
370 lines
9.3 KiB

/* hash_update.c functions to update a crc file */
#include "common_func.h" /* should be included before the C library files */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> /* for qsort */
#include <string.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "win_utils.h"
#include "parse_cmdline.h"
#include "output.h"
#include "rhash_main.h"
#include "file_set.h"
#include "file_mask.h"
#include "calc_sums.h"
#include "hash_print.h"
#include "hash_update.h"
/* first define some internal functions, implemented later in this file */
static int add_new_crc_entries(file_t* file, file_set *crc_entries);
static int file_set_load_from_crc_file(file_set *set, file_t* file);
static int fix_sfv_header(file_t* file);
* Update given crc file, by adding to it hashes of files from the same
* directory, but which the crc file doesn't contain yet.
* @param file the file containing hash sums
* @return 0 on success, -1 on fail
int update_hash_file(file_t* file)
file_set* crc_entries;
timedelta_t timer;
int res;
if (opt.flags & OPT_VERBOSE) {
log_msg(_("Updating: %s\n"), file->path);
crc_entries = file_set_new();
res = file_set_load_from_crc_file(crc_entries, file);
if (opt.flags & OPT_SPEED) rsh_timer_start(&timer);
rhash_data.total_size = 0;
rhash_data.processed = 0;
if (res == 0) {
/* add the crc file itself to the set of excluded from re-calculation files */
file_set_add_name(crc_entries, get_basename(file->path));
/* update crc file with sums of files not present in the crc_entries */
res = add_new_crc_entries(file, crc_entries);
if (opt.flags & OPT_SPEED && rhash_data.processed > 0) {
double time = rsh_timer_stop(&timer);
print_time_stats(time, rhash_data.total_size, 1);
return res;
* Load a set of files from given crc file.
* @param set the file set to store loaded files
* @param file the file containing hash sums to load
* @return 0 on success, -1 on fail with error code in errno
static int file_set_load_from_crc_file(file_set *set, file_t* file)
FILE *fd;
int line_num;
char buf[2048];
hash_check hc;
if ( !(fd = rsh_fopen_bin(file->path, "rb") )) {
/* if file not exist, it will be created */
return (errno == ENOENT ? 0 : -1);
for (line_num = 0; fgets(buf, 2048, fd); line_num++) {
char* line = buf;
/* skip unicode BOM */
if (line_num == 0 && buf[0] == (char)0xEF && buf[1] == (char)0xBB && buf[2] == (char)0xBF) line += 3;
if (*line == 0) continue; /* skip empty lines */
if (is_binary_string(line)) {
log_error(_("skipping binary file %s\n"), file->path);
return -1;
if (IS_COMMENT(*line) || *line == '\r' || *line == '\n') continue;
/* parse a hash file line */
if (hash_check_parse_line(line, &hc, !feof(fd))) {
/* store file info to the file set */
if (hc.file_path) file_set_add_name(set, hc.file_path);
return 0;
* Add hash sums of files from given file-set to a specified hash-file.
* A specified directory path will be prepended to the path of added files,
* if it is not a current directory.
* @param file the hash file to add the hash sums to
* @param dir_path the directory path to prepend
* @param files_to_add the set of files to hash and add
* @return 0 on success, -1 on error
static int add_sums_to_file(file_t* file, char* dir_path, file_set *files_to_add)
FILE* fd;
unsigned i;
int ch;
/* SFV banner will be printed only in SFV mode and only for empty crc files */
int print_banner = (opt.fmt == FMT_SFV);
file->size = 0;
if (file_stat(file) == 0) {
if (print_banner && file->size > 0) print_banner = 0;
/* open the hash file for writing */
if ( !(fd = fopen(file->path, "r+") )) {
return -1;
rhash_data.upd_fd = fd;
if (file->size > 0) {
/* read the last character of the file to check if it is EOL */
if (fseek(fd, -1, SEEK_END) != 0) {
return -1;
ch = fgetc(fd);
/* somehow writing doesn't work without seeking */
if (fseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END) != 0) {
return -1;
/* write EOL if it wasn't present */
if (ch != '\n' && ch != '\r') {
/* fputc('\n', fd); */
fprintf(fd, "\n");
/* append hash sums to the updated crc file */
for (i = 0; i < files_to_add->size; i++, rhash_data.processed++)
file_t file;
char *print_path = file_set_get(files_to_add, i)->filepath;
file.wpath = 0;
file.mode = 0;
if (dir_path[0] != '.' || dir_path[1] != 0) {
/* prepend the file path by directory path */
file.path = make_path(dir_path, print_path);
} else {
file.path = rsh_strdup(print_path);
if (opt.fmt == FMT_SFV) {
if (print_banner) {
print_banner = 0;
/* print hash sums to the crc file */
calculate_and_print_sums(fd, &file, print_path);
if (rhash_data.interrupted) {
return 0;
log_msg(_("Updated: %s\n"), file->path);
return 0;
* Read a directory and load files not present in the crc_entries file-set
* into the files_to_add file-set.
* @param dir_path the path of the directory to load files from
* @param crc_entries file-set of files which should be skipped
* @param files_to_add file-set to load the list of files into
* @return 0 on success, -1 on error (and errno is set)
static int load_filtered_dir(const char* dir_path, file_set *crc_entries, file_set *files_to_add)
DIR *dp;
struct dirent *de;
/* read directory */
dp = opendir(dir_path);
if (!dp) return -1;
while ((de = readdir(dp)) != NULL) {
char *path;
unsigned is_regular;
/* skip "." and ".." directories */
if (de->d_name[0] == '.' && (de->d_name[1] == 0 ||
(de->d_name[1] == '.' && de->d_name[2] == 0))) {
/* check if the file is a regular one */
path = make_path(dir_path, de->d_name);
is_regular = is_regular_file(path);
/* skip non-regular files (directories, device files, e.t.c.),
* as well as files not accepted by current file filter
* and files already present in the crc_entries file set */
if (!is_regular || !file_mask_match(opt.files_accept, de->d_name) ||
(opt.files_exclude && file_mask_match(opt.files_exclude, de->d_name)) ||
file_set_exist(crc_entries, de->d_name))
file_set_add_name(files_to_add, de->d_name);
return 0;
* Calculate and add to the given hash-file the hash-sums for all files
* from the same directory as the hash-file, but absent from given
* crc_entries file-set.
* <p/>If SFV format was specified by a command line switch, the after adding
* hash sums SFV header of the file is fixed by moving all lines starting
* with a semicolon before other lines. So an SFV-formatted hash-file
* will remain correct.
* @param file the hash-file to add sums into
* @param crc_entries file-set of files to omit from adding
* @return 0 on success, -1 on error
static int add_new_crc_entries(file_t* file, file_set *crc_entries)
file_set* files_to_add;
char* dir_path;
int res = 0;
dir_path = get_dirname(file->path);
files_to_add = file_set_new();
/* load into files_to_add files from directory not present in the crc_entries */
load_filtered_dir(dir_path, crc_entries, files_to_add);
if (files_to_add->size > 0) {
/* sort files by path */
/* calculate and write crc sums to the file */
res = add_sums_to_file(file, dir_path, files_to_add);
if (res == 0 && opt.fmt == FMT_SFV && !rhash_data.interrupted) {
/* move SFV header from the end of updated file to its head */
res = fix_sfv_header(file);
return res;
* Move all SFV header lines (i.e. all lines starting with a semicolon)
* from the end of updated file to its head.
* @param file the hash file requiring fixing of its SFV header
static int fix_sfv_header(file_t* file)
FILE* in;
FILE* out;
char line[2048];
size_t len;
char* tmp_file;
int err = 0;
if ( !(in = fopen(file->path, "r") )) {
return -1;
/* open another file for writing */
len = strlen(file->path);
tmp_file = (char*)rsh_malloc(len+8);
memcpy(tmp_file, file->path, len);
strcpy(tmp_file+len, ".new");
/* open the temporary file */
if ( !(out = fopen(tmp_file, "w") )) {
return -1;
/* The first, output all commented lines to the file header */
while (fgets(line, 2048, in)) {
if (*line == ';') {
if (fputs(line, out) < 0) break;
if (!ferror(out) && !ferror(in)) {
fseek(in, 0, SEEK_SET);
/* The second, output non-commented lines */
while (fgets(line, 2048, in)) {
if (*line != ';') {
if (fputs(line, out) < 0) break;
if (ferror(in)) {
err = 1;
if (ferror(out)) {
err = 1;
/* overwrite the hash file with a new one */
if ( !err ) {
#ifdef _WIN32
/* under win32 the hash file must be removed before overwriting it */
if (rename(tmp_file, file->path) < 0) {
log_error(_("can't move %s to %s: %s\n"),
tmp_file, file->path, strerror(errno));
err = 1;
return (err ? -1 : 0);