
188 lines
5.9 KiB

#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <exec/lists.h>
/* Adjusted to be compatible with the bsd headers
* (At least for normal ANSI stuff)
* Member names are not the same, but they need not be :-)
typedef long fpos_t;
typedef struct __FILE
unsigned char *p; /* pointer to actual character */
int incount; /* Bytes left in buffer for reading, writemode: 0 */
int outcount; /* Space left in buffer for writing + fp->linebufsize,
* readmode: 0
short flags;
#define __SLBF 0x0001 /* line buffered */
#define __SNBF 0x0002 /* unbuffered */
#define __SRD 0x0004 /* read mode */
#define __SWR 0x0008 /* write mode */
#define __SEOF 0x0020 /* EOF read */
#define __SERR 0x0040 /* error encountered */
#define __SMBF 0x0080 /* buffer malloc'ed by library */
#define __SSTR 0x0200 /* sprintf/sscanf buffer */
#define __SWO 0x8000 /* write-only mode */
short file; /* The filehandle */
unsigned char *buffer; /* original buffer pointer */
int bufsize; /* size of the buffer */
int linebufsize; /* 0 full buffered
* -bufsize line buffered&write mode
* readmode: undefined */
/* from this point on not binary compatible to bsd headers */
unsigned char unget[4]; /* ungetc buffer 4 bytes necessary (for -Na*)
* ANSI requires 3 bytes (for -.*), so one more
* doesn't matter
unsigned char *tmpp; /* Stored p if ungetc pending, otherwise NULL */
int tmpinc; /* Stored incount if ungetc pending, otherwise undefined */
long tmpdir; /* lock to directory if temporary file */
char *name; /* filename if temporary file */
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL ((void *)0l)
#define BUFSIZ 1024
#define EOF (-1)
#define SEEK_SET 0
#define SEEK_CUR 1
#define SEEK_END 2
#define _IOFBF 0
#define _IOLBF 1
#define _IONBF 2
extern FILE *fopen(const char *filename,const char *mode);
extern FILE *freopen(const char *filename,const char *mode,FILE *stream);
extern FILE *fdopen(int filedes,const char *mode);
extern int fclose(FILE *stream);
extern int fgetc(FILE *stream);
extern int fputc(int c,FILE *stream);
extern int ungetc(int c,FILE *stream);
extern int sprintf(char *s,const char *format,...);
extern int sscanf(const char *s,const char *format,...);
extern int vprintf(const char *format,va_list args);
extern int vsprintf(char *s,const char *format,va_list args);
extern int vfprintf(FILE *stream,const char *format,va_list args);
extern int vscanf(const char *format,va_list args);
extern int vsscanf(const char *s,const char *format,va_list args);
extern int vfscanf(FILE *stream,const char *format,va_list args);
extern int snprintf(char *s,size_t size,const char *format,...);
extern int vsnprintf(char *s,size_t size,const char *format,va_list args);
extern int fseek(FILE *stream,long int offset,int whence);
extern char *fgets(char *s,int size,FILE *stream);
extern int fputs(const char *s,FILE *stream);
extern void rewind(FILE *stream);
extern long ftell(FILE *stream);
extern int setvbuf(FILE *stream,char *buf,int mode,size_t size);
extern int fread(void *,size_t,size_t,FILE *);
extern int fwrite(const void *,size_t,size_t,FILE *);
extern char *tmpnam(char *buf);
/* More bsd headers compatibility */
extern int __swbuf(int c,FILE *stream);
extern int __srget(FILE *stream);
extern FILE **__sF; /* Standard I/O streams */
#define stdin (__sF[0]) /* Other streams are not in __sF */
#define stdout (__sF[1])
#define stderr (__sF[2])
/* Be careful: We have side effects and use incount in __srget -
must use comma-operator */
#define getc(fp) ((fp)->incount-=1,(fp)->incount>=0?(int)*(fp)->p++:__srget(fp))
#define putc(c,fp) \
((fp)->outcount-=1,(fp)->outcount>=0|| \
((fp)->outcount>=(fp)->linebufsize&&(char)(c)!='\n')? \
#define ferror(fp) ((fp)->flags&__SERR)
#define feof(fp) ((fp)->flags&__SEOF)
/* own stuff */
extern struct MinList __filelist; /* List of all fopen'ed files */
extern struct MinList __memorylist; /* List of memory puddles */
extern int __fflush(FILE *stream); /* fflush single file */
extern void __chkabort(void); /* check for SIGABRT */
/* objects in __filelist */
struct filenode {
struct MinNode node;
** FILE/SOCKET abstraction layer
#ifndef _SOCKET_IO
typedef struct _StdFileDes {
long lx_fh;
int lx_pos; /* __stdfiledes[lx_pos]; */
int lx_inuse;
int lx_oflags;
char lx_isatty;
char lx_sys;
} StdFileDes;
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dos/dosextens.h>
struct stat;
typedef struct _StdFileDes {
LX_FILE_TYPE lx_type;
int lx_pos; /* __stdfiledes[lx_pos]; */
int lx_inuse;
union {
struct {
int lx_oflags;
long lx_fh;
char lx_isatty;
char lx_sys,lx_pad[2];
struct StandardPacket *lx_packet;
} file;
struct {
int lx_sock;
int lx_family;
int lx_protocol;
int lx_domain;
} sock;
} fd;
#define lx_oflags fd.file.lx_oflags
#define lx_fh fd.file.lx_fh
#define lx_isatty fd.file.lx_isatty
#define lx_sys fd.file.lx_sys
#define lx_packet fd.file.lx_packet
#define lx_sock fd.sock.lx_sock
#define lx_family fd.sock.lx_family
#define lx_protocol fd.sock.lx_protocol
#define lx_domain fd.sock.lx_domain
ssize_t (*lx_read)(struct _StdFileDes *,void *,size_t);
ssize_t (*lx_write)(struct _StdFileDes *,const void *,size_t);
int (*lx_close)(struct _StdFileDes *);
int (*lx_dup)(struct _StdFileDes *);
int (*lx_fstat)(struct _StdFileDes *,struct stat *);
int (*lx_select)(struct _StdFileDes *sfd,int select_cmd,int io_mode,fd_set *,u_long *);
} StdFileDes;
extern StdFileDes *_lx_fdfromfh(int fh, LX_FILE_TYPE type);
#endif /* _SOCKET_IO */
extern StdFileDes *_lx_fhfromfd(int fd);
#endif /* _HEADERS_STDIO_H */