
103 lines
2.8 KiB

/* These are some macros for handling of symboltable information
/* linker can use symbol b for symbol a if a is not defined */
#define ALIAS(a,b) asm(".stabs \"_" #a "\",11,0,0,0;.stabs \"_" #b "\",1,0,0,0")
/* add symbol a to list b (type c (22=text 24=data 26=bss)) */
#define ADD2LIST(a,b,c) asm(".stabs \"_" #b "\"," #c ",0,0,_" #a )
/* Install private constructors and destructors pri MUST be -127<=pri<=127 */
#define ADD2INIT(a,pri) ADD2LIST(a,__INIT_LIST__,22); \
asm(".stabs \"___INIT_LIST__\",20,0,0," #pri "+128")
#define ADD2EXIT(a,pri) ADD2LIST(a,__EXIT_LIST__,22); \
asm(".stabs \"___EXIT_LIST__\",20,0,0," #pri "+128")
/* Add to library list */
#define ADD2LIB(a) ADD2LIST(a,__LIB_LIST__,24)
/* This one does not really handle symbol tables
* it's just pointless to write a header file for one macro
* define a as a label for an absolute address b
#define ABSDEF(a,b) asm("_" #a "=" #b ";.globl _" #a )
/* Generate assembler stub for a shared library entry
* and add it to the jump table
* ADDTABL_X(name,...) means function with X arguments
* ADDTABL_END() ends the list
* Usage: ADDTABL_2(AddHead,a0,a1);
* No more than 4 arguments supported, use structures!
#define _ADDTABL_START(name) \
asm(".globl ___" #name); \
asm("___" #name ":\tmovel a4,sp@-")
#define _ADDTABL_ARG(arg) \
asm("\tmovel " #arg ",sp@-")
#define _ADDTABL_CALL(name) \
asm("\tmovel a6@(40:W),a4"); \
asm("\tbsr _" #name)
#define _ADDTABL_END0(name,numargs) \
asm("\tmovel sp@+,a4"); \
asm("\trts"); \
#define _ADDTABL_END2(name,numargs) \
asm("\taddqw #4*" #numargs ",sp"); \
asm("\tmovel sp@+,a4"); \
asm("\trts"); \
#define _ADDTABL_ENDN(name,numargs) \
asm("\taddaw #4*" #numargs ",sp"); \
asm("\tmovel sp@+,a4"); \
asm("\trts"); \
#define ADDTABL_0(name) \
_ADDTABL_CALL(name); \
#define ADDTABL_1(name,arg1) \
_ADDTABL_ARG(arg1); \
_ADDTABL_CALL(name); \
#define ADDTABL_2(name,arg1,arg2) \
_ADDTABL_ARG(arg2); \
_ADDTABL_ARG(arg1); \
_ADDTABL_CALL(name); \
#define ADDTABL_3(name,arg1,arg2,arg3) \
_ADDTABL_ARG(arg3); \
_ADDTABL_ARG(arg2); \
_ADDTABL_ARG(arg1); \
_ADDTABL_CALL(name); \
#define ADDTABL_4(name,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4) \
_ADDTABL_ARG(arg4); \
_ADDTABL_ARG(arg3); \
_ADDTABL_ARG(arg2); \
_ADDTABL_ARG(arg1); \
_ADDTABL_CALL(name); \
#define ADDTABL_END() asm(".stabs \"___FuncTable__\",20,0,0,-1")
#endif /* _HEADERS_STABS_H */