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AmiTCP/IP Software Development Kit Licence Agreement
AmiTCP/IP Software Development Kit ("SDK") is copyrighted to:
Copyright © 1994 AmiTCP/IP Group, (
NSDi - Network Solutions Development Inc.
P.O.Box 32
All rights reserved.
You are granted to use and redistibute the SDK royalty-free in the
manner described below:
1) No price may be taken from the redistribution, unless the
redistributor has a prior written permission given by the copyright
holder (a fill-in form for SDK commercial redistribution agreement
application is included at the end of this file).
A permission is explicitly granted for following software collections
provided that their price and other policies remain acceptable:
* Fred Fish CD & floppy collections
* Aminet CD collection
2) The SDK must be complete. i.e. no functional parts and/or
documentation, including this copyright notice and licence agreement,
of the original archive may be omitted, changed or added. A small
extra note may be added to the distribution for consistency with other
packages in a large software collection. Also, the archiving method
may be changed to match the other archives in a large software
3) You may modify and change the code for your and your development
group's internal use, provided that the modified material is not
republished or distributed further. If you make modifications, which
correct possible bugs in the SDK, you should send the modifications to
the copyright holder. If you want to share your possible enchancements
or other extensions to the SDK with other SDK users, you should
provide the modifications to the copyright holder for inclusion in to
future releases of the SDK.
4) You may distribute parts of the SDK (modified or unmodified) only
in conjunction with and as a linked part of your software product
binary supporting AmiTCP/IP release 4, provided that you do not use or
mention the name of the SDK together with your software product.
5) The copyright holder may prohibit the redistribution of this
version of the SDK after a newer version is made available
by the copyright holder.
6) The copyright holder is always willing to negotiate on the licence
terms. If you want to do something that is not allowed by this licence
agreement, please take contact.
The SDK is supplied "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, either
expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied
warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the SDK is with
Nobody, execpt perhaps you, shall be liable for any damages
whatsoever, arising out of the use or inability to use the SDK, even
if the possibility of such damages has been adviced.
Any commercial redistribution of the AmiTCP/IP SDK requires a prior
written permission from the Network Solutions Development Inc.
Generally, we grant the permission, if the price asked from the
redistribution just covers the media & copying expenses.
Please fill in the requested information, and send this application
AmiTCP/IP Group,
NSDi - Network Solutions Development Inc.
P.O. Box 32
Fill in Information
# Company name:
# Contact person:
# Full international address:
# Telephone number:
# Fax number:
# Email address:
# Description of the projected use of the AmiTCP/IP SDK:
# Estimated time span of the planned redistribution:
# Price taken from such service:
# Projected volume of distribution (per month):
# Hand written signature, spelled name and position: