
382 lines
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S=Specification changed
P=Performance gain
M=Memory gain
F=New Feature
Start (V0.1)
B A symbol and it's indirected counterpart cannot be used both - fixed.
B __stdio.c used the wrong flag for testing if filehandle has to be closed
so the standard filehandle was closed three times - fixed.
P memchr.c changed - the C code looks not very good, but the assembler
code is very smart now.
F Half initialized local arrays reference bzero() - added.
M malloc now rounds even _MSTEP up to full MMU page.
P strcat(),strncat(),strcpy(),strncpy(),strchr(),strrchr() rewritten in asm.
B strcmp(),strncmp() work on signed char - fixed.
P Removed __chkabort() in fgetc() and fputc() - it's not necessary to poll
CTRL-C for EVERY character written.
B Extraneous semicolon (';') in freopen() deleted.
M Changed the code for setting buffer flags in setvbuf().
B setvbuf() should set the buffer size ;-) - fixed.
S _main() has the commandline as argument INCLUDING the program's name.
Had to change the interface - easiest way was to rename _main as __submain
and write a new __submain calling _main. Moved the call to open
the shared libraries out of the startups, too.
S The private library bases now have two '_'.
B libm.a needs the private library bases, too.
S Some changes for Gerhard's gerlib: All I/O functions now run over
a unix-alike interface. The standard I/O streams now use fopen.
F Added setbuffer() to be able to compile gas1.38 .
F changed 'static char *errorlist[]' to 'char *sys_errlist[]' for better
compatibility. Added 'int sys_nerr' too :-P.
F Rewrote documentation & some new chapters in texinfo format.
F Changed the directory structure to the distribution form.
Added a 'distribution' makefile entry.
B Adjusted global makefile for auto detach startups.
F specs file added.
F The gcc frontend has libgcc.a hardcoded. Added a stub libgcc.a to get
specs file to work.
B gas writes EOF and expects it to be handled as 0xff - fixed.
B Symbol redirections didn't work the way I expected - removed most of them.
B -lm links libm.a BEFORE libnix. Moved some functions.
B vfscanf() does no longer ungetc EOF.
M Optimized __udivsi3, __umodsi3, __divsi3, __modsi3, div, ldiv.
F Some functions added to libamiga.a.
B strtod() gave a warning - fixed.
B strftime() didn't count correctly - fixed.
M Optimized atan2, fmod, strlen.
B Bug in makefile for the math libraries - fixed.
F The low level standard-I/O functions are now posix compliant.
F access(), stricmp(), unlink(), fstat(), bcmp() added.
B Fixed bug in fstat().
B Bugs in fread() and fwrite() when processing no data at all - fixed.
P Added an inline version of strlen() in vfprintf, vsscanf, strxfrm, setlocale.
M Rewrote all stub functions as symbol redirections to a single one.
F strcasecmp() added.
S moved __modsi3, __umodsi3 into the div-equivalents.
B A missing locale.library should not cause a program exit - fixed.
B asctime used 'c' instead of 'C' - fixed.
B strftime didn't work correctly on numbers longer than 2 characters - fixed.
B Some additional work on the low level I/O needed.
S Did some work on the startups.
S The auto-detach startups had some holes. I removed them
from distribution until I get a better method :'(.
F Added Open("*",MODE_NEWFILE) as a fallback for process->pr_CES.
F strdup, stricmp, strlower, strnicmp, strupper added.
(first official release)
B Fixed a bug in the low-level-I/O cleanup routine.
B Added more error handling to open().
M Changed the kludge in the library startup module.
F Added optional support for Un*x style pathnames.
B Bug in the low-level-I/O cleanup function fixed.
B Yet another bug in strftime() fixed.
M Optimized the standard I/O initialization.
S Changed the disk layout for better handling of different library compilations.
B The glue code generator didn't work correctly on void-'...'-functions - fixed.
B Bug in freopen when using mode "w" on a already existing file fixed.
S Cleaned the __initlibraries function up.
F Hook and boopsi functions added to libamiga.a.
B The commandline parser overwrote the __commandline variable
(this is not a real bug but a NASTY feature) - fixed.
F Auto-detach reintegrated (clean this time) as an object module.
F FastRand and RangeRand added to libamiga.a.
B LocaleBase was defined twice - fixed.
B Moved __decimalpoint from libm.a into libnix.a.
F Added 3.1 system libraries to libstubs.a.
F Added Un*x functions (mkdir,chdir,rmdir,getwd,getcwd,opendir,readdir,closedir)
S main and _exit implemented with symbol redirection. This gives full C++ support
with libg++.a.
F Added support for shared amiga-library creation (library and device initcode)
F Added a stackswap-module
S Changed stat() to work silently (now suppresses all *DOS* requesters)
B Fixed a bug in __swbuf() - overrun buffersize by one character, oops...
B __chkabort() didn't clear ctrl-c signal - fixed
S signal handling heavily changed - now more unix-like
F Added default values to libstubs.a for some by certain modules used variables
(__stack, _procname, __priority)
S moved redirection of 'main' to '_main' into a separate file (in libnix_main.a)
B improved precision of vfprintf.
B fixed returncode of vfscanf on EOF
F version string added to libnix.a
V0.7 (second official release)
B fseek didn't clear the EOF flag.
S Dropped the ChangeMode call in open(). Now mode "a" files have a shared lock,
but the other method didn't work with all handlers :-(.
B Made fread() and fwrite() buffered.
S Got rid of those ARexx-scripts when building the library :-). Now you can
build libnix on a sun using a cross-compiler.
B Fixed some holes in the commandline parser that could give empty arguments.
F Prepared startups for the third argument of main(int argc,char *argv[],char *env[]).
It's not supported, but you could now ;-).
B Fixed a bug in the floating point part of vprintf (introduced with the last
revision :-( ).
F fileno() and fdtofh() added.
F Version string added to ALL the modules - let's see if this hack works :-).
V0.8 (third official release)
B Fixed the returncode of close(STDIN_FILENO) and errno after lseek().
B fflush(NULL) flushed stdout and stderr twice - fixed.
B Fixed a bug in atan2().
F All libnix requesters now check pr_WindowPtr first.
S Moved __chkabort() one level down into read(), write(), lseek().
B Fixed missing terminator in strncat().
F Added code to handle stackextension/checking :-).
S Changed all includes to use proto/ instead of inline/
B ANSI demands flushing of line or unbuffered output files write reading from
line buffered input.
B Fixed the bug that wrote weird characters for floats on some machines -
the system math libraries don't work correct if you open them in alphabetical
order (like the computer generated libstubs.a did - thanks ls :-( ).
M Optimized the commandline parsers and shared library opener.
M Removed some unused prototypes in C-files.
B If no characters are read gets() should return NULL. Dropped unnecessary
ferror() call in fgets by the way.
B strtoul() read characters which were invalid for the current base.
S switched from fputs() to write(2,..) in raise()
F addded a bunch of non-ansi function (mktemp,getrusage,etc.)
F snprintf() and vsnprintf() added.
F Added CPU check with error requester for the non-68000 versions (changed
startups, too).
F cache flush function for gcc support added
B fixed a macro in stabs.h for shared library support
F replaced asm functions for automatic library with c functions
F updated support functions for amiga.lib
F code cleanup
B fixed "off-by-one" error of portable strncpy()
B fixed open() to ignore stdio slots now
B fixed longjmp() not returning 1 if passed a 0
M changed automatic library opening once again ;-(
(moved openliberror() function into __initlibraries source)
P tweaked string functions and removed some asm versions
P updated headers/strsup.h with new string functions
F moved all 1.3 compatibility stuff into a separate lib called libnix13.a
(contains integer math functions eg. useful for linking with -nostdlib)
S added some const qualifiers at several places
F tweaked libamiga.a functions
F rewrote libinit.c, libinitr.c and devinit.c
(requires ADE/GG GCC or up)
F added three math functions from vc.lib: frexp.c, ldexp.c and modf.c
B fixed serious bug in atol() and atoi()
S added "/WAIT" to default stdiowin options
(suggested by Martin Hauner)
S updated headers/strsup.h once again
F added fdopen() (required changes in freopen())
B fixed auto-initilization of init_stk.c
(broken since 1.2)
B fixed bug in mktime() (tm_mday starts with 1!)
(reported by Detlef Wuerkner)
S modified rename() according to man-page
S __seterrno() does map rename() error now
(was disabled!?)
F added networking support based on initial work by Jeff Sheperd
(supports AmiTCP and AS225 compatible stacks)
B strftime() formats for date and date/time were swapped
(apparently this was due to an outdated manpage...)
B fixed incorrect types usage with proper system types
(makes the library better prepared for PPC ;-)
P improved memset(), bcopy() and bzero()
(hopefully ;-)
B fixed (harmless?) bug in freopen() open mode handling
(did only handle rwa[b]+ but not rwa+[b])
B fixed append filemode to really write at end of file only
S changed fdopen() to be independed from freopen()
S stdin/stdout/stderr initialization now use fdopen()
(-> removed freopen()'s stdio open kludge)
S adapted chmod() to return success if SetProtection
fails because source is locked
F finally rewrote devinit.c to use GCC features
(now in sync with libinit.c/libinitr.c)
B fixed Makefiles for case sensitives filesystems, cross
compilation support (dosesn't use ar directly anymore)
and proper $(MAKE) handling
B fixed hole in math/ :-(
(didn't reference *all* objects leading to vfprint/vfscanf)
F added a better and more general debug scheme
F added gettimeofday() from libnixPPC package
S general code cleanup
(eg. replaced all numerical stdio flags with #defines)
F added putenv, setenv, mktemp, mkstemp
Minor include shuffle to avoid having to patch <devices/timer.h> -- thanks to Christian Siebert
Got rid of GCC 3.x warnings about casting lvalues -- rewrote memset.
Removed duplicate files snprintf and vsnprintf -- they were wrong anyways.
__request.c -- rewritten in C (Gunther Nikl)