## version $VER: amath-help.catalog 1.60 (09.04.2015) Danish ## language dansk ## codeset 0 ; ############################################################################# ; Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Carsten Sonne Larsen ; All rights reserved. ; ; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: ; ; * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this ; list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ; ; * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, ; this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation ; and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ; ; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" ; AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE ; IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE ; DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE ; FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL ; DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR ; SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER ; CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, ; OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE ; OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ; ############################################################################# ; ### flexcat catalog/help.cd NEWCTFILE catalog/danish/amath-help.ct ; flexcat catalog/help.cd catalog/danish/amath-help.ct CATALOG catalog/danish/amath-help.catalog ; ############################################################################# symzero Indtast kommando eller udtryk.#NEWLINE##SYNTAXHIGHLIGHT#Eksempel: 2+3-cos(3)#NORMALTEXT##NEWLINE# #NEWLINE#Mere hj‘lp er tilg‘ngelig i udvalgte omr†der#NEWLINE#-------------------------------------------------#NEWLINE#funktioner Grundl‘ggende funktioner.#NEWLINE#trigo Trigonometriske funktioner.#NEWLINE#hyper Hyperbolske funktioner.#NEWLINE#kompleks Komplekse tal.#NEWLINE#kommandoer Underst›ttede kommondoer.#NEWLINE#operatorer Underst›ttede operatorer.#NEWLINE#-------------------------------------------------#NEWLINE##SYNTAXHIGHLIGHT#Eksemple: hj‘lp trigo#NEWLINE# symoperator -------------------------------------------------#NEWLINE# + Matematik addition.#NEWLINE# - Matematik subtraktion.#NEWLINE# * Matematik multiplikation.#NEWLINE# / Matematik division.#NEWLINE# ^ Matematik potensopl›ftning.#NEWLINE# = Tildeling af variabel v‘rdi.#NEWLINE# | Absolutte eller numerisk v‘rdi.#NEWLINE#-------------------------------------------------#NEWLINE# symfunction -------------------------------------------------#NEWLINE#abs Absolutte eller numerisk v‘rdi.#NEWLINE#sgn Matematik signum funktion.#NEWLINE#round Afrund til n‘rmeste heltal.#NEWLINE#trunc Fjern decimaler.#NEWLINE#floor Afrund i positiv retning.#NEWLINE#ceil Afrund i negativ retning.#NEWLINE#sqrt Kvadratrodsfunktion (exponent 1/2).#NEWLINE#cbrt Kubikrods (exponent 1/3).#NEWLINE#lb Bin‘r logaritme funktion (grundtal 2).#NEWLINE#ln Naturlig logaritme funktion (grundtal e).#NEWLINE#lg 10-talslogaritme funktion (grundtal 10).#NEWLINE#-------------------------------------------------#NEWLINE##SYNTAXHIGHLIGHT#Eksempel: round(1.55)#NORMALTEXT##NEWLINE# symtrigon -------------------------------------------------#NEWLINE#sin Trigonometrisk sinus funktion.#NEWLINE#cos Trigonometrisk cosinus funktion.#NEWLINE#tan Trigonometrisk tangent funktion.#NEWLINE#cot Trigonometrisk cotangent funktion.#NEWLINE#sec Trigonometrisk secant funktion.#NEWLINE#csc Trigonometrisk cosecant funktion.#NEWLINE#asin Invers trigonometrisk sinus funktion.#NEWLINE#acos Invers trigonometrisk cosinus funktion.#NEWLINE#atan Invers trigonometrisk tangent funktion.#NEWLINE#acot Invers trigonometrisk cotangent funktion.#NEWLINE#asec Invers trigonometrisk secant funktion.#NEWLINE#acsc Invers trigonometrisk cosecant funktion.#NEWLINE#-------------------------------------------------#NEWLINE#Inverse funktioner kan prefixes med ar eller arc #NEWLINE#i stedet for a.#NEWLINE# symhyper -------------------------------------------------#NEWLINE#sinh Hyperbolsk sinus funktion.#NEWLINE#cosh Hyperbolsk cosinus funktion.#NEWLINE#tanh Hyperbolsk tangent funktion.#NEWLINE#coth Hyperbolsk cotangent funktion.#NEWLINE#sech Hyperbolsk secant funktion.#NEWLINE#csch Hyperbolsk cosecant funktion. #NEWLINE#asinh Invers hyperbolsk sinus funktion.#NEWLINE#acosh Invers hyperbolsk cosinus funktion.#NEWLINE#atanh Invers hyperbolsk tangent funktion.#NEWLINE#acoth Invers hyperbolsk cotangent funktion.#NEWLINE#asech Invers hyperbolsk secant funktion.#NEWLINE#acsch Invers hyperbolsk cosecant funktion.#NEWLINE#-------------------------------------------------#NEWLINE#Inverse funktioner kan prefixes med ar eller arc #NEWLINE#i stedet for a.#NEWLINE# ; Table of statements symstatement ----------------------------------------------------------------------#NEWLINE#ryd Ryd konsol vindue.#NEWLINE#definer Definer funktion.#NEWLINE#slet Slet variabler og funktioner.#NEWLINE#cifre Angiv antal betydende cifre.#NEWLINE#beregn Beregn aritmetiske udtryk.#NEWLINE#k›r Afvikel kommondoer i en fil.#NEWLINE#funktioner Vis liste med brugerdefinerede funktioner.#NEWLINE#ind Skift numerisk talsystem ved l‘sning (eksperimentelt).#NEWLINE#hj‘lp Vis grundl‘ggende hj‘lpetekst.#NEWLINE#ud Skift numerisk talsystem ved skrivning (eksperimentelt).#NEWLINE#list Vis indholdet af en mappe.#NEWLINE#vis Vis indholdet af en fil.#NEWLINE#hent Hent variabler og funktioner fra en fil.#NEWLINE#gem Gem variabler og funktioner til en fil.#NEWLINE#variabler Vis variabler i hukommelsen.#NEWLINE#version Vis infomation om denne version.#NEWLINE#hukommelse Vis internt hukommelsesforbrug.#NEWLINE#afslut Afslut program.#NEWLINE#----------------------------------------------------------------------#NEWLINE#Det er valgfrit at angive definer og beregn kommandoerne. Kommandoerne#NEWLINE#funktioner og variabler kan forkortes til funk og var.#NEWLINE# symcomplex Udtryk med komplekse tal skrives ved at angive i#NEWLINE#sammen med den imagin‘re talv‘rdi. Komplekse tal#NEWLINE#kan blandes med reelle tal.#NEWLINE##SYNTAXHIGHLIGHT#Syntaks: 2+3i#NEWLINE#Eksempel: 2+3.2i*cos(-1i)+5/7#NEWLINE# symclear Ryd kommandoen sletter alt tekst i konsol vinduet.#NEWLINE##SYNTAXHIGHLIGHT#Syntaks: ryd#NEWLINE# symdef Definer kommandoen bruges til at definere funktioner med. Det er ikke#NEWLINE#strengt n›dvendigt at angive kommandoen, n†r en funktion skal defineres.#NEWLINE#Allerede definerede funktioner kan vises med kommandoen #SYNTAXHIGHLIGHT#funtioner#NORMAL#.#NEWLINE##SYNTAXHIGHLIGHT#Syntaks: definer f(x)=2*x+3#NEWLINE#Alternativ syntaks: f(x)=2*x+3#NEWLINE# ; Help for delete statement symdelete The delete statement can delete variable and funktions. To delete a#NEWLINE#single variable or funktions use the name of the funktion or variable.#NEWLINE#To delete all funktions or variables specify either the variable or#NEWLINE#funktion keyword.#NEWLINE##SYNTAXHIGHLIGHT#Syntaks: delete f(x)#NEWLINE#Syntaks: delete variables#NEWLINE# ; Help for digits statement symdigits The digits statement defines the displayed number of significant digits.#NEWLINE#To show current configuration use the digits statement without specifying#NEWLINE#the number.#NEWLINE# #SYNTAXHIGHLIGHT#Syntaks: digits 7#NEWLINE# ; Help for eval statement symeval The eval statement evaluates an expression. When evaluating an expression#NEWLINE#it is possible to omit the eval keyword.#NEWLINE##SYNTAXHIGHLIGHT#Syntaks: eval 2.4*x+3.2#NEWLINE#Optional syntax: 2.4*x+3.2#NEWLINE# ; Help for execute statement symexecute The execute statement reads the content of a file and execute all statements.#NEWLINE##SYNTAXHIGHLIGHT#Syntaks: execute "savedfile"#NEWLINE# ; Help for input statement syminput The input statement either changes or shows the how numeral input is interpreted.#NEWLINE#Possible input systems are: binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal. Default is#NEWLINE#decimal. To use positional systems with other bases specify the base number.#NEWLINE#Numeral output system can be modified using the output statement.#NEWLINE##SYNTAXHIGHLIGHT#Syntaks: input hexadecimal#NEWLINE#Syntaks: input 4#NEWLINE# ; Help for help statement symhelp The help statement can be used to display help about topics and statements.#NEWLINE##SYNTAXHIGHLIGHT#Syntaks: help variables#NEWLINE# ; Help for output statement symoutput The output statement either changes or shows the how numeral output is shown.#NEWLINE#Possible output systems are: binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal. Default#NEWLINE#is decimal. To use positional systems with other bases specify the base number.#NEWLINE#Numeral input system can be modified using the input statement.#NEWLINE##SYNTAXHIGHLIGHT#Syntaks: output octal#NEWLINE# ; Help for list statement symlist No description is available for the list statement.#NEWLINE# symshow Vis kommandoen kan bruges til at vise indholdet af en fil, der ›nskes k›rt.#NEWLINE##SYNTAXHIGHLIGHT#Syntaks: vis "mitscript"#NEWLINE# ; Help for load statement symload The load statement retrieves a set of defined variables and funktions from#NEWLINE#a file. Variables and funktions can be saved using the save statement.#NEWLINE##SYNTAXHIGHLIGHT#Syntaks: load "savedwork"#NEWLINE# ; Help for save statement symsave Med gem kommando kan variabler og funktioner i hukommelsen gemmes til en fil.#NEWLINE#Gemte variabler og funktion kan indl‘stet igen med #SYNTAXHIGHLIGHT#hent#NORMAL# kommandoen.#NEWLINE##SYNTAXHIGHLIGHT#Syntaks: gem "mitarbejde"#NEWLINE# symversion Viser hvilken version af amath der k›rer.#NEWLINE# symmem Viser internt hukommelsesforbrug. Programkoden er ikke medregnet.#NEWLINE# ; Help for prefs statement symprefs There is no help for prefs statement now.#NEWLINE# symvariable Variabler kommandoen viser en list af definerede variabler i hukommelsen.#NEWLINE##SYNTAXHIGHLIGHT#Syntaks: variabler#NEWLINE#Alternativ syntaks: var#NEWLINE# symexit Afslut kommandoen lukker amath programmet.#NEWLINE##SYNTAXHIGHLIGHT#Syntaks: afslut#NEWLINE# ; Help for constant epsilon syme Euler's number is base of the exponential funktion which equals its own#NEWLINE#derivative. It is approximately equal to 2.71828.#NEWLINE##SYNTAXHIGHLIGHT#Example: ln(e)#NEWLINE# ; Help for constant pi sympi Pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. Being an#NEWLINE#irrational number, pi cannot be expressed exactly as a common fraction.#NEWLINE#The value of pi is commonly approximated as #SYNTAXHIGHLIGHT#3.14159#NORMALTEXT#.#NEWLINE# symi Den imagin‘re enhen refereres og angives almindelig vis som i.#NEWLINE#Den imagin‘re enhen et tal, som n†r det ganges med sig selv,#NEWLINE#giver resultatet -1.#NEWLINE# symins Den sidst udregnede v‘rdi kan benyttes i n‘ste udtryk ved hj‘lp af #SYNTAXHIGHLIGHT#ins#NORMAL# variablen.#NEWLINE##SYNTAXHIGHLIGHT#Eksemple: ins*0,25#NEWLINE# symbin Der er ikke nogen hj‘lp tilg‘ngelig om bin‘r n›gleordet.#NEWLINE symoct Der er ikke nogen hj‘lp tilg‘ngelig om oktal n›gleordet.#NEWLINE symdec Der er ikke nogen hj‘lp tilg‘ngelig om decimal n›gleordet.#NEWLINE symhex Der er ikke nogen hj‘lp tilg‘ngelig om hexadecimal n›gleordet.#NEWLINE