)"
echo -e "\n99 .. Go to next step"
echo -e "0 .. Exit"
echo -e "\nEnter number and press <Enter>:"
read input
case "$input" in
1 ) echo -e "\nBuilding linux-i386 V1 with full debug...\n"
cd aros-linux-i386-dbg
make $makeopts
make $makeopts contrib
make $makeopts ports
echo -e "\nIf everything went well AROS will be available"
echo -e "in the directory aros-linux-i386-dbg/bin/<target>/AROS"
2 ) echo -e "\nBuilding linux-i386 V1 without debug...\n"
cd aros-linux-i386
make $makeopts
make $makeopts contrib
make $makeopts ports
echo -e "\nIf everything went well AROS will be available"
echo -e "in the directory aros-linux-i386/bin/<target>/AROS"
3 ) echo -e "\nBuilding linux-x86_64 V1 with full debug...\n"
cd aros-linux-x86_64-dbg
make $makeopts
make $makeopts contrib
make $makeopts ports
echo -e "\nIf everything went well AROS will be available"
echo -e "in the directory aros-linux-x86_64-dbg/bin/<target>/AROS"
4 ) echo -e "\nBuilding linux-x86_64 V1 without debug...\n"
cd aros-linux-x86_64
make $makeopts
make $makeopts contrib
make $makeopts ports
echo -e "\nIf everything went well AROS will be available"
echo -e "in the directory aros-linux-x86_64/bin/<target>/AROS"
5 ) echo -e "\nBuilding pc-i386 V1...\n"
cd aros-pc-i386
make $makeopts
make $makeopts contrib
make $makeopts ports
make $makeopts distfiles
echo -e "\nIf everything went well AROS will be available"
echo -e "in the directory aros-pc-i386/distfiles"
6 ) echo -e "\nBuilding pc-x86_64 V1...\n"
cd aros-pc-x86_64
make $makeopts
make $makeopts contrib
make $makeopts ports
make $makeopts distfiles
echo -e "\nIf everything went well AROS will be available"
echo -e "in the directory aros-pc-x86_64/distfiles"
7 ) echo -e "\nBuilding pc-x86_64 SMP V1...\n"
cd aros-pc-x86_64-smp
make $makeopts
make $makeopts contrib
make $makeopts ports
make $makeopts distfiles
echo -e "\nIf everything went well AROS will be available"
echo -e "in the directory aros-pc-x86_64-smp/distfiles"
8 ) echo -e "\nBuilding amiga-m68k V1...\n"
cd aros-amiga-m68k
make $makeopts
make $makeopts contrib
make $makeopts ports
make $makeopts distfiles
echo -e "\nIf everything went well AROS will be available"
echo -e "in the directory aros-amiga-m68k/distfiles"
9 ) echo -e "\nBuilding raspi-armhf V1...\n"
cd aros-raspi-armhf
make $makeopts
make $makeopts contrib
make $makeopts ports
make $makeopts distfiles
echo -e "\nIf everything went well AROS will be available"
echo -e "in the directory aros-raspi-armhf/distfiles"
0 ) exit 0
exit 0