
105 lines
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#include <netdb.h>
#include <amitcp/usergroup.h>
#include <amitcp/socketbasetags.h>
#include "inline/usergroup.h"
#include "inline/amitcp.h"
#include "inline/as225.h"
#include "stdio.h"
struct SocketSettings {
LX_NETWORK_TYPE lx_network_type;
union {
struct {
struct Library *BsdSocketBase;
struct Library *UserGroupBase;
struct {
struct Library *SocketBase;
} AS225;
} lx_stack;
#define lx_BsdSocketBase lx_stack.AMITCP.BsdSocketBase
#define lx_UserGroupBase lx_stack.AMITCP.UserGroupBase
#define lx_SocketBase lx_stack.AS225.SocketBase
unsigned long lx_sigurg;
unsigned long lx_sigio;
int lx_sockid;
int lx_isdaemon;
/* Support for net functions */
FILE *lx_pwd_fp; /* File pointer to the passwd file */
char *lx_pwd_line; /* buffer for reading a line from the passwd file */
struct passwd lx_pwd; /* static buffer to hold the data */
int lx_pwd_stayopen;/* TRUE if passwd file should stay open */
FILE *lx_grp_fp; /* File pointer to the groups file */
char *lx_grp_line; /* buffer for reading a line from the group file */
struct group lx_grp; /* static buffer to hold the data */
char **lx_members; /* array of group members */
int lx_grp_stayopen;/* TRUE if group file should stay open */
FILE *lx_net_fp; /* File pointer to protocol file */
char *lx_net_line; /* buffer for reading a line from the protocol file */
struct netent lx_net;
char **lx_net_aliases;
int lx_net_stayopen;
FILE *lx_serv_fp; /* File pointer to services file */
char *lx_serv_line; /* buffer for reading a line from the services file */
struct servent lx_serv;
char **lx_serv_aliases;
int lx_serv_stayopen;
FILE *lx_proto_fp; /* File pointer to protocol file */
char *lx_proto_line; /* buffer for reading a line from the protocol file */
struct protoent lx_proto;
char **lx_proto_aliases;
int lx_proto_stayopen;
/* resolv state structure */
struct __res_state *lx_res;
int *lx_res_socket;
/* XXX unused XXX */
int lx_logname_valid;
char lx_logname[MAXLOGNAME + 1];
char lx_logname_buf[MAXLOGNAME + 1];
/* XXX unused XXX */
char lx_ntoa_buf[18]; /* used by inet_ntoa */
/* logfile handling */
int lx_LogFile; /* fd for log */
int lx_LogStat; /* status bits, set by openlog() */
char *lx_LogTag; /* string to tag the entry with */
int lx_LogFacility; /* default facility code */
int lx_LogMask; /* mask of priorities to be logged */
int lx_setuid; /* used for setuid() - have to remember to log out */
extern struct SocketSettings *_lx_get_socket_settings(void);
extern StdFileDes *_create_socket(int family, int type, int protocol);
#endif /* _HEADERS_SOCKET_H */