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How to install NTP Analyzer
Find ntpa in the ports collection.
# sudo apt-get install mono-complete
# sudo apt-get install libgdiplus (only for graphs)
# sudo apt-get install mysql-server (only for hosting)
# sudo apt-get install ntp (use updated versions)
Build and install ntpa with:
# make -f Makefile.xbuild install-linux
Linux, BSD and others
Make sure all of the above dependencies are satisfied.
Build and install with autotools:
# autoreconf
# automake --add-missing
# ./configure
# make install
Download a copy of ntpq. An excellent NTP distribution is available from:
Make sure the required database is accessible. Download and install MySQL
if needed.
Set database user name and password in the top of ntpa.conf. Leave the
Create setting to 1 if you want all tables and data created automatically.
Later you can use phpMyAdmin, MySQL Workbench or similar to adjust the
auto generated values. Set Hostname to point at a name or an IP address
reachable by ntpq.
Configuration can be validated with the validation tool:
# ntpav --validate /etc/ntpa.conf
To start ntpa use:
# ntpa --config /etc/ntpa.conf
Look in the log file for errors and other clues when debugging.
To start ntpa in daemon mode:
# ntpa --config /etc/ntpa.conf &
Connect to ntpa and get a list of available commands:
# ntpac 9070 help
Ask ntpa how long time it has been running:
# ntpac 9070 uptime