
561 lines
25 KiB

@database "ixprefs"
@author "Kriton Kyrimis"
@(c) "Copyright © 1995-1997 Kriton Kyrimis"
@$VER: ixprefs 2.7 (15.08.97)
Ixprefs v.2.7--ixemul.library configuration program
Copyright © 1995-1997 Kriton Kyrimis
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
GUI designed using GadToolsBox 2.0c by Jan van den Baard
@master ""
@Node Main "ixprefs user's guide"
A configuration program for ixemul.library v.47+
Version 2.7
@{"Introduction" link introduction}
@{"Distribution" link distribution}
@{"Requirements" link requirements}
@{"Installation" link installation}
@{"Recompiling" link recompiling}
@{"The ixprefs window" link window}
@{"The ixprefs menu" link menu}
@{"CLI usage" link CLI}
@{"Program history" link history}
@{"Author" link author}
@{"Acknowledgments" link acknowledgments}
@node introduction "Introduction"
Back when version of 41.0 of ixemul.library was released, it came with
numerous new configuration options, one of which I wanted to use. By playing
with ixconfig, the configuration program that accompanied that version of the
library, I saw that this program had two deficiencies:
a. It had almost as many command line options as UNIX ls, which are hard to
b. Making the new configuration persistent was done using a horrible kludge,
namely the -s option of ixconfig, which instructed ixconfig never to
return, to make ixemul.library unflushable. Even if one had memory to
burn, permanently allocating 120+ Kbytes, just to remember the handful of
bits that define the configuration of ixemul.library, was a terrible
Having a bit of spare time, I decided to try addressing these two points: By
writing a graphical configuration program, I believe I addressed the first,
and by not supporting the equivalent of the -s option, I hoped to give the
maintainers of ixemul.library the incentive to read, at library startup, the
configuration from a file similar to the one that ixprefs maintains, so that
ixemul.library would not have to stay permanently in memory if it is to
remember its configuration.
Starting with ixemul.library version 42.0 this functionality has been
@node installation "Installation"
Simply copy ixprefs (and, optionally, somewhere on your disk.
If you are upgrading from version 1.x, delete the old configuration file
If you are upgrading from version 2.0 beta 1, rename ENVARC:ixprefs to
ENVARC:ixemul.prefs and ENV:ixprefs to ENV:ixemul.prefs.
@node recompiling "Recompiling"
Ixprefs is now integrated into the ixemul.library source distribution.
The AmigaOS GUI has been designed using GadToolsBox 2.0c by Jan van
den Baard. The makefile patches the C code generated by GadToolsBox
(amiga_gui.c) using a sed script, to add support for AmigaOS 3.x features.
This script should work for other programs generated by GadToolsBox,
so you might want to use it in other projects as well.
When creating C source code from within GadToolsBox, you will create
files amiga_gui.c and amiga_gui_temp.c. The latter contains templates
for all functions called to handle gadgets and menus. If you have not
added any new gadgets or menus, you can discard this file, otherwise cut
the templates for the new functions and paste them to amiga_functions.c.
@node window "The ixprefs window"
@font topaz.font 11
@{" " link amigawildcard} Allow Amiga wildcards @{" " link case} Case sensitive pattern matching
@{" " link slash} Translate / @{" " link noflush} Do not flush library
@{" " link ignoreenv} Ignore global environment (ENV:)
@{" " link suppress} Suppress the "Insert volume in drive" requester
@{" " link blocks} Physical blocks build one logical block (for stdio)
@{" " link membuf} Membuf size @{" " link enforcer} Create Enforcer hit on trap
@{" <type> " link networking} Network support @{" " link mufs} Enable MuFS support
@{" <type> " link profiling} Profiling method
@{" " link advanced} Enable advanced ixprefs options
@{" Save " link save} @{" Use " link use} @{" Cancel " link cancel}
@node amigawildcard "Allow AmigaOS-style wildcards"
The ixemul.library startup code expands wildcards in the command line. If
this option is set, AmigaOS-style wildcards are recognized, in addition to
UNIX-style wildcards which are always recognized. Thus, if this option is
set, you can use either *.c or #?.c to specify all C source files, while if
this option is not set, you can only use *.c.
@node case "Case sensitive pattern matching"
If this option is set, pattern matching in UNIX-style wildcard expansion is
case sensitive, i.e., *.c expands to all files ending in .c (lower case), while
*.C expands to all files ending in .C (upper case). If this option is not
set, UNIX-style wildcard expansion is case insensitive (e.g., *.c expands to
files ending in both .c and .C).
@node slash "Translate /"
If this option is set, ixemul.library interprets "/foo" as "foo:", and
"foo//bar" as "foo/bar".
Note: this option is only available on the ixprefs graphical interface if
the @{"Enable advanced ixprefs options" link advanced} checkbox is checked.
@node noflush "Do not flush library"
If this option is set, then ixemul.library will always remain resident in
memory, and will not be flushed when no programs are using it. This can be
used to ensure that the library settings are not lost by flushing and then
reloading the library, at the cost of making the memory occupied by the
library unavailable to other programs. It is also slightly faster, because
the library is loaded only once.
When this option is not set, then it will be possible to flush ixemul.library
when no programs use it (e.g., by typing "avail flush" at the CLI prompt or by
selecting the Debug->flushlibs item from the workbench menu).
@node ignoreenv "Ignore global environment"
If this option is set, the getenv() function returns local environment
variables, i.e., those created by the AmigaOS "set" command". If this
option is not set, the getenv() function returns global environment variables,
i.e., those created by the AmigaOS "setenv" command", in addition to local
ones. Local environment variables have precedence over global ones.
@node enforcer "Generate Enforcer hit when a trap occurs"
If this option is set then, whenever a trap (division by zero, bus error,
etc.) occurs, ixemul.library writes the error code to the address 0xdeaddead.
Using the stack dump from Enforcer you can then try to find out where the
problem occurred. If this option is not set, no Enforcer hit is generated.
Note: this option is only available on the ixprefs graphical interface if
the @{"Enable advanced ixprefs options" link advanced} checkbox is checked.
@node suppress "Suppress the `Insert volume in drive' requester"
If this option is not set, whenever ixemul.library tries to access a
non-existent volume, it will pop up a requester asking for the volume to be
inserted. If this option is set, ixemul.library will not pop up this
@node membuf "Membuf size"
Files up to this size in bytes are cached in memory.
@node networking "Networking support"
This option allows the user to specify the kind of networking support they
0. Auto detect (default): ixemul tries to figure out what networking support
the user has (none, AmiTCP, AS225).
1. No networking: all networking is turned off, regardless of whether the user
has AmiTCP or AS225 or not.
2. AS225: set to AS225, if available. Otherwise no network support.
3. AmiTCP: set to AmiTCP, if available. Otherwise no network support.
Note that `Auto detect' will check for AmiTCP first, and AS225 second. This
is to circumvent problems when the socket.library emulation for AmiTCP is
@node mufs "Enable MuFS support"
If this option is set, then ixemul.library will enable special support for
the Multiuser Filesystem (MuFS) if the multiuser.library is present. Not
everybody wants this functionality, and since it turns out that the
support is actually somewhat buggy, ixemul.library no longer supports
MuFS by default, so you will have to turn this checkbox on if you want
it. This checkbox is unique compared to the others, in that it won't be
in effect until the ixemul.library has been flushed from memory.
@node profiling "Profiling method"
Gcc provides the -pg flag to enable code profiling. When a program is
compiled with -pg, a special function is called at the beginning of each
function, which registers 1) how many times this function is called, 2)
which functions called this function.
In addition to this, a function in ixemul.library is called 50 times per
second. This function, among other things, increases timers and also,
if the current program is compiled with -pg, samples the current program
counter (PC) and registers this.
When a program that is compiled with the -pg option has finished, a file
called gmon.out is produced, containing the above two sets of statistics.
Using the gprof program, you can read this file and determine which
programs were called and how much time was spent in each function.
The timing information is derived from the PC sampling.
The problem with this scheme is that if the PC is outside the code in your
program, nothing is registered. Suppose a function calls a ROM function
or some library function that takes 10 seconds to finish. According to
gprof, this function took 0 seconds, because the time spent elsewhere
is not counted. This may be what you want (no ``pollution'' from other
sources), but there are cases where this is not what is needed.
Thus, ixemul.library provides three methods of sampling the PC:
1. Only in program (default): take samples only while your program is
running and the PC is within your program.
2. Only in task: take samples while your program is running and if the PC is
outside your program code (e.g. in ixemul or in intuition.library), use
the last function your program entered before calling ixemul or whatever.
3. Profile always: always take samples, even if other programs are running.
Again, the last recorded function gets the hit in those cases.
The choice of option depends on what you are interested in profiling: the
performance of just your own code (in UNIX terms, the ``user time''),
the overall performance of your program (in UNIX terms, ``user'' plus
``system'' time), or the performance of your program plus any external
programs that your program invokes (e.g., using the system() function).
@node blocks "Physical blocks to build one logical block (for stdio)"
This number denotes the number of physical (usually 512-byte) blocks that
ixemul treats as one block during I/O, for efficiency.
@node advanced "Enable advanced ixprefs options"
When this checkbox is selected, the @{"Translate /" link slash} and @{"Create Enforcer hit on trap" link enforcer}
options become available on the ixprefs window. This checkbox is unchecked
by default.
@node save "Save"
Applies the user-specified configuration to ixemul.library, saves it in
ENV:ixemul.prefs and ENVARC:ixemul.prefs, and exits.
@node use "Use"
Applies the user-specified configuration to ixemul.library, saves it in
ENV:ixemul.prefs and exits.
@node cancel "Cancel"
Exits the program without making any changes to the configuration.
@node menu "The ixprefs menu"
Project Edit
@{"Save " link save} @{"Reset to defaults" link defaults}
@{"Use " link use} @{"Last saved " link last}
@{"About" link about} @{"Restore " link restore}
@{"Quit " link quit}
@node CLI "CLI usage"
Type "ixprefs" without any arguments, to get the @{"ixprefs window" link window}.
Alternatively, you can control the program from the CLI. You can use either
short options, e.g., "-m 1024", or long options, e.g., "--membuf-limit 1024".
If you use long options, you need only specify enough of the option name to
disambiguate it from other option names, e.g., "--mem 1024".
The following CLI options are available:
-a 1, --allow-amiga-wildcard
@{"accept AmigaOS wildcard notation" link amigawildcard}
-a 0, --no-allow-amiga-wildcard
@{"do not accept AmigaOS wildcard notation" link amigawildcard}
-s 1, --unix-pattern-matching-case-sensitive
@{"use case sensitive UNIX pattern matching" link case}
-s 0, --no-unix-pattern-matching-case-sensitive
do not @{"use case sensitive UNIX patter matching" link case}
-/ 1, --translate-slash
@{"translate /foo -> foo: and a//b -> a/b" link slash}
-/ 0, --no-translate-slash
do not @{"translate /foo -> foo: and a//b -> a/b" link slash}
-m N, --membuf-limit N
@{"files up to N bytes are cached in memory" link membuf}
-b N, --fs-buf-factor N
@{"N physical blocks map into 1 logical (stdio) block" link blocks}
-i 1, --ignore-global-env
@{"ignore global environment" link ignoreenv} (ENV:)
-i 0, --no-ignore-global-env
@{"do not ignore global environment" link ignoreenv} (ENV:)
-e 1, --enforcer-hit
@{"generate Enforcer hit" link enforcer} when a trap occurs
-e 0, --no-enforcer-hit
@{"do not generate Enforcer hit" link enforcer} when a trap occurs
-v 0, --insert-disk-requester
@{"suppress the `Insert volume in drive' requester" link suppress}
-v 1, --noinsert-disk-requester
@{"do not suppress the `Insert volume in drive' requester" link suppress}
-f 0, --flush-library
@{"prevent ixemul.library from being flushed from memory" link noflush}
-f 1, --no-flush-library
@{"do not prevent ixemul.library from being flushed from memory" link noflush}
-n 0, --auto-detect
set @{"networking support" link networking} to auto detect
-n 1, --no-networking
turn off @{"networking support" link networking}
-n 2, --as225
use AS225 @{"networking support" link networking}
-n 3, --amitcp
use AmiTCP @{"networking support" link networking}
-p 0, --profile program
@{"profile" link profiling} the program only
-p 1, --profile-task
@{"profile" link profiling} while the task is running
-p 2, --profile-always
always @{"profile" link profiling} your program
-d, --default
reset settings to defaults (other options are ignored)
-L, --last-saved
reset settings from ENV:ixemul.prefs
(other options, including --default, are ignored)
-M 0, --support-mufs
@{"enable MuFS support" link mufs}
-M 1, --no-support-mufs
@{"do not enable MuFS support" link mufs}
-S, --save
save new configuration
-R, --report
display configuration
-V, --version
displays information about the @{"program" link distribution} and its @{"author" link author}
(other options, including --default and --last-saved are ignored)
-h, --help
display the various ixprefs options
@node about "About"
Displays information about the @{"program" link distribution} and its @{"author" link author}.
@node quit "Quit"
Exits the program without making any changes to the configuration.
@node defaults "Reset to defaults"
Resets the various options to their default values.
@node last "Last saved"
Reads the configuration stored in ENVARC:ixemul.prefs.
@node restore "Restore"
Sets the various options to the values that are currently being used by
@node history "Program history"
Version 1.0 June 23, 1995
First public release.
Version 1.1 June 26, 1995
* Made the following enhancements, suggested by Kamil Iskra
+ Ixprefs window is now font adaptive.
+ Ixprefs window is now activated when opened.
+ GZZ adjust flag in GadToolsBox turned off.
+ CheckBox gadgets are now scalable under AmigaOS 3.x.
+ NewLook menus under AmigaOS 3.x
+ Use OpenFont() rather than DiskFont() to access system font, as this font
is always in memory.
+ Slightly rearranged window layout to avoid problems with sizable gadgets.
* Updated the documentation.
Version 1.2 July 3, 1995
* Added a UNIX-style CLI interface using getopt_long().
* Modified showrequester() to print messages on stderr if the ixprefs window
is not open, so that no requesters pop up when the CLI interface is used.
* Updated ixemul.library version check, so that the program now runs under
both version 41.0 and 41.1 without producing a warning.
* Fixed the dates in this section. Not that anyone cares, but the previous
versions of this program were written in June, not May!
* Updated the documentation.
Version 1.3 (not released)
* Made a very minor modification in gadget placement (some gadgets were off
by one pixel).
* Fixed a bug where if AmigaOS notation is turned off, it was impossible to
load or save the configuration file. Remaining bug: if neither AmigaOS
notation nor / translation is allowed, there is no way to access S:ixprefs,
and loading/saving is impossible. This could be fixed by temporarily
twiddling the flags. However, as the "allow AmigaOS notation" flag has been
made obsolete in version 41.3, I don't plan to fix this.
* Modified Makefile to remove ixprefs.c.orig.
Version 2.0
beta 1, July 12, 1995
* Made the following modifications in preparation for the integration of
ixprefs with the forthcoming cleaned-up version of ixemul.library:
+ Dropped support for ix_unix_pattern_matching, ix_no_ces_then_open_console,
ix_ignore_global_env, ix_translate_dots, ix_force_translation, and
ix_translate_symlinks. These settings will no longer be honored by
ixemul.library, as their values will be fixed.
+ Added support for the new ix_allow_amiga_wildcard setting.
+ Rearranged the GUI accordingly.
+ Applied Kamil Iskra's modifications for AmigaOS 3.x to the resulting
ixprefs.c, and created a new ixprefs.c.diff.
+ Changed the save format from human-readable to machine-readable (struct
settings). I know many people will disagree with this decision, but it
was necessary for easier parsing of the configuration by ixemul.library.
+ Added struct settings to ixemul.h.
+ Modified the definition of the ixemul flags in ixemul.h from a bitfield to
a long word, with a set of #define's for the various flags.
+ Changed the location of the save file from S:ixprefs to ENVARC:IXPREFS.
The "save" and "use" options also save the configuration in ENV:IXPREFS.
* Modified main.c to call ixprefsrestore() to load the ixprefs settings from
ixemulbase instead of duplicating ixprefsrestore()'s code.
* Updated the documentation.
beta 2, September 16, 1995
* Saved configuration now includes values for obsolete flags, so that ixprefs
may work with earlier versions of ixemul.library.
* Cleaned up the code by compiling with -Wall and eliminating the warnings.
* Changed the name of the configuration file from IXPREFS to ixconfig.prefs,
to avoid a clash with the ixprefs executable in the unlikely case that
someone might have ENV: or ENVARC: in their path.
* Fixed a typo ("upto" instead of "up to") in the text printed by the --help
* Added a version string to main.c.
* Added support for the new ix_do_not_flush_library setting.
* Applied Kamil Iskra's modifications for AmigaOS 3.x to the new version of
ixprefs.c, and created a new ixprefs.c.diff.
* Updated the documentation.
beta 3, October 25, 1995
* Corrected the punctuation of the configuration report in CLI mode.
* Updated private copy of ixemul.h to reflect the changes in the official
version (41.4).
* Added two paragraphs that were missing from the GPL notice in the source
files, Makefile, and documentation.
* Changed the method of modifying ixprefs.c to add support for AmigaOS 3.x
features: instead of applying a diff file to ixprefs.c (clumsy, as the diff
file does not work if the GUI is changed) I now use a sed script that
modifies ixprefs.c on the fly (this should work even if the GUI changes, and
should work for other projects, too). Kept a copy of ixprefs.c.diff around,
just in case...
* Recompiled using -fbaserel. The resulting executable is almost 2K smaller.
* Added back support for ix_ignore_global_env. Support for this option will
not be dropped from future versions of ixemul.library.
* Made minor modifications in the help text in cli.c (s/don't/do not/).
* Updated the documentation.
beta 4, October 25, 1995 (not distributed)
* ix_do_not_flush_library and ix_ignore_global_env were not being restored
when doing a "last saved".
Version 2.1 November 14, 1995
Adapted for ixemul.library 42.0 by Hans Verkuil:
* Independently applied a similar fix to that of version 2.0 beta 4.
* Finished merging ixprefs into the main distribution.
* Changed several things because all library base changes (such as the config
settings) now go through library calls.
* Removed another setting (fibcache, was never used).
* Added a new cycle gadget for future networking support. The library accepts
it, but currently ignores it.
* Rearranged the gadgets in the GUI, and changed the wording in the ixprefs
window and the output of the --report option, for a more aesthetically
pleasing appearance.
* Updated the version check in main.c to check for version 42 of
ixemul.library, as ixprefs is now incompatible with version 41.0.
* As ixprefs is now incompatible with versions prior to 42.0, ixprefs no
longer stores default values for obsolete flags.
* Switched back to compiling without -fbaserel, as we had a manifestation of
the infamous "spilled register" problem.
* Threw away ixprefs.c.diff, as the sed script proved capable of handling
the massive rearrangement of the GUI that occurred.
* Removed the various tooltypes from, which I had forgotten to
delete when copying the icon from sys:prefs.
* Updated the documentation.
Version 2.2 March 17, 1996
* Adapted for ixemul.library 43.0 by Hans Verkuil (added support for
* Minor cleanup (updated version to 2.2).
* Updated the documentation.
Version 2.3 August 6, 1996
Adapted for ixemul.library 44.0 by Hans Verkuil:
* Added support for ix_profile_method_mask.
* Updated the version check in main.c to check for version 44 of
ixemul.library, as ixprefs is now incompatible with version 43.0.
* Minor cleanup (updated version number, Copyright date, author's e-mail
* Updated the documentation.
Version 2.4 September 23, 1996
Adapted for ixemul.library 45.0 by Hans Verkuil:
* Removed stack watcher and red zone.
* Updated the documentation.
Version 2.5 June 14, 1997
Adapted for ixemul.library 47.0 by Hans Verkuil:
* Added MuFS support checkbox.
* Updated the documentation.
Version 2.6 June 21, 1997
* Massive code rearrangement to support more than one operating system.
* Updated the documentation.
Version 2.7 August 15, 1997
* Added "Enable advanced ixprefs options" checkbox, to selectively
enable/disable some "dangerous" ixemul opytions from the GUI.
@node author "Author"
Kriton Kyrimis
"Officially, I am here quite unofficially!"
@node distribution "Distribution"
Ixprefs v.2.7--ixemul.library configuration program
Copyright © 1995-1997 @{"Kriton Kyrimis" link author}
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
GUI designed using GadToolsBox 2.0c by Jan van den Baard
@node requirements "Requirements"
Ixprefs runs under AmigaOS 2.04 or later, and under p.OS. The graphical user
interface is currently only available under AmigaOS.
Ixprefs requires version 47.0 or higher of ixemul.library. It will refuse to
run under previous versions, as they had fewer configuration options,
maintained in a different order in the ixemul library base.
@node acknowledgments "Acknowledgments"
Kamil Iskra ( made several enhancement
suggestions and contributed code for adapting ixprefs to AmigaOS 3.x
(see program @{"history" link history}).
Hans Verkuil ( was kind enough to consider integrating
ixprefs with ixemul.library, and to let me know in advance of the changes he
planned to make to the library, so that I could adapt ixprefs on time.
Hans also updated ixprefs from version 2.0 beta 4 to 2.1, and has also
updated the program to versions 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5.
Thanks to Martin Blom ( for pointing out that I had to use
EraseRect() to visually erase a gadget from a window.