Short: Time Zone Database and Library Author: Carsten Larsen, Arthur David Olson & others Uploader: Carsten Larsen ( Type: util/time Version: 5.00 Requires: util/time/tzdata Architecture: m68k-amigaos URL: "What time is it?" -- Richard Deacon as The King "Any time you want it to be." -- Frank Baxter as The Scientist (from the Bell System film "About Time") The Time Zone Database (often called tz or zoneinfo) contains code and data that represent the history of local time for many representative locations around the globe. It is updated periodically to reflect changes made by political bodies to time zone boundaries, UTC offsets, and daylight-saving rules. The Amiga installation includes: * Amiga guide and install instruction * The Time Zone Database itself * GUI to select local time zone * SetClockGMT to adjust daylight-saving time * ZDump to show time in other parts of the world * Time Zone Library exposing database * Support for localtime zone file * Help files and documentation To automaticaly adjust daylight-saving time a RTC module is required. License and Credits =================== Unless otherwise specified, all files in the tz code and data are in the public domain, so clarified as of 2009-05-17 by Arthur David Olson. The few exceptions are code derived from BSD, which uses the BSD license. Thanks to these Time Zone Caballeros who've made major contributions to the time conversion package: Keith Bostic; Bob Devine; Paul Eggert; Robert Elz; Guy Harris; Mark Horton; John Mackin; and Bradley White. Thanks also to Michael Bloom, Art Neilson, Stephen Prince, John Sovereign, and Frank Wales for testing work, and to Gwillim Law for checking local mean time data. Thanks in particular to Arthur David Olson, the project's founder and first maintainer, to whom the time zone community owes the greatest debt of all. None of them are responsible for remaining errors. Look in for updated versions of these files. Amiga variants are at: Please send general comments or information to