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* NPlot - A charting library for .NET
* Axis.cs
* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Matt Howlett and others.
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
* list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
namespace NPlot
/// <summary>
/// Encapsulates functionality common to all axis classes. All specific
/// axis classes derive from Axis. Axis can be used as a concrete class
/// itself - it is an Axis without any embilishments [tick marks or tick
/// mark labels].<br></br><br></br>
/// This class encapsulates no physical information about where the axes
/// are drawn.
/// </summary>
public class Axis : ICloneable
private bool autoScaleText_;
private bool autoScaleTicks_;
private StringFormat drawFormat_;
private bool flipTicksLabel_;
private float fontScale_;
private bool hidden_;
private bool hideTickText_;
private Brush labelBrush_;
private Font labelFontScaled_;
private Font labelFont_;
private bool labelOffsetAbsolute_;
private bool labelOffsetScaled_ = true;
private float labelOffset_;
private string label_;
private int largeTickSize_;
private Pen linePen_;
private int minPhysicalLargeTickStep_ = 30;
private string numberFormat_;
private bool reversed_;
private int smallTickSize_;
private Brush tickTextBrush_;
private Font tickTextFontScaled_;
private Font tickTextFont_;
private bool tickTextNextToAxis_;
private float ticksAngle_ = (float) Math.PI/2.0f;
private bool ticksCrossAxis_;
private bool ticksIndependentOfPhysicalExtent_;
private float ticksLabelAngle_;
private double worldMax_;
private double worldMin_;
/// <summary>
/// Default constructor
/// </summary>
public Axis()
/// <summary>
/// Constructor that takes only world min and max values.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="worldMin">The minimum world coordinate.</param>
/// <param name="worldMax">The maximum world coordinate.</param>
public Axis(double worldMin, double worldMax)
WorldMin = worldMin;
WorldMax = worldMax;
/// <summary>
/// Copy constructor.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="a">The Axis to clone.</param>
public Axis(Axis a)
DoClone(a, this);
/// <summary>
/// If true, tick marks will cross the axis, with their centre on the axis line.
/// If false, tick marks will be drawn as a line with origin starting on the axis line.
/// </summary>
public bool TicksCrossAxis
get { return ticksCrossAxis_; }
set { ticksCrossAxis_ = value; }
/// <summary>
/// The maximum world extent of the axis. Note that it is sensical if
/// WorldMax is less than WorldMin - the axis would just be descending
/// not ascending. Currently Axes won't display properly if you do
/// this - use the Axis.Reversed property instead to achieve the same
/// result.
/// Setting this raises the WorldMinChanged event and the WorldExtentsChanged event.
/// </summary>
public virtual double WorldMax
get { return worldMax_; }
worldMax_ = value;
if (this.WorldExtentsChanged != null)
this.WorldExtentsChanged(this, new WorldValueChangedArgs(worldMax_, WorldValueChangedArgs.MinMaxType.Max));
if (this.WorldMaxChanged != null)
this.WorldMaxChanged(this, new WorldValueChangedArgs(worldMax_, WorldValueChangedArgs.MinMaxType.Max));
/// <summary>
/// The minumum world extent of the axis. Note that it is sensical if
/// WorldMax is less than WorldMin - the axis would just be descending
/// not ascending. Currently Axes won't display properly if you do
/// this - use the Axis.Reversed property instead to achieve the same
/// result.
/// Setting this raises the WorldMinChanged event and the WorldExtentsChanged event.
/// </summary>
public virtual double WorldMin
get { return worldMin_; }
worldMin_ = value;
if (this.WorldExtentsChanged != null)
this.WorldExtentsChanged( this, new WorldValueChangedArgs( worldMin_, WorldValueChangedArgs.MinMaxType.Min) );
if (this.WorldMinChanged != null)
this.WorldMinChanged( this, new WorldValueChangedArgs(worldMin_, WorldValueChangedArgs.MinMaxType.Min) );
/// <summary>
/// Length (in pixels) of a large tick. <b>Not</b> the distance
/// between large ticks. The length of the tick itself.
/// </summary>
public int LargeTickSize
get { return largeTickSize_; }
set { largeTickSize_ = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Length (in pixels) of the small ticks.
/// </summary>
public int SmallTickSize
get { return smallTickSize_; }
set { smallTickSize_ = value; }
/// <summary>
/// The Axis Label
/// </summary>
public string Label
get { return label_; }
set { label_ = value; }
/// <summary>
/// If true, text associated with tick marks will be drawn on the other side of the
/// axis line [next to the axis]. If false, tick mark text will be drawn at the end
/// of the tick mark [on the same of the axis line as the tick].
/// </summary>
public bool TickTextNextToAxis
get { return tickTextNextToAxis_; }
set { tickTextNextToAxis_ = value; }
/// <summary>
/// If set to true, the axis is hidden. That is, the axis line, ticks, tick
/// labels and axis label will not be drawn.
/// </summary>
public bool Hidden
get { return hidden_; }
set { hidden_ = value; }
/// <summary>
/// If set true, the axis will behave as though the WorldMin and WorldMax values
/// have been swapped.
/// </summary>
public bool Reversed
get { return reversed_; }
set { reversed_ = value; }
/// <summary>
/// If true, no text will be drawn next to any axis tick marks.
/// </summary>
public bool HideTickText
get { return hideTickText_; }
set { hideTickText_ = value; }
/// <summary>
/// This font is used for the drawing of text next to the axis tick marks.
/// </summary>
public Font TickTextFont
get { return tickTextFont_; }
tickTextFont_ = value;
/// <summary>
/// This font is used to draw the axis label.
/// </summary>
public Font LabelFont
get { return labelFont_; }
labelFont_ = value;
/// <summary>
/// Specifies the format used for drawing tick labels. See
/// StringBuilder.AppendFormat for a description of this
/// string.
/// </summary>
public string NumberFormat
get { return numberFormat_; }
set { numberFormat_ = value; }
/// <summary>
/// If LargeTickStep isn't specified, then this will be calculated
/// automatically. The calculated value will not be less than this
/// amount.
/// </summary>
public int MinPhysicalLargeTickStep
get { return minPhysicalLargeTickStep_; }
set { minPhysicalLargeTickStep_ = value; }
/// <summary>
/// The color of the pen used to draw the ticks and the axis line.
/// </summary>
public Color AxisColor
get { return linePen_.Color; }
set { linePen_ = new Pen(value); }
/// <summary>
/// The pen used to draw the ticks and the axis line.
/// </summary>
public Pen AxisPen
get { return linePen_; }
set { linePen_ = value; }
/// <summary>
/// If true, automated tick placement will be independent of the physical
/// extent of the axis. Tick placement will look good for charts of typical
/// size (say physical dimensions of 640x480). If you want to produce the
/// same chart on two graphics surfaces of different sizes [eg Windows.Forms
/// control and printer], then you will want to set this property to true.
/// If false [default], the number of ticks and their placement will be
/// optimally calculated to look the best for the given axis extent. This
/// is very useful if you are creating a cart with particularly small or
/// large physical dimensions.
/// </summary>
public bool TicksIndependentOfPhysicalExtent
get { return ticksIndependentOfPhysicalExtent_; }
set { ticksIndependentOfPhysicalExtent_ = value; }
/// <summary>
/// If true label is flipped about the text center line parallel to the text.
/// </summary>
public bool FlipTicksLabel
get { return flipTicksLabel_; }
set { flipTicksLabel_ = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Angle to draw ticks at (measured anti-clockwise from axis direction).
/// </summary>
public float TicksAngle
get { return ticksAngle_; }
set { ticksAngle_ = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Angle to draw large tick labels at (clockwise from horizontal). Note:
/// this is currently only implemented well for the lower x-axis.
/// </summary>
public float TicksLabelAngle
get { return ticksLabelAngle_; }
set { ticksLabelAngle_ = value; }
/// <summary>
/// The color of the brush used to draw the axis label.
/// </summary>
public Color LabelColor
set { labelBrush_ = new SolidBrush(value); }
/// <summary>
/// The brush used to draw the axis label.
/// </summary>
public Brush LabelBrush
get { return labelBrush_; }
set { labelBrush_ = value; }
/// <summary>
/// The color of the brush used to draw the axis tick labels.
/// </summary>
public Color TickTextColor
set { tickTextBrush_ = new SolidBrush(value); }
/// <summary>
/// The brush used to draw the tick text.
/// </summary>
public Brush TickTextBrush
get { return tickTextBrush_; }
set { tickTextBrush_ = value; }
/// <summary>
/// If true, label and tick text will be scaled to match size
/// of PlotSurface2D. If false, they won't be.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>Could also be argued this belongs in PlotSurface2D</remarks>
public bool AutoScaleText
get { return autoScaleText_; }
set { autoScaleText_ = value; }
/// <summary>
/// If true, tick lengths will be scaled to match size
/// of PlotSurface2D. If false, they won't be.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>Could also be argued this belongs in PlotSurface2D</remarks>
public bool AutoScaleTicks
get { return autoScaleTicks_; }
set { autoScaleTicks_ = value; }
/// <summary>
/// World extent of the axis.
/// </summary>
public double WorldLength
get { return Math.Abs(worldMax_ - worldMin_); }
/// <summary>
/// Scale label and tick fonts by this factor. Set by PlotSurface2D
/// Draw method.
/// </summary>
internal float FontScale
get { return fontScale_; }
fontScale_ = value;
/// <summary>
/// Scale tick mark lengths by this factor. Set by PlotSurface2D
/// Draw method.
/// </summary>
internal float TickScale { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Get whether or not this axis is linear.
/// </summary>
public virtual bool IsLinear
get { return true; }
/// <summary>
/// If LabelOffsetAbsolute is false (default) then this is the offset
/// added to default axis label position. If LabelOffsetAbsolute is
/// true, then this is the absolute offset of the label from the axis.
/// If positive, offset is further away from axis, if negative, towards
/// the axis.
/// </summary>
public float LabelOffset
get { return labelOffset_; }
set { labelOffset_ = value; }
/// <summary>
/// If true, the value specified by LabelOffset is the absolute distance
/// away from the axis that the label is drawn. If false, the value
/// specified by LabelOffset is added to the pre-calculated value to
/// determine the axis label position.
/// </summary>
/// <value></value>
public bool LabelOffsetAbsolute
get { return labelOffsetAbsolute_; }
set { labelOffsetAbsolute_ = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Whether or not the supplied LabelOffset should be scaled by
/// a factor as specified by FontScale.
/// </summary>
public bool LabelOffsetScaled
get { return labelOffsetScaled_; }
set { labelOffsetScaled_ = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Set the Axis color (sets all of axis line color, Tick text color, and label color).
/// </summary>
public Color Color
AxisColor = value;
TickTextColor = value;
LabelColor = value;
/// <summary>
/// Deep copy of Axis.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This method includes a check that guards against derived classes forgetting
/// to implement their own Clone method. If Clone is called on a object derived
/// from Axis, and the Clone method hasn't been overridden by that object, then
/// the test this.GetType == typeof(Axis) will fail.
/// </remarks>
/// <returns>A copy of the Axis Class</returns>
public virtual object Clone()
// ensure that this isn't being called on a derived type. If that is the case
// then the derived type didn't override this method as it should have.
if (GetType() != typeof (Axis))
throw new NPlotException("Clone not defined in derived type.");
Axis a = new Axis();
DoClone(this, a);
return a;
/// <summary>
/// Helper method for Clone. Does all the copying - can be called by derived
/// types so they don't need to implement this part of the copying themselves.
/// also useful in constructor of derived types that takes Axis class.
/// </summary>
protected static void DoClone(Axis b, Axis a)
// value items
a.autoScaleText_ = b.autoScaleText_;
a.autoScaleTicks_ = b.autoScaleTicks_;
a.worldMax_ = b.worldMax_;
a.worldMin_ = b.worldMin_;
a.tickTextNextToAxis_ = b.tickTextNextToAxis_;
a.hidden_ = b.hidden_;
a.hideTickText_ = b.hideTickText_;
a.reversed_ = b.reversed_;
a.ticksAngle_ = b.ticksAngle_;
a.ticksLabelAngle_ = b.ticksLabelAngle_;
a.minPhysicalLargeTickStep_ = b.minPhysicalLargeTickStep_;
a.ticksIndependentOfPhysicalExtent_ = b.ticksIndependentOfPhysicalExtent_;
a.largeTickSize_ = b.largeTickSize_;
a.smallTickSize_ = b.smallTickSize_;
a.ticksCrossAxis_ = b.ticksCrossAxis_;
a.labelOffset_ = b.labelOffset_;
a.labelOffsetAbsolute_ = b.labelOffsetAbsolute_;
a.labelOffsetScaled_ = b.labelOffsetScaled_;
// reference items.
a.tickTextFont_ = (Font) b.tickTextFont_.Clone();
a.label_ = (string) b.label_.Clone();
if (b.numberFormat_ != null)
a.numberFormat_ = (string) b.numberFormat_.Clone();
a.numberFormat_ = null;
a.labelFont_ = (Font) b.labelFont_.Clone();
a.linePen_ = (Pen) b.linePen_.Clone();
a.tickTextBrush_ = (Brush) b.tickTextBrush_.Clone();
a.labelBrush_ = (Brush) b.labelBrush_.Clone();
a.FontScale = b.FontScale;
a.TickScale = b.TickScale;
/// <summary>
/// Helper function for constructors.
/// Do initialization here so that Clear() method is handled properly
/// </summary>
private void Init()
worldMax_ = double.NaN;
worldMin_ = double.NaN;
Hidden = false;
SmallTickSize = 2;
LargeTickSize = 6;
FontScale = 1.0f;
TickScale = 1.0f;
AutoScaleTicks = false;
AutoScaleText = false;
TickTextNextToAxis = true;
HideTickText = false;
TicksCrossAxis = false;
LabelOffset = 0.0f;
LabelOffsetAbsolute = false;
LabelOffsetScaled = true;
Label = "";
NumberFormat = null;
Reversed = false;
FontFamily fontFamily = new FontFamily("Arial");
TickTextFont = new Font(fontFamily, 10, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
LabelFont = new Font(fontFamily, 12, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
LabelColor = Color.Black;
TickTextColor = Color.Black;
linePen_ = new Pen(Color.Black);
linePen_.Width = 1.0f;
FontScale = 1.0f;
// saves constructing these in draw method.
drawFormat_ = new StringFormat();
drawFormat_.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether a world value is outside range WorldMin -> WorldMax
/// </summary>
/// <param name="coord">the world value to test</param>
/// <returns>true if outside limits, false otherwise</returns>
public bool OutOfRange(double coord)
if (double.IsNaN(WorldMin) || double.IsNaN(WorldMax))
throw new NPlotException("world min / max not set");
if (coord > WorldMax || coord < WorldMin)
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Sets the world extent of the current axis to be just large enough
/// to encompas the current world extent of the axis, and the world
/// extent of the passed in axis
/// </summary>
/// <param name="a">The other Axis instance.</param>
public void LUB(Axis a)
if (a == null)
// mins
if (!double.IsNaN(a.worldMin_))
if (double.IsNaN(worldMin_))
WorldMin = a.WorldMin;
if (a.WorldMin < WorldMin)
WorldMin = a.WorldMin;
// maxs.
if (!double.IsNaN(a.worldMax_))
if (double.IsNaN(worldMax_))
WorldMax = a.WorldMax;
if (a.WorldMax > WorldMax)
WorldMax = a.WorldMax;
/// <summary>
/// World to physical coordinate transform.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="coord">The coordinate value to transform.</param>
/// <param name="physicalMin">The physical position corresponding to the world minimum of the axis.</param>
/// <param name="physicalMax">The physical position corresponding to the world maximum of the axis.</param>
/// <param name="clip">if false, then physical value may extend outside worldMin / worldMax. If true, the physical value returned will be clipped to physicalMin or physicalMax if it lies outside this range.</param>
/// <returns>The transformed coordinates.</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// Not sure how much time is spent in this often called function. If it's lots, then
/// worth optimizing (there is scope to do so).
/// </remarks>
public virtual PointF WorldToPhysical(
double coord,
PointF physicalMin,
PointF physicalMax,
bool clip)
// (1) account for reversed axis. Could be tricky and move
// this out, but would be a little messy.
PointF _physicalMin;
PointF _physicalMax;
if (Reversed)
_physicalMin = physicalMax;
_physicalMax = physicalMin;
_physicalMin = physicalMin;
_physicalMax = physicalMax;
// (2) if want clipped value, return extrema if outside range.
if (clip)
if (WorldMin < WorldMax)
if (coord > WorldMax)
return _physicalMax;
if (coord < WorldMin)
return _physicalMin;
if (coord < WorldMax)
return _physicalMax;
if (coord > WorldMin)
return _physicalMin;
// (3) we are inside range or don't want to clip.
double range = WorldMax - WorldMin;
double prop = ((coord - WorldMin)/range);
// Force clipping at bounding box largeClip times that of real bounding box
// anyway. This is effectively at infinity.
const double largeClip = 100.0;
if (prop > largeClip && clip)
prop = largeClip;
if (prop < -largeClip && clip)
prop = -largeClip;
if (range == 0)
if (coord >= WorldMin)
prop = largeClip;
if (coord < WorldMin)
prop = -largeClip;
// calculate the physical coordinate.
PointF offset = new PointF(
(float) (prop*(_physicalMax.X - _physicalMin.X)),
(float) (prop*(_physicalMax.Y - _physicalMin.Y)));
return new PointF((_physicalMin.X + offset.X), (_physicalMin.Y + offset.Y));
/// <summary>
/// Return the world coordinate of the projection of the point p onto
/// the axis.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="p">The point to project onto the axis</param>
/// <param name="physicalMin">The physical position corresponding to the world minimum of the axis.</param>
/// <param name="physicalMax">The physical position corresponding to the world maximum of the axis.</param>
/// <param name="clip">If true, the world value will be clipped to WorldMin or WorldMax as appropriate if it lies outside this range.</param>
/// <returns>The world value corresponding to the projection of the point p onto the axis.</returns>
public virtual double PhysicalToWorld(
PointF p,
PointF physicalMin,
PointF physicalMax,
bool clip)
// (1) account for reversed axis. Could be tricky and move
// this out, but would be a little messy.
PointF _physicalMin;
PointF _physicalMax;
if (Reversed)
_physicalMin = physicalMax;
_physicalMax = physicalMin;
_physicalMin = physicalMin;
_physicalMax = physicalMax;
// normalised axis dir vector
float axis_X = _physicalMax.X - _physicalMin.X;
float axis_Y = _physicalMax.Y - _physicalMin.Y;
float len = (float) Math.Sqrt(axis_X*axis_X + axis_Y*axis_Y);
axis_X /= len;
axis_Y /= len;
// point relative to axis physical minimum.
PointF posRel = new PointF(p.X - _physicalMin.X, p.Y - _physicalMin.Y);
// dist of point projection on axis, normalised.
float prop = (axis_X*posRel.X + axis_Y*posRel.Y)/len;
double world = prop*(WorldMax - WorldMin) + WorldMin;
// if want clipped value, return extrema if outside range.
if (clip)
world = Math.Max(world, WorldMin);
world = Math.Min(world, WorldMax);
return world;
/// <summary>
/// Draw the Axis Label
/// </summary>
/// <param name="g">The GDI+ drawing surface on which to draw.</param>
/// <param name="offset">offset from axis. Should be calculated so as to make sure axis label misses tick labels.</param>
/// <param name="axisPhysicalMin">The physical position corresponding to the world minimum of the axis.</param>
/// <param name="axisPhysicalMax">The physical position corresponding to the world maximum of the axis.</param>
/// <returns>boxed Rectangle indicating bounding box of label. null if no label printed.</returns>
public object DrawLabel(
Graphics g,
Point offset,
Point axisPhysicalMin,
Point axisPhysicalMax)
if (Label != "")
// first calculate any extra offset for axis label spacing.
float extraOffsetAmount = LabelOffset;
extraOffsetAmount += 2.0f; // empirically determed - text was too close to axis before this.
if (AutoScaleText)
if (LabelOffsetScaled)
extraOffsetAmount *= FontScale;
// now extend offset.
float offsetLength = (float) Math.Sqrt(offset.X*offset.X + offset.Y*offset.Y);
if (offsetLength > 0.01)
float x_component = offset.X/offsetLength;
float y_component = offset.Y/offsetLength;
x_component *= extraOffsetAmount;
y_component *= extraOffsetAmount;
if (LabelOffsetAbsolute)
offset.X = (int) x_component;
offset.Y = (int) y_component;
offset.X += (int) x_component;
offset.Y += (int) y_component;
// determine angle of axis in degrees
double theta = Math.Atan2(
axisPhysicalMax.Y - axisPhysicalMin.Y,
axisPhysicalMax.X - axisPhysicalMin.X);
theta = theta*180.0f/Math.PI;
PointF average = new PointF(
(axisPhysicalMax.X + axisPhysicalMin.X)/2.0f,
(axisPhysicalMax.Y + axisPhysicalMin.Y)/2.0f);
g.TranslateTransform(offset.X, offset.Y); // this is done last.
g.TranslateTransform(average.X, average.Y);
g.RotateTransform((float) theta); // this is done first.
SizeF labelSize = g.MeasureString(Label, labelFontScaled_);
//bounding box for label centered around zero.
RectangleF drawRect = new RectangleF(
// now work out physical bounds of label.
Matrix m = g.Transform;
PointF[] recPoints = new PointF[2];
recPoints[0] = new PointF(-labelSize.Width/2.0f, -labelSize.Height/2.0f);
recPoints[1] = new PointF(labelSize.Width/2.0f, labelSize.Height/2.0f);
int x1 = (int) Math.Min(recPoints[0].X, recPoints[1].X);
int x2 = (int) Math.Max(recPoints[0].X, recPoints[1].X);
int y1 = (int) Math.Min(recPoints[0].Y, recPoints[1].Y);
int y2 = (int) Math.Max(recPoints[0].Y, recPoints[1].Y);
// and return label bounding box.
return new Rectangle(x1, y1, (x2 - x1), (y2 - y1));
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Draw a tick on the axis.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="g">The graphics surface on which to draw.</param>
/// <param name="w">The tick position in world coordinates.</param>
/// <param name="size">The size of the tick (in pixels)</param>
/// <param name="text">The text associated with the tick</param>
/// <param name="textOffset">The Offset to draw from the auto calculated position</param>
/// <param name="axisPhysMin">The minimum physical extent of the axis</param>
/// <param name="axisPhysMax">The maximum physical extent of the axis</param>
/// <param name="boundingBox">out: The bounding rectangle for the tick and tickLabel drawn</param>
/// <param name="labelOffset">out: offset from the axies required for axis label</param>
public virtual void DrawTick(
Graphics g,
double w,
float size,
string text,
Point textOffset,
Point axisPhysMin,
Point axisPhysMax,
out Point labelOffset,
out Rectangle boundingBox)
// determine physical location where tick touches axis.
PointF tickStart = WorldToPhysical(w, axisPhysMin, axisPhysMax, true);
// determine offset from start point.
PointF axisDir = Utils.UnitVector(axisPhysMin, axisPhysMax);
// rotate axis dir clockwise by angle radians to get tick direction.
float x1 = (float) (Math.Cos(-TicksAngle)*axisDir.X + Math.Sin(-TicksAngle)*axisDir.Y);
float y1 = (float) (-Math.Sin(-TicksAngle)*axisDir.X + Math.Cos(-TicksAngle)*axisDir.Y);
// now get the scaled tick vector.
PointF tickVector = new PointF(TickScale*size*x1, TickScale*size*y1);
if (TicksCrossAxis)
tickStart = new PointF(
tickStart.X - tickVector.X/2.0f,
tickStart.Y - tickVector.Y/2.0f);
// and the end point [point off axis] of tick mark.
PointF tickEnd = new PointF(tickStart.X + tickVector.X, tickStart.Y + tickVector.Y);
// and draw it!
if (g != null)
g.DrawLine(linePen_, (int) tickStart.X, (int) tickStart.Y, (int) tickEnd.X, (int) tickEnd.Y);
// note: casting to int for tick positions was necessary to ensure ticks drawn where we wanted
// them. Not sure of the reason.
// calculate bounds of tick.
int minX = (int) Math.Min(tickStart.X, tickEnd.X);
int minY = (int) Math.Min(tickStart.Y, tickEnd.Y);
int maxX = (int) Math.Max(tickStart.X, tickEnd.X);
int maxY = (int) Math.Max(tickStart.Y, tickEnd.Y);
boundingBox = new Rectangle(minX, minY, maxX - minX, maxY - minY);
// by default, label offset from axis is 0. TODO: revise this.
labelOffset = new Point(
-(int) tickVector.X,
-(int) tickVector.Y);
// ------------------------
// now draw associated text.
// **** TODO ****
// The following code needs revising. A few things are hard coded when
// they should not be. Also, angled tick text currently just works for
// the bottom x-axis. Also, it's a bit hacky.
if (text != "" && !HideTickText && g != null)
SizeF textSize = g.MeasureString(text, tickTextFontScaled_);
// determine the center point of the tick text.
float textCenterX;
float textCenterY;
// if text is at pointy end of tick.
if (!TickTextNextToAxis)
// offset due to tick.
textCenterX = tickStart.X + tickVector.X*1.2f;
textCenterY = tickStart.Y + tickVector.Y*1.2f;
// offset due to text box size.
textCenterX += 0.5f*x1*textSize.Width;
textCenterY += 0.5f*y1*textSize.Height;
// else it's next to the axis.
// start location.
textCenterX = tickStart.X;
textCenterY = tickStart.Y;
// offset due to text box size.
textCenterX -= 0.5f*x1*textSize.Width;
textCenterY -= 0.5f*y1*textSize.Height;
// bring text away from the axis a little bit.
textCenterX -= x1*(2.0f + FontScale);
textCenterY -= y1*(2.0f + FontScale);
// If tick text is angled..
if (TicksLabelAngle != 0.0f)
// determine the point we want to rotate text about.
PointF textScaledTickVector = new PointF(TickScale*x1*(textSize.Height/2.0f), TickScale*y1*(textSize.Height/2.0f));
PointF rotatePoint;
if (TickTextNextToAxis)
rotatePoint = new PointF(tickStart.X - textScaledTickVector.X, tickStart.Y - textScaledTickVector.Y);
rotatePoint = new PointF(tickEnd.X + textScaledTickVector.X, tickEnd.Y + textScaledTickVector.Y);
float actualAngle;
if (flipTicksLabel_)
double radAngle = (Math.PI/180)*TicksLabelAngle;
rotatePoint.X += textSize.Width*(float) Math.Cos(radAngle);
rotatePoint.Y += textSize.Width*(float) Math.Sin(radAngle);
actualAngle = TicksLabelAngle + 180;
actualAngle = TicksLabelAngle;
g.TranslateTransform(rotatePoint.X, rotatePoint.Y);
Matrix m = g.Transform;
PointF[] recPoints = new PointF[2];
recPoints[0] = new PointF(0.0f, -(textSize.Height/2));
recPoints[1] = new PointF(textSize.Width, textSize.Height);
float t_x1 = Math.Min(recPoints[0].X, recPoints[1].X);
float t_x2 = Math.Max(recPoints[0].X, recPoints[1].X);
float t_y1 = Math.Min(recPoints[0].Y, recPoints[1].Y);
float t_y2 = Math.Max(recPoints[0].Y, recPoints[1].Y);
boundingBox = Rectangle.Union(boundingBox, new Rectangle((int) t_x1, (int) t_y1, (int) (t_x2 - t_x1), (int) (t_y2 - t_y1)));
RectangleF drawRect = new RectangleF(0.0f, -(textSize.Height/2), textSize.Width, textSize.Height);
t_x2 -= tickStart.X;
t_y2 -= tickStart.Y;
t_x2 *= 1.25f;
t_y2 *= 1.25f;
labelOffset = new Point((int) t_x2, (int) t_y2);
//g.DrawRectangle( new Pen(Color.Purple), boundingBox.X, boundingBox.Y, boundingBox.Width, boundingBox.Height );
float bx1 = (textCenterX - textSize.Width/2.0f);
float by1 = (textCenterY - textSize.Height/2.0f);
float bx2 = textSize.Width;
float by2 = textSize.Height;
RectangleF drawRect = new RectangleF(bx1, by1, bx2, by2);
Rectangle drawRect_int = new Rectangle((int) bx1, (int) by1, (int) bx2, (int) by2);
// g.DrawRectangle( new Pen(Color.Green), bx1, by1, bx2, by2 );
boundingBox = Rectangle.Union(boundingBox, drawRect_int);
// g.DrawRectangle( new Pen(Color.Purple), boundingBox.X, boundingBox.Y, boundingBox.Width, boundingBox.Height );
textCenterX -= tickStart.X;
textCenterY -= tickStart.Y;
textCenterX *= 2.3f;
textCenterY *= 2.3f;
labelOffset = new Point((int) textCenterX, (int) textCenterY);
/// <summary>
/// Draw the axis. This involves three steps:
/// (1) Draw the axis line.
/// (2) Draw the tick marks.
/// (3) Draw the label.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="g">The drawing surface on which to draw.</param>
/// <param name="physicalMin">The physical position corresponding to the world minimum of the axis.</param>
/// <param name="physicalMax">The physical position corresponding to the world maximum of the axis.</param>
/// <param name="boundingBox">out The bounding rectangle of the axis including axis line, label, tick marks and tick mark labels</param>
public virtual void Draw(
Graphics g,
Point physicalMin,
Point physicalMax,
out Rectangle boundingBox)
// calculate the bounds of the axis line only.
int x1 = Math.Min(physicalMin.X, physicalMax.X);
int x2 = Math.Max(physicalMin.X, physicalMax.X);
int y1 = Math.Min(physicalMin.Y, physicalMax.Y);
int y2 = Math.Max(physicalMin.Y, physicalMax.Y);
Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
if (!Hidden)
// (1) Draw the axis line.
g.DrawLine(linePen_, physicalMin.X, physicalMin.Y, physicalMax.X, physicalMax.Y);
// (2) draw tick marks (subclass responsibility).
object labelOffset;
object tickBounds;
DrawTicks(g, physicalMin, physicalMax, out labelOffset, out tickBounds);
// (3) draw the axis label
object labelBounds = null;
if (!HideTickText)
labelBounds = DrawLabel(g, (Point) labelOffset, physicalMin, physicalMax);
// (4) merge bounds and return.
if (labelBounds != null)
bounds = Rectangle.Union(bounds, (Rectangle) labelBounds);
if (tickBounds != null)
bounds = Rectangle.Union(bounds, (Rectangle) tickBounds);
boundingBox = bounds;
/// <summary>
/// Update the bounding box and label offset associated with an axis
/// to encompass the additionally specified mergeBoundingBox and
/// mergeLabelOffset respectively.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="labelOffset">Current axis label offset.</param>
/// <param name="boundingBox">Current axis bounding box.</param>
/// <param name="mergeLabelOffset">the label offset to merge. The current label offset will be replaced by this if it's norm is larger.</param>
/// <param name="mergeBoundingBox">the bounding box to merge. The current bounding box will be replaced by this if null, or by the least upper bound of bother bounding boxes otherwise.</param>
protected static void UpdateOffsetAndBounds(
ref object labelOffset, ref object boundingBox,
Point mergeLabelOffset, Rectangle mergeBoundingBox)
// determining largest label offset and use it.
Point lo = (Point) labelOffset;
double norm1 = Math.Sqrt(lo.X*lo.X + lo.Y*lo.Y);
double norm2 = Math.Sqrt(mergeLabelOffset.X*mergeLabelOffset.X + mergeLabelOffset.Y*mergeLabelOffset.Y);
if (norm1 < norm2)
labelOffset = mergeLabelOffset;
// determining bounding box.
Rectangle b = mergeBoundingBox;
if (boundingBox == null)
boundingBox = b;
boundingBox = Rectangle.Union((Rectangle) boundingBox, b);
/// <summary>
/// DrawTicks method. In base axis class this does nothing.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="g">The graphics surface on which to draw</param>
/// <param name="physicalMin">The physical position corresponding to the world minimum of the axis.</param>
/// <param name="physicalMax">The physical position corresponding to the world maximum of the axis.</param>
/// <param name="labelOffset">is set to a suitable offset from the axis to draw the axis label. In this base method, set to null.</param>
/// <param name="boundingBox">is set to the smallest box that bounds the ticks and the tick text. In this base method, set to null.</param>
protected virtual void DrawTicks(
Graphics g,
Point physicalMin,
Point physicalMax,
out object labelOffset,
out object boundingBox)
labelOffset = null;
boundingBox = null;
// do nothing. This class is not abstract because a subclass may
// want to override the Axis.Draw method to one that doesn't
// require DrawTicks.
/// <summary>
/// Determines the positions, in world coordinates, of the large ticks.
/// When the physical extent of the axis is small, some of the positions
/// that were generated in this pass may be converted to small tick
/// positions and returned as well.
/// This default implementation returns empty large ticks list and null
/// small tick list.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="physicalMin">The physical position corresponding to the world minimum of the axis.</param>
/// <param name="physicalMax">The physical position corresponding to the world maximum of the axis.</param>
/// <param name="largeTickPositions">ArrayList containing the positions of the large ticks.</param>
/// <param name="smallTickPositions">ArrayList containing the positions of the small ticks if calculated, null otherwise.</param>
internal virtual void WorldTickPositions_FirstPass(
Point physicalMin,
Point physicalMax,
out ArrayList largeTickPositions,
out ArrayList smallTickPositions
largeTickPositions = new ArrayList();
smallTickPositions = null;
/// <summary>
/// Determines the positions, in world coordinates, of the small ticks
/// if they have not already been generated.
/// This default implementation creates an empty smallTickPositions list
/// if it doesn't already exist.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="physicalMin">The physical position corresponding to the world minimum of the axis.</param>
/// <param name="physicalMax">The physical position corresponding to the world maximum of the axis.</param>
/// <param name="largeTickPositions">The positions of the large ticks.</param>
/// <param name="smallTickPositions">If null, small tick positions are returned via this parameter. Otherwise this function does nothing.</param>
internal virtual void WorldTickPositions_SecondPass(
Point physicalMin,
Point physicalMax,
ArrayList largeTickPositions,
ref ArrayList smallTickPositions)
if (smallTickPositions == null)
smallTickPositions = new ArrayList();
/// <summary>
/// Determines the positions of all Large and Small ticks.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="physicalMin">The physical position corresponding to the world minimum of the axis.</param>
/// <param name="physicalMax">The physical position corresponding to the world maximum of the axis.</param>
/// <param name="largeTickPositions">ArrayList containing the positions of the large ticks.</param>
/// <param name="smallTickPositions">ArrayList containing the positions of the small ticks.</param>
public void WorldTickPositions(
Point physicalMin,
Point physicalMax,
out ArrayList largeTickPositions,
out ArrayList smallTickPositions
WorldTickPositions_FirstPass(physicalMin, physicalMax, out largeTickPositions, out smallTickPositions);
WorldTickPositions_SecondPass(physicalMin, physicalMax, largeTickPositions, ref smallTickPositions);
/// <summary>
/// Moves the world min and max values so that the world axis
/// length is [percent] bigger. If the current world
/// max and min values are the same, they are moved appart
/// an arbitrary amount. This arbitrary amount is currently
/// 0.01, and will probably be configurable in the future.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="percent">Percentage to increase world length by.</param>
/// <remarks>Works for the case WorldMax is less than WorldMin.</remarks>
public void IncreaseRange(double percent)
double range = WorldMax - WorldMin;
if (!Utils.DoubleEqual(range, 0.0))
range *= percent;
// arbitrary number.
// TODO make this configurable.
range = 0.01;
WorldMax += range;
WorldMin -= range;
private void UpdateScale()
if (labelFont_ != null)
labelFontScaled_ = Utils.ScaleFont(labelFont_, FontScale);
if (tickTextFont_ != null)
tickTextFontScaled_ = Utils.ScaleFont(tickTextFont_, FontScale);
/// <summary>
/// returns a suitable offset for the axis label in the case that there are no
/// ticks or tick text in the way.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="physicalMin">physical point corresponding to the axis world maximum.</param>
/// <param name="physicalMax">physical point corresponding to the axis world minimum.</param>
/// <returns>axis label offset</returns>
protected Point getDefaultLabelOffset(Point physicalMin, Point physicalMax)
Rectangle tBoundingBox;
Point tLabelOffset;
DrawTick(null, WorldMax, LargeTickSize,
new Point(0, 0),
physicalMin, physicalMax,
out tLabelOffset, out tBoundingBox);
return tLabelOffset;
// finish implementation of this at some point.
public class WorldValueChangedArgs
public WorldValueChangedArgs( double value, MinMaxType minOrMax )
Value = value;
MinOrMax = minOrMax;
public double Value;
public enum MinMaxType
Min = 0,
Max = 1
public MinMaxType MinOrMax;
public delegate void WorldValueChangedHandler( object sender, WorldValueChangedArgs e );
public event WorldValueChangedHandler WorldMinChanged;
public event WorldValueChangedHandler WorldMaxChanged;
public event WorldValueChangedHandler WorldExtentsChanged;