------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- amath change history --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.6.0 April 7 2016 - Complete internal restructure of source code. - Fixed several minor bugs in calculation. - Support for Windows & Linux. - Custom memory handling. - Localization support. v1.5.6 March 23 2015 - Fixed typos and changed prompt. - Binaries compiled without dependency to ixemul.library v1.5.5 March 05 2015 - Fixed console bug causing shell to hang on AROS. v1.5.4 March 04 2015 - Fixed several bugs in output of significant digits. - Fixed sign bug in addition of negative complex numbers. - Fixed sign bug in inverse hyperbolic cosine of complex numbers. - Fixed sign bug in inverse hyperbolic secant of complex numbers. - Fixed calculation bug in division of real number with complex number. - Fixed calculation bug in exponentiation with complex number. - Implemented reduction of unary sign in expressions. - Implemented reduction of complex numbers in expressions. - Implemented internal optimization of expression trees. - Miscellaneous internal code optimization. - Changed to Amiga hosted GCC compiler. - Verified calculation through 192 test cases. v1.5.3 October 26 2014 - Changed iconed versions to run directly from Workbench. - Reconfigured builds to avoid erroneous calculations. - Removed broken support for numeral systems. - Switched to new floating output library. - Reintroduced 68020 FPU and 68030 versions. v1.5.2 October 11 2014 - Modified character handling code to comply with licenses. - Modified complex math code to comply with licenses. - Modified code base to work with Kickstart 2.04. - Square root of negative numbers now yields correct result. - Implemented scientific notation of numbers. - Infinity is now shown in division with 0. - Fixed bug in number code sometimes yielding 0. - Switched to Amiga memory allocation. - Fixed out-of-memory bug. - Miscellaneous bug fixes. - Removed dead code. - Added icons. v1.5.1 September 28 2014 - Improved navigation with arrow keys. - Improved text and color compositions. - Implemented missing complex functions. - Fixed bug in negative complex numbers. - Fixed file I/O bug in shell mode. - Fixed shell flush bug on AROS. - Fixed clear console bug on AROS. - Miscellaneous minor bug fixes. v1.5 September 21 2014 - Calculation with complex numbers. - Fixed command line version. - Miscellaneous bug fixed. - Fixed spelling mistakes in help files. - Documentation including class diagrams in HTML format. - Scripts for porting and building the source. v1.4 August 24 2014 - New math engine based on Sun Microsystems fdlibm (64 bit IEEE 754). - Support for positional numeral systems including binary, octal and hexadecimal. - Added pure command line version (CLI) as addition to the stand-alone version. - Added statement to clear all in-memory variables and functions. - Fixed bug causing console to close when entering an empty statement. - Fixed bug causing application to hang when loading files with KS 2.0.4. - Fixed accuracy bug when using pi and e. - Restructured and improved built-in help. - Added new 68030 and FPU versions. v1.3.2 August 11 2014 - Fixed two severe bugs causing memory corruption. v1.3.1 August 08 2014 - AROS i386 version released. v1.3 August 06 2014 - All trigonometric and hyperbolic functions are now supported. - Runs in console window. amath no longer depends on a shell. - Hardened code. amath is no longer a beta version. - Added support for disk based activities. - Fixed bug in exponentiation operator. - Reverted back to clib math. - Fixed a few memory leak bugs. - Optimized generated binaries. - Comments added in source code. - Improved error handling. - Improved built-in help. - Simplified license. v1.2b July 21 2014 - Root functions added. - User defined functions added. - Improved error handling. - Improved build-in help. - Binary support for additional processors. - Miscellaneous bug fixes. - Source files restructured. v1.1b July 13 2014 - Minor bug fixes. - Source code released. v1.0b July 11 2014 - First public release.