
155 lines
6.0 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
For license, see gpl-3.0.txt
from PIL import Image
import argparse
import math
import sys
import os
def chunks(l, n):
for i in range(0, len(list(l)), n):
yield l[i:i+n]
def color_to_plane_bits(color, depth):
"""returns the bits for a given pixel in a list, lowest to highest plane"""
result = [0] * depth
for bit in range(depth):
if color & (1 << bit) != 0:
result[bit] = 1
return result
def extract_planes(im, depth):
imdata = im.getdata()
width, height = im.size
map_words_per_row = int(width / 16)
if width % 16 > 0:
map_words_per_row += 1
# create the converted planar data
planes = [[0] * (map_words_per_row * height) for _ in range(depth)]
for y in range(height):
x = 0
while x < width:
# build a word for each plane
for i in range(min(16, width - x)):
# get the palette index for pixel (x + i, y)
color = imdata[y * width + x + i] # color index
planebits = color_to_plane_bits(color, depth)
# now we need to "or" the bits into the words in their respective planes
wordidx = (x + i) / 16 # word number in current row
pos = int(y * map_words_per_row + wordidx) # list index in the plane
for planeidx in range(depth):
if planebits[planeidx]:
planes[planeidx][pos] |= (1 << (15 - (x + i) % 16)) # 1 << ((x + i) % 16)
x += 16
return planes, map_words_per_row
def interleave_planes(planes, map_words_per_row):
"""transforms a set of bitplanes into a large array of 16-bit
word rows. each representing a line of an image
# 1. for each plane generate a list of lists of <map_words_per_row>
# values
chunked = list([list(chunks(plane, map_words_per_row)) for plane in planes])
# 2. for each plane, add the rows one after another to the result list
num_rows = len(chunked[0])
result = []
for i in range(num_rows):
for chunk in chunked:
return result
def write_amiga_image(im, outfile, img_name, use_intuition, interleaved, verbose):
imdata = im.getdata()
width, height = im.size
if width % 16 != 0:
raise Exception("width needs to be a multiple of 16, is: %d" % width)
# colors is a list of 3-integer lists ([[r1, g1, b1], ...])
colors = [i for i in chunks([b for b in im.palette.tobytes()], 3)]
depth = round(math.log(len(colors), 2))
if depth == 0:
raise Exception("images with only 1 color can't be handled")
# fill the missing colors with black entries
num_missing_colors = 2 ** depth - len(colors)
colors += [[0, 0, 0]] * num_missing_colors
planes, map_words_per_row = extract_planes(im, depth)
if verbose:
if interleaved:
print('using interleaved mode')
print("image width: %d height: %d depth: %d" % (width, height, depth))
if use_intuition:
outfile.write('#include <intuition/intuition.h>\n\n')
imgdata_varname = '%s_data' % img_name
outfile.write("/* Ensure that this data is within chip memory or you'll see nothing !!! */\n");
outfile.write('UWORD __chip %s[] = {\n' % imgdata_varname)
indent = 4
if interleaved:
interleaved_data = interleave_planes(planes, map_words_per_row)
lines = [(' ' * indent + ','.join(['0x%04x' % v for v in row]))
for row in interleaved_data]
for i, plane in enumerate(planes):
if i > 0:
outfile.write(' ' * indent + '// plane %d\n' % i)
lines = [(' ' * indent) + ','.join(['0x%04x' % i for i in chunk])
for chunk in chunks(plane, map_words_per_row)]
planepick = 2 ** depth - 1 # currently we always use all of the planes
if use_intuition:
outfile.write('struct Image %s = {\n' % img_name)
outfile.write(' ' * indent + '0, 0, %d, %d, %d, %s,\n' % (width, height, depth, imgdata_varname));
outfile.write(' ' * indent + '%d, 0, NULL\n' % planepick) # PlanePick, PlaneOnOff
outfile.write('UWORD %s_colors[%d] = {\n' % (img_name, len(colors)))
colors4 = []
for i, color in enumerate(colors):
r, g, b = color
r4 = r >> 4
g4 = g >> 4
b4 = b >> 4
colors4.append('0x%x%x%x' % (r4, g4, b4))
outfile.write((' ' * indent) + ','.join(colors4) + '\n')
DESCRIPTION = """png2image - Amiga Image Converter
This tool converts a PNG image to a C header file containing image
information in planar format. Optionally it generates the data
structures needed for usage as Intuition image."""
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
parser.add_argument('pngfile', help="input PNG file")
parser.add_argument('headerfile', help="output header file")
parser.add_argument('--img_name', default='image', help="variable name of the image")
parser.add_argument('--use_intuition', action='store_true', help="generate data for Intuition")
parser.add_argument('--verbose', action='store_true', help="verbose mode")
parser.add_argument('--interleaved', action='store_true', help="store data in interleaved manner")
args = parser.parse_args()
im =
if not os.path.exists(args.headerfile):
with open(args.headerfile, 'w') as outfile:
write_amiga_image(im, outfile, img_name=args.img_name,
print("file '%s' already exists." % args.headerfile)