
10349 lines
148 KiB

;* GLOOM *
;error codes
;red - allocmem failed
;yel - freemem failed
;orange - unknown script command
;purp - unknown event command
;cyn - can't open file in loadfile
;blu - ran out of remap colours!
debugser equ 0
debugmem equ 0
onedemo equ 0
aga equ -1
maxobjects equ 256 ;max objects in game
maxdoors equ 16 ;max doors opening at once
maxblood equ 128 ;max droplets of bluuurd
maxgore equ 128 ;body parts on ground!
maxrotpolys equ 16 ;max rotating thingys.
focshft equ 6
grdshft equ 8
darkshft equ 7 ;smaller=smaller range=faster!
maxz equ 16<<darkshft ;16*128=2048*8=16384
exshft equ 3 ;4
exone equ 1<<exshft
exhalf equ exone>>1
linemod equ 40*7
jmp entrypoint
;rotpoly details...
rp_next rs.l 1
rp_prev rs.l 1
rp_speed rs.w 1
rp_rot rs.w 1
rp_flags rs.w 1 ;what to do?
rp_cx rs.w 1 ;only for rot
rp_cz rs.w 1
rp_first rs.l 1 ;pointer to first!
rp_num rs.w 1
rp_vx rs.w 0
rp_lx rs.w 1
rp_vz rs.w 0
rp_lz rs.w 1
rp_ox rs.w 0
rp_na rs.w 1
rp_oz rs.w 0
rp_nb rs.w 1
rp_more rs.b 8*15 ;=16 max verts!
rp_size rs.b 0
;sfx channel info
fx_status rs.w 1
fx_priority rs.w 1
fx_sfx rs.l 1
fx_vol rs.w 1
fx_offset rs.w 1
fx_dma rs.w 1
fx_int rs.w 1
fx_size rs.b 0
bl_next rs.l 1
bl_prev rs.l 1
bl_x rs.l 1
bl_y rs.l 1
bl_z rs.l 1
bl_xvec rs.l 1
bl_yvec rs.l 1
bl_zvec rs.l 1
bl_color rs.l 1 ;colour and!
bl_size rs.b 0
;a texture
te_pal rs.l 1
te_size rs.b 0
;an opening/closing door!
do_next rs.l 1
do_prev rs.l 1
do_poly rs.l 1 ;door polygon
do_lx rs.w 1
do_lz rs.w 1
do_rx rs.w 1
do_rz rs.w 1
do_frac rs.w 1
do_fracadd rs.w 1
do_size rs.b 0
;wall list...
wl_next rs.l 1
wl_lsx rs.w 1 ;leftmost screen X
wl_rsx rs.w 1 ;rightmost screen X
wl_nz rs.w 1 ;near Z!
wl_fz rs.w 1 ;far Z!
wl_lx rs.w 1
wl_lz rs.w 1
wl_rx rs.w 1
wl_rz rs.w 1
wl_a rs.w 1
wl_b rs.w 1
wl_c rs.l 1
wl_sc rs.w 1
wl_open rs.w 1 ;0=door shut, $4000=open!
wl_t rs.b 8 ;textures
wl_size rs.b 0
;a zone...
zo_done rs.w 1
zo_lx rs.w 1
zo_lz rs.w 1
zo_rx rs.w 1
zo_rz rs.w 1
zo_a rs.w 1
zo_b rs.w 1
zo_na rs.w 1
zo_nb rs.w 1
zo_ln rs.w 1
zo_t rs.b 8 ;8 textures
zo_sc rs.w 1 ;scale (how many txts on wall)
zo_open rs.w 0 ;for wall polys...
zo_ev rs.w 1 ;for events...
zo_size rs.b 0 ;32!
;a shape to draw!
sh_next rs.l 1
sh_prev rs.l 1
sh_x rs.w 1
sh_y rs.w 1
sh_z rs.w 1
sh_shape rs.l 1
sh_scale rs.w 0
sh_strip rs.l 1
sh_size rs.b 0
;gore...body parts lying around!
go_next rs.l 1
go_prev rs.l 1
go_x rs.w 1
go_z rs.w 1
go_shape rs.l 1
go_size rs.b 0
;an object in the game (player/alien etc...)
ob_next rs.l 1
ob_prev rs.l 1
ob_x rs.l 1
ob_y rs.l 1
ob_z rs.l 1
ob_rot rs.l 1
;start of info load by prog.
ob_info rs.b 0
ob_rotspeed rs.l 1
ob_movspeed rs.l 1
ob_shape rs.l 1
ob_logic rs.l 1
ob_render rs.l 1
ob_hit rs.l 1 ;routine to do when damaged
ob_die rs.l 1 ;routine to do when killed
ob_eyey rs.w 1 ;eye height
ob_firey rs.w 1 ;where bullets come from
ob_gutsy rs.w 1
ob_othery rs.w 1
ob_colltype rs.w 1
ob_collwith rs.w 1
ob_cntrl rs.w 1
ob_damage rs.w 1
ob_hitpoints rs.w 1
ob_think rs.w 1
ob_frame rs.l 1 ;anim frame
ob_framespeed rs.l 1 ;anim frame
ob_base rs.w 1
ob_range rs.w 1
ob_weapon rs.w 1 ;weapon meter...
ob_wlevel rs.w 1 ;weapon type (0...4)
ob_hurtpause rs.w 1
ob_firerate rs.w 0
ob_punchrate rs.w 1
ob_bouncecnt rs.w 1 ;how many times my bullets bounce!
ob_firecnt rs.w 0
ob_something rs.w 1
ob_scale rs.w 1 ;scale factor for drawing
ob_lastbut rs.w 1
ob_blood rs.w 1 ;color AND for blood
ob_ypad rs.w 1
ob_oldlogic rs.l 1
ob_oldlogic2 rs.l 1
ob_oldhit rs.l 1
ob_olddie rs.l 1
ob_oldrot rs.w 1
ob_newrot rs.w 1
ob_yvec rs.l 1
ob_xvec rs.l 1
ob_zvec rs.l 1
ob_radsq rs.l 1 ;radius squared
ob_rad rs.w 1
ob_delay rs.w 1
ob_delay2 rs.w 0
ob_bounce rs.w 1
ob_hurtwait rs.w 1
ob_washit rs.l 1 ;flag for un-hit coll detect!
ob_window rs.l 1 ;pointer back to window!
ob_nxvec rs.w 0 ;normalized X vec
ob_lives rs.w 1
ob_nzvec rs.w 0 ;nomralized z vec
ob_infra rs.w 1
ob_thermo rs.w 1
ob_invisible rs.w 1
ob_hyper rs.w 1
ob_update rs.w 1 ;update stats!
ob_mess rs.l 1 ;message
ob_messlen rs.w 1
ob_messtimer rs.w 1 ;timer for messages
ob_palette rs.l 1 ;palette for window
ob_paltimer rs.w 1 ;timer before back to normal
ob_pixsize rs.w 1
ob_pixsizeadd rs.w 1
ob_telex rs.w 1
ob_telez rs.w 1
ob_telerot rs.w 1
ob_chunks rs.l 1
ob_size rs.b 0
;solid wall draw data
vd_z rs.w 1 ;current Z
vd_pal rs.w 1 ;palette# (0...15)
vd_y rs.w 1
vd_h rs.w 1
vd_data rs.l 1
vd_ystep rs.l 1
vd_size rs.b 0
;palette file...
pa_numcols rs.w 1 ;how many colours
pa_cols rs.w 256 ;the colours!
;anim file...
an_rotshft rs.w 1
an_frames rs.w 1
an_maxw rs.w 1
an_maxh rs.w 1
an_pal rs.l 1
an_size rs.b 0
wi_slice rs.l 1 ;slice window appears in!
wi_nslice rs.l 1 ;next slice to disp.
wi_x rs 1
wi_y rs 1
wi_w rs 1 ;how many chixels across
wi_h rs 1 ;how many down
wi_pw rs 1 ;width of 1 chixel
wi_ph rs 1 ;hite of 1 chixel
wi_bw rs 1 ;bitmap width
wi_bh rs 1 ;bitmap height
wi_bmapmem rs.l 1
wi_copmem rs.l 1
wi_bmap rs.l 1
wi_cop rs.l 1
wi_cop1 rs.l 1
wi_cop2 rs.l 1
wi_copmod rs.w 1
wi_strip rs.l 1
wi_iff rs.l 1 ;show iff instead!
wi_pal rs.l 1 ;palette for IFF!
wi_size rs.b 0
key macro
btst #\1&7,\1>>3(a0)
qkey macro
move.l rawtable(pc),a0
key \1
freemem macro
ifne debugmem
lea .fmem\@,a0
jsr freemem_
bra .fmemskip\@
.fmem\@ dc.b '\1',0
.fmemskip\@ ;
jsr freemem_
allocmem macro
ifne debugmem
lea .amem\@,a0
jsr allocmem_
bra .amemskip\@
.amem\@ dc.b '\1',10,0
.amemskip\@ ;
jsr allocmem_
allocmem2 macro
ifne debugmem
lea .amem\@,a0
jsr allocmem2_
bra .amemskip\@
.amem\@ dc.b '\1',10,0
.amemskip\@ ;
jsr allocmem2_
alloclist macro ;alloclist listname,maxitems,itemsize
move.l \2,d0
move.l \3,d1
lea \1(pc),a2
jsr k_alloclist
bra.s alskip\@
\1 dc.l 0 ;0
\1_last dc.l 0 ;4
dc.l 0 ;8
\1_free dc.l 0 ;12
alskip\@ ;
k_alloclist ;a2=address of 'first' pointer
;d0=max items, d1=item size
move.l a2,8(a2) ;clear out used list
lea 4(a2),a0
clr.l (a0)
move.l a0,(a2)
movem.l d0-d1,-(a7)
mulu d1,d0
move.l #$10001,d1
allocmem alloclist
move.l d0,a0
lea 12(a2),a2
movem.l (a7)+,d0-d1
subq #1,d0
.loop move.l a0,(a2)
move.l a0,a2
add d1,a0
dbf d0,.loop
addnext macro
;addnext 'listname'
;add after a5
;return eq if none available else a0
move.l \1_free,d0
beq.s .anskip\@
move.l d0,a0
move.l (a0),\1_free
move.l (a5),a1
move.l a1,(a0)
move.l a0,4(a1)
move.l a0,(a5)
move.l a5,4(a0)
.anskip\@ ;
addfirst macro
;addfirst 'listname'
;return eq if none available else a0
move.l \1_free,d0
beq.s .afskip\@
move.l d0,a0
move.l (a0),\1_free
move.l \1,a1 ;current first
move.l a1,(a0)
move.l a0,4(a1)
move.l a0,\1
move.l #\1,4(a0)
.afskip\@ ;
addlast macro
;addlast 'listname'
;return eq in none available else a0
move.l \1_free,d0
beq.s .alskip\@
move.l d0,a0
move.l (a0),\1_free
move.l \1_last+4,a1 ;current last
move.l a0,(a1)
move.l a1,4(a0)
move.l a0,\1_last+4
move.l #\1_last,(a0)
.alskip\@ ;
killitem macro
;killitem listname
;a0=item to kill, return a0=previous item.
move.l (a0),a1 ;next of me!
move.l 4(a0),4(a1)
move.l 4(a0),a1 ;prev of me
move.l (a0),(a1)
move.l \1_free,(a0)
move.l a0,\1_free
move.l a1,a0
clearlist macro
;clearlist listname
.clloop\@ move.l \1,a0
tst.l (a0)
beq .cldone\@
killitem \1
bra .clloop\@
.cldone\@ ;
zerolist macro listname,size of item
;fill all list items with 0!
clearlist \1
.zlloop\@ addlast \1
beq .zlskip\@
lea 8(a0),a1
moveq #0,d0
move #(\2-8)/2-1,d1
.zlloop2\@ move d0,(a1)+
dbf d1,.zlloop2\@
bra .zlloop\@
.zlskip\@ clearlist \1
bwait macro
.bwait\@ btst #6,$dff002
beq.s .bwait2\@
bra.s .bwait\@
.bwait2\@ ;
printlong macro
move.l \1,-(a7)
jsr printlong_
check macro
check set *-\1
push macro
movem.l d2-d7/a2-a6,-(a7)
pull macro
movem.l (a7)+,d2-d7/a2-a6
col macro
move #0,$dff106
move \1,$dff180
warn macro
move d0,-(a7)
move #-1,d0
.wloop\@ col \1
dbf d0,.wloop\@
move (a7)+,d0
tempfile ds.b 64
cli ;
move.l a0,a2
lea dosname,a1
move.l 4.w,a6
jsr -408(a6)
move.l d0,dosbase
move.l d0,a6
jsr -60(a6)
move.l d0,outhand
clr.l map_test
cmp.b #'@',(a2)+
bne.s main
lea tempfile,a0
move.l a0,map_test
.loop move.b (a2)+,(a0)
beq.s main
cmp.b #10,(a0)+
bne.s .loop
clr.b -(a0)
main ;
bsr bigfont
jsr initmain
.intro move.l medat(pc),a1
move.l titlemed(pc),a0
jsr 8(a1) ;start title music!
.intro2 jsr dointro ;returns gametype
cmp #3,gametype
bcs.s .play
move.l medat(pc),a1
jsr 12(a1)
bra.s exittoos
.play ;
bsr initnewgame
tst gametype
bmi .intro2
bsr smallfont
bsr execscript_med
bsr bigfont
bra .intro
exittoos bsr freeobjlist2
bsr permit
move.l rawstuff,a0
bclr #0,$3d(a0)
bsr finitser
bsr finitsfx
bsr finitvbint
bsr finitdisplay
bsr freememlist
bsr undir
; ************* FAST SUBS ********************
smallfont move #6,fontw
move #8,fonth
clr fontoff
bigfont move #8,fontw
move #10,fonth
move #51,fontoff
encodejoy ;a0=cntrl block to encode...
;return d0 encoded
;0 = joyx -1
;1 = joyx 1
;2 = joyy -1
;3 = joyy 1
;4 = joyb true
;5 = joyf true
moveq #0,d0
tst (a0)
beq.s .skipx
bpl.s .x1
bset #0,d0
bra.s .skipx
.x1 bset #1,d0
.skipx tst 2(a0)
beq.s .skipy
bpl.s .y1
bset #2,d0
bra.s .skipy
.y1 bset #3,d0
.skipy tst 4(a0)
beq.s .skipb
bset #4,d0
.skipb tst 6(a0)
beq.s .skipf
bset #5,d0
.skipf ;
decodejoy ;
;d0.b = encoded byte...
;a0 = block to fill
;0 = joyx -1
;1 = joyx 1
;2 = joyy -1
;3 = joyy 1
;4 = joyb true
;5 = joyf true
clr (a0)
move d0,d1
and #3,d1
beq.s .skipx
cmp #1,d1
bne.s .x1
move #-1,(a0)
bra.s .skipx
.x1 move #1,(a0)
.skipx clr 2(a0)
move d0,d1
and #12,d1
beq.s .skipy
cmp #4,d1
bne.s .y1
move #-1,2(a0)
bra.s .skipy
.y1 move #1,2(a0)
.skipy btst #4,d0
sne d1
ext d1
move d1,4(a0)
btst #5,d0
sne d1
ext d1
move d1,6(a0)
sfxs ;
sfx0 ds.b fx_size
sfx1 ds.b fx_size
sfx2 ds.b fx_size
sfx3 ds.b fx_size
sfxintserver0 dc.l 0,0
dc.b 2,0
dc.l 0
dc.l sfx0
dc.l sfxint
sfxintserver1 dc.l 0,0
dc.b 2,0
dc.l 0
dc.l sfx1
dc.l sfxint
sfxintserver2 dc.l 0,0
dc.b 2,0
dc.l 0
dc.l sfx2
dc.l sfxint
sfxintserver3 dc.l 0,0
dc.b 2,0
dc.l 0
dc.l sfx3
dc.l sfxint
initsfx push
move.l 4.w,a6
moveq #7,d0
lea sfxintserver0,a1
jsr -162(a6) ;setintvector
moveq #8,d0
lea sfxintserver1,a1
jsr -162(a6)
moveq #9,d0
lea sfxintserver2,a1
jsr -162(a6)
moveq #10,d0
lea sfxintserver3,a1
jsr -162(a6)
lea sfxs(pc),a1
move #$80,d0
moveq #1,d1
moveq #0,d2
moveq #3,d3
.loop bsr .init
lea fx_size(a1),a1
dbf d3,.loop
.init clr fx_status(a1)
move d0,fx_int(a1)
move d1,fx_dma(a1)
move d2,fx_offset(a1)
add d0,d0
add d1,d1
add #16,d2
finitsfx push
move.l 4.w,a6
moveq #7,d0
sub.l a1,a1
jsr -162(a6)
move.l 4.w,a6
moveq #8,d0
sub.l a1,a1
jsr -162(a6)
move.l 4.w,a6
moveq #9,d0
sub.l a1,a1
jsr -162(a6)
move.l 4.w,a6
moveq #10,d0
sub.l a1,a1
jsr -162(a6)
playsfx ;sfx file in a0, vol in d0, priority in d1
move #$4000,$dff09a
lea sfxs(pc),a1
moveq #3,d2
.loop tst fx_status(a1)
beq.s makesfx
lea fx_size(a1),a1
dbf d2,.loop
;OK, none free...check priorities
lea sfxs(pc),a1
moveq #3,d2
.loop2 cmp fx_priority(a1),d1
bgt.s queuesfx
lea fx_size(a1),a1
dbf d2,.loop2
move #$c000,$dff09a
queuesfx ;OK, turn off other and play US!
move #1,fx_status(a1)
move d0,fx_vol(a1)
move d1,fx_priority(a1)
move.l a0,fx_sfx(a1) ;play me next!
bsr sfxoff
move #$c000,$dff09a
sfxoff lea $dff0a0,a2
add fx_offset(a1),a2
move.l chipzero(pc),(a2)
move #1,4(a2) ;len
move #0,8(a2) ;vol
move fx_int(a1),$dff09a
move fx_dma(a1),$dff096
makesfx ;OK, play this SFX NOW!
move d1,fx_priority(a1)
move d0,fx_vol(a1)
bsr playsfxnow
move #$c000,$dff09a
playsfxnow move #-2,fx_status(a1)
lea $dff0a0,a2
add fx_offset(a1),a2
move (a0)+,6(a2) ;period
move (a0)+,4(a2) ;len
move fx_vol(a1),8(a2) ;vol
move.l a0,(a2) ;data
move fx_dma(a1),d0 ;dma bits
or #$8000,d0
move fx_int(a1),d1 ;int bits
move d1,d2
or #$8000,d1
move d0,$dff096 ;dma on!
move d1,$dff09a ;int en
move d2,$dff09c ;intreq clr
sfxint ;interupt for sfx!
tst fx_status(a1)
bge.s .skip
addq #1,fx_status(a1)
blt.s .skip
move.l a2,-(a7)
bsr sfxoff
move.l (a7)+,a2
.skip move fx_int(a1),$dff09c
moveq #0,d0
sfxvbint movem.l d2-d3/a1-a2,-(a7)
lea sfxs(pc),a1
moveq #3,d3
.loop tst fx_status(a1)
ble.s .skip
;this one queued! gotta play it...
subq #1,fx_status(a1)
bgt.s .skip
move.l fx_sfx(a1),a0
bsr playsfxnow
.skip lea fx_size(a1),a1
dbf d3,.loop
movem.l (a7)+,d2-d3/a1-a2
dogamemenu ;
move #$0020,$dff09a
st paused
move framecnt(pc),-(a7)
move #$8020,$dff09a
move.l player1,a5
move.l ob_palette(a5),-(a7)
move.l #palettesw,ob_palette(a5)
move.l ob_window(a5),a2
bsr plotwbmap
tst twowins
beq .p1
move.l player2,a5
move.l ob_palette(a5),-(a7)
move.l #palettesw,ob_palette(a5)
move.l ob_window(a5),a2
bsr plotwbmap
.p1 ;
bsr drawall2
move.l player1,a5
lea gamemenu,a4
move.l ob_window(a5),a6
jsr initmenu
.loop bsr selmenu
beq .done
subq #1,d0
bne .notpsize
bsr newpsize
bra .loop
.notpsize subq #1,d0
bne .notwsize
bsr newwsize
bra .loop
.notwsize subq #1,d0
bne .notlwin
bsr largewin
bra .loop
.notlwin subq #1,d0
bne .notfloor
addq #1,floorflag
cmp #2,floorflag
bne.s .fskip
move #-1,floorflag
.fskip bsr refresh
bra .loop
.notfloor subq #1,d0
bne .notroof
addq #1,roofflag
cmp #2,roofflag
bne.s .rskip
move #-1,roofflag
.rskip bsr refresh
bra .loop
.notroof ;
;tst linked
;beq.s .unlk
;move.b #$80,d0
;bsr serput
.unlk move #1,finished
.done bsr finitmenu
tst twowins
beq.s .p12
move.l player2,a5
move.l (a7)+,ob_palette(a5)
move.l ob_window(a5),a2
bsr plotwbmap
bsr initstats
bsr showstats
.p12 ;
move.l player1,a5
move.l (a7)+,ob_palette(a5)
move.l ob_window(a5),a2
bsr plotwbmap
bsr initstats
bsr showstats
move #$0020,$dff09a
move (a7)+,framecnt
clr paused
move #$8020,$dff09a
freewindows lea window1,a0
bsr freewindow
tst twowins
beq.s .p1
lea window2,a0
bsr freewindow
.p1 rts
largewin move.l player1,a5
bsr large
tst twowins
beq refresh
move.l player2,a5
bsr large
bra refresh
large move.l ob_window(a5),a6
move wi_pw(a6),d2
cmp #2,d2
beq .lhr
;large lo-res window!
move #324,d0
move #240,d1
bra thinkwin
.lhr move #180,d0
move #240,d1
bra thinkwin
newwsize ;window size stuff!
move.l player1,a5
bsr swapwsize
tst twowins
beq refresh
move.l player2,a5
bsr swapwsize
bra refresh
swapwsize ;increment window size!
move.l ob_window(a5),a6
movem wi_w(a6),d0-d1 ;w,h
move wi_pw(a6),d2
mulu d2,d0
mulu d2,d1
cmp #2,d2
beq .hr
cmp #318,d0
bcs.s .inc
move #132,d0
move d0,d1
bra thinkwin
.inc add #24,d0
move d0,d1
cmp #240,d1
bls thinkwin
move #240,d1
bra thinkwin
.hr cmp #180,d0
bcs.s .inc2
tst twowins
bne .min
add #18,d1
cmp #240,d1
bls thinkwin
.min move #132,d0
move d0,d1
bra thinkwin
.inc2 add #24,d0
move d0,d1
thinkwin move #180,d3 ;max width!
cmp #2,d2
beq .gmax
move #318,d3
.gmax cmp d3,d0
bls .nm
move d3,d0
.nm ;
cmp #240,d1
bls .n240
move #240,d1
.n240 tst twowins
beq.s .ggt
move #120,d1
.ggt ;
move #160,d3
move d0,d4
lsr #1,d4
sub d4,d3 ;wi_x
move d3,wi_x(a6)
ext.l d0
divu d2,d0
move d0,wi_w(a6)
tst twowins
bne.s .skip3
move #166,d3
move d1,d4
lsr #1,d4
sub d4,d3
move d3,wi_y(a6)
.skip3 ext.l d1
divu d2,d1
move d1,wi_h(a6)
newpsize ;toggle pixel size between 2 and 3
;copy windows to temp so we can free 'em up later
move.l player1,a5
bsr swappsize
tst twowins
beq refresh
move.l player2,a5
bsr swappsize
refresh bsr dispoff
bsr finitmenu
bsr freewindows
bsr putwindow
bsr calcbpos
lea window1,a0
bsr makewindow
lea window1,a0
bsr showwindow
tst twowins
beq.s .p1
lea window2,a0
bsr makewindow
lea window2,a0
bsr showwindow
.p1 lea gamemenu,a4
lea window1,a6
jsr initmenu2
bsr drawall2
bsr dispon
swappsize move.l ob_window(a5),a6
movem wi_w(a6),d0-d1 ;w,h
move wi_pw(a6),d2
mulu d2,d0
mulu d2,d1
eor #1,d2 ;2,3...
move d2,wi_pw(a6)
move d2,wi_ph(a6)
bra thinkwin
drawall2 bsr drawall
bsr drawall
.wait tst showflag
bne.s .wait
drawall tst doneflag
beq.s drawall ;wait for updated!
clr doneflag
move.l memory(pc),memat
move.l player1(pc),a5
bsr calcscene
move.l player1(pc),a5
bsr blitscene
move.l player1(pc),a5
bsr drawscene
move twowins(pc),d0
beq.s .p1
move.l memory(pc),memat
move.l player2(pc),a5
bsr calcscene
move.l player2(pc),a5
bsr blitscene
move.l player2(pc),a5
bsr drawscene
.p1 st showflag
resetplayer st ob_update(a5)
clr ob_thermo(a5)
clr ob_infra(a5)
clr ob_invisible(a5)
clr ob_messtimer(a5)
clr ob_pixsize(a5)
clr ob_pixsizeadd(a5)
move.l #palettes,ob_palette(a5)
calcwlevel moveq #0,d0
move.b ob_weapon(a5),d0
beq.s .wlg
subq #1,d0
divu #5,d0
mulu #20,d0
;lsl #4,d0
.wlg move d0,ob_wlevel(a5)
message ;print up a message...player in a5
move.l (a7),a0 ;return address=message!
move.l a0,ob_mess(a5)
moveq #-1,d0
.loop addq #1,d0
tst.b (a0)+
bne.s .loop
move d0,ob_messlen(a5)
move #-127,ob_messtimer(a5)
move.l a0,d0
addq.l #1,d0
and #$fffe,d0
move.l d0,(a7)
pdelay dc 0 ;non zero=wait between prints
printmess ;a5=object
move.l ob_window(a5),a6
move.l ob_mess(a5),a4
move ob_messlen(a5),d0
move wi_bh(a6),d6
lsr #2,d6 ;Y
printmess2 ;a6=window, a4=message, d0=length of message, d6=Y
move fontw(pc),d2
lsr #1,d2
mulu d2,d0
move #160,d7
sub d0,d7 ;X
.loop2 move.b (a4)+,d2
beq.s .done
cmp.b #' ',d2
beq.s .spc
cmp.b #'0',d2
bcs.s .nnum
cmp.b #'9',d2
bhi.s .nnum
sub.b #'0',d2
ext d2
bra.s .here
.nnum cmp.b #'!',d2
bne.s .notex
moveq #65+26,d2
bra.s .notfs
.notex cmp.b #'.',d2
bne.s .notfs
moveq #65+27,d2
.notfs and #31,d2
add #17,d2
.here add fontoff(pc),d2
move.l font(pc),a0
move.l wi_bmap(a6),a1
move d7,d0
move d6,d1
bsr blit
move pdelay(pc),d2
subq #1,d2
bmi.s .spc
.pdloop bsr vwait
bsr checkany
beq.s .none
move #-1,pdelay
moveq #0,d2
.none dbf d2,.pdloop
.spc add fontw(pc),d7
bra.s .loop2
.done ;
initstats ;
move.l ob_window(a5),a0
moveq #2,d0
add wi_x(a0),d0
move.l wi_bmap(a0),a1
move.l font(pc),a0
moveq #2,d1
moveq #10,d2
bsr blit
move.l ob_window(a5),a0
moveq #2,d0
add wi_x(a0),d0
move.l wi_bmap(a0),a1
move.l font(pc),a0
moveq #10,d1
moveq #11,d2
bsr blit
putstrip ;a0=window
move.l wi_bmap(a0),a1
move wi_bh(a0),d0
lsr #2,d0
mulu #7*40,d0
add.l d0,a1 ;dest
move.l wi_strip(a0),a0 ;src
btst #6,$dff002
.bwait btst #6,$dff002
bne.s .bwait
move.l #$9f00000,$dff040
move.l #-1,$dff044
move #0,$dff064
move #0,$dff066
move.l a0,$dff050
move.l a1,$dff054
move #(7*7)<<6+20,$dff058
loff dc 0
showstats ;a5=player
moveq #2,d5
move ob_hitpoints(a5),d6
clr loff
bsr showlevel
moveq #10,d5
move ob_weapon(a5),d6
lsr #8,d6
move #51,loff
bsr showlevel
cmp #2,gametype
bne.s .lives
movem wins1(pc),d6-d7
cmp.l player1,a5
beq.s .skip
exg d6,d7
.skip sub d7,d6
ble.s .rts
subq #1,d6
move.l ob_window(a5),a0
move wi_bw(a0),d7
subq #2,d7
.loop subq #6,d7
move d7,d0
move.l ob_window(a5),a0
add wi_x(a0),d0
moveq #2,d1
moveq #50,d2
move.l wi_bmap(a0),a1
move.l font(pc),a0
bsr blit
dbf d6,.loop
.rts rts
.lives ;show how many lives
move ob_lives(a5),d6 ;how many lives!
beq.s .nolives
move.l ob_window(a5),a0
move wi_bw(a0),d7
subq #2,d7
subq #1,d6
.lloop subq #6,d7
move d7,d0
move.l ob_window(a5),a0
add wi_x(a0),d0
moveq #2,d1
moveq #50,d2
move.l wi_bmap(a0),a1
move.l font(pc),a0
bsr blit
dbf d6,.lloop
.nolives rts
showlevel moveq #47,d7
ext.l d6
divu #5,d6
subq #1,d6
bmi.s .skip
.loop moveq #12,d2
bsr drawh2
dbf d6,.loop
.skip ;
swap d6
tst d6
beq.s .rest
moveq #17,d2
sub d6,d2
bsr drawh2
.rest cmp #47+6*5,d7
bcc.s .hdone
moveq #17,d2
bsr drawh2
bra.s .rest
.hdone ;
drawh2 add loff(pc),d2
drawh move.l ob_window(a5),a0
move d7,d0
move d5,d1
add wi_x(a0),d0
move.l wi_bmap(a0),a1
move.l font(pc),a0
addq #6,d7
blit ;a0=shapetable to blit, a1=bitmap, d0=X, d1=Y, d2=char
add.l 4(a0,d2*4),a0
mulu #280,d1
add.l d1,a1
move d0,d2
asr #3,d2
add d2,a1 ;dest!
move.l a0,a2
add.l (a0),a2
lea 8(a0),a3
addq #4,a0
and #15,d0
ror #4,d0
btst #6,$dff002
.bwait btst #6,$dff002
bne.s .bwait
move.l a2,$dff050
move.l a3,$dff04c
move.l a1,$dff048
move.l a1,$dff054
move d0,$dff042
or #$fca,d0
move d0,$dff040
move.l #$ffff0000,$dff044
moveq #-2,d0
move d0,$dff064
move d0,$dff062
moveq #38,d0
sub (a0)+,d0
move d0,$dff060
move d0,$dff066
move (a0)+,$dff058
pixsize dc 0 ;pixel least 2!
pixelate ;pixel out the coplist!
move pixsize(pc),d1 ;x/y add
;pixel out vertically, then horizontally
move.l cop(pc),a0
lea coloffs(pc),a1
moveq #0,d2 ;x
move d1,d6
lsr #1,d6
.forx ;
move.l a0,a3
lea 0(a1,d2*4),a2
add.l (a2),a3
move d2,d5
add d6,d5
cmp width(pc),d5
ble.s .xok
move width(pc),d5
.xok sub d2,d5
ble .done
subq #1,d5
.loop2 moveq #0,d3
move.l a3,a4
move.l a0,a5
add.l (a2)+,a5
move d1,d7
lsr #1,d7 ;first Y add
.fory ;
move (a4),d0 ;start column!
move d3,d4
add d7,d4
cmp hite(pc),d4
ble.s .yok
move hite(pc),d4
.yok sub d3,d4
ble .nextx
subq #1,d4
.loop move d0,(a5)
add copmod(pc),a4
add copmod(pc),a5
dbf d4,.loop
.nexty add d7,d3
move d1,d7
bra.s .fory
.nextx dbf d5,.loop2
add d6,d2
move d1,d6
bra.s .forx
.done rts
makeqstrip ;
;do a simple roof/floor strip for blitter to wack in...
cmp #$100,con0poke
bne.s .doit
.doit move.l qstrip(pc),a0
move.l darktable(pc),a1
move.l palette(pc),a2
move.l qstripbot(pc),a4
moveq #0,d2
move floorflag(pc),d0
bne.s .fdone
move camy(pc),d0
neg d0
ext.l d0
lsl.l #focshft,d0
move.b qcols+1(pc),d2
move.l qstripbot(pc),a4
move maxy(pc),d1
.floop subq #1,d1
beq.s .fdone
move.l d0,d3
divs d1,d3
cmp #maxz,d3
bcc .fdone
move 0(a1,d3*2),d3 ;darkness (0...15)
move.l 0(a2,d3*4),a3 ;pal to use
move 0(a3,d2*2),-(a4) ;colour!
bra.s .floop
.fdone move roofflag(pc),d0
bne.s .rdone
move #-256,d0
sub camy(pc),d0
ext.l d0
lsl.l #focshft,d0 ;cam Y
move.b qcols(pc),d2
move miny(pc),d1 ;SY
.rloop beq.s .rdone
move.l d0,d3
divs d1,d3
cmp #maxz,d3
bcc .rdone
move 0(a1,d3*2),d3 ;darkness (0...15)
move.l 0(a2,d3*4),a3 ;pal to use
move 0(a3,d2*2),(a0)+ ;colour!
addq #1,d1
bra.s .rloop
.rdone ;
moveq #0,d0
.loop cmp.l a4,a0
bcc.s .done
move.l d0,(a0)+
bra.s .loop
.done rts
flatcam dc.l 0
flatyadd dc 0
flatyadd2 dc 0
flat ;
;do flat above/below panel!
;d0=Y pos of flat
;d1=Screen Y add
;d7=first screen Y (miny or maxy-1)
;a0=panel to draw on!
ext.l d0
lsl.l #focshft,d0
move.l d0,flatcam
move d1,flatyadd
muls copmod(pc),d1
move d1,flatyadd2
move d7,d0
add midy(pc),d0
mulu copmod(pc),d0
add.l cop(pc),d0
add.l coloffs(pc),d0
move.l d0,a2
.vloop ;
;find Z on this scanline...
tst d7
beq .rts
move.l flatcam(pc),d6
divs d7,d6 ;d6.w = Z
cmp #maxz,d6
bcc .rts
move.l darktable(pc),a5
move 0(a5,d6*2),d5
move.l palette(pc),a5
move.l 0(a5,d5*4),a5
;Find leftmost X...
move minx(pc),d5
muls d6,d5
asr.l #focshft,d5
move maxx(pc),d4
muls d6,d4
asr.l #focshft,d4
;rotate X1,Z around camera...
move d5,d0
move d6,d1
move d0,d2
move d1,d3
muls icm1(pc),d0
add.l d0,d0
muls icm2(pc),d3
add.l d3,d3
add.l d3,d0
muls icm3(pc),d2
add.l d2,d2
muls icm4(pc),d1
add.l d1,d1
add.l d2,d1
;d0,d1.q = rotated x1,z
;rotate X2,Z around camera...
move d4,d2
move d6,d3
muls icm1(pc),d4
add.l d4,d4
muls icm2(pc),d3
add.l d3,d3
add.l d3,d4
muls icm3(pc),d2
add.l d2,d2
muls icm4(pc),d6
add.l d6,d6
add.l d2,d6
;d4,d6.q = rotated x2,z
move width(pc),d5
ext.l d5
sub.l d0,d4 ;Xadd
divs.l d5,d4
sub.l d1,d6 ;Zadd
divs.l d5,d6
swap d0
add camx(pc),d0
swap d1
add camz(pc),d1
swap d4
swap d6
move d7,-(a7)
moveq #127,d7
moveq #0,d2
moveq #0,d3
move.l a2,a3
move wdiv32(pc),-(a7)
.hloop2 moveq #31,d5
.hloop tst (a3) ;check destination!
bne.s .skip
and d7,d0
and d7,d1 ;X/Z for fetch!
move d0,d2
lsl #7,d2
lea 0(a0,d2),a6
move.b 0(a6,d1),d3
move 0(a5,d3*2),(a3)
.skip add.l d4,d0
addx d2,d0
add.l d6,d1
addx d2,d1
addq #4,a3
dbf d5,.hloop
addq #4,a3
subq #1,(a7)
bgt.s .hloop2
bne.s .kl
move wrem32(pc),d5
bpl.s .hloop
.kl move.l (a7)+,d7
add flatyadd(pc),d7
add flatyadd2(pc),a2
bra .vloop
.rts rts
doanims move.l map_anim(pc),a0
lea textures,a1
.loop move (a0)+,d0 ;how many frames
beq.s .done
movem (a0)+,d1-d2 ;first, delay
subq #1,(a0)+
bgt.s .loop
move d2,-2(a0)
lea 0(a1,d1*4),a2
;do the anim!
subq #2,d0
move.l (a2),d2
.loop2 move.l 4(a2),(a2)+
dbf d0,.loop2
move.l d2,(a2)
bra.s .loop
.done rts
dorots ;
move.l camrots2(pc),a6
lea rotpolys(pc),a5 ;header!
rotloop move.l (a5),a5
tst.l (a5)
beq .done
move rp_speed(a5),d0
beq.s rotloop
add d0,rp_rot(a5)
move rp_rot(a5),d0
move.l rp_first(a5),a2 ;first
move rp_num(a5),d5
subq #1,d5
move d5,d4
lsl #5,d4
lea 0(a2,d4),a1 ;previous
lea rp_lx(a5),a3
btst #0,rp_flags+1(a5)
bne.s morph
.rot movem rp_cx(a5),d6-d7 ;centre x,z
and #1023,d0
lea 0(a6,d0*8),a4 ;rotation matrix.
.loop bsr rotter
add d6,d0
add d7,d1
movem d0-d1,zo_lx(a2)
movem d0-d1,zo_rx(a1)
bsr rotter
movem d0-d1,zo_na(a2)
exg d0,d1
neg d0
movem d0-d1,zo_a(a2)
move.l a2,a1
lea 32(a2),a2
dbf d5,.loop
bra rotloop
.done rts
morph tst d0
bgt.s .dp
moveq #0,d0
.neg neg rp_speed(a5)
bra.s .skip2
.dp cmp #$4000,d0
blt.s .skip
move #$4000,d0
btst #1,rp_flags+1(a5)
bne.s .neg
clr rp_speed(a5)
.skip2 move d0,rp_rot(a5)
.skip ;
move d0,d4
movem.l a2/d5,-(a7) ;for calculating norms!
.loop movem (a3)+,d0-d3
muls d4,d0
lsl.l #2,d0
swap d0
add d2,d0
muls d4,d1
lsl.l #2,d1
swap d1
add d3,d1
movem d0-d1,zo_lx(a2)
movem d0-d1,zo_rx(a1)
move.l a2,a1
lea 32(a2),a2
dbf d5,.loop
movem.l (a7)+,a2/d5
.loop2 move zo_rx(a2),d0
sub zo_lx(a2),d0
move zo_rz(a2),d1
sub zo_lz(a2),d1
bsr calcnormvec
movem d0-d1,zo_na(a2)
exg d0,d1
neg d0
movem d0-d1,zo_a(a2)
lea 32(a2),a2
dbf d5,.loop2
bra rotloop
calcnormvec ;d0,d1 = vector...normalize!
;OK, find vector length!
move d0,d2
muls d2,d2
move d1,d3
muls d3,d3
add.l d3,d2
;OK, sqr of d2.l!
move.l #$10000,d3
.fitit cmp.l #16384,d2 ;fits?
bcs.s .ok
asr.l #1,d2
mulu.l #92681,d4:d3 ;mult by sqr(2)
move d4,d3
swap d3
bra.s .fitit
.ok ;OK to look up, but multiply the result.w by d3.q
move.l sqr(pc),a0
and #$fffe,d2
movem 0(a0,d2),d2 ;sqr.l!
mulu.l d3,d2
swap d2 ;length.w
;length should be >= both abs(xvec) AND abs(zvec)
move d0,d3
bpl.s .xp
neg d3
.xp move d1,d4
bpl.s .zp
neg d4
.zp ;
cmp d4,d3
bcc.s .bg
exg d3,d4
.bg ;
cmp d3,d2
bcc.s .lo
move d3,d2
.lo ;
ext.l d2
swap d0
clr d0
divs.l d2,d0
muls.l #32766,d0
swap d0
swap d1
clr d1
divs.l d2,d1
muls.l #32766,d1
swap d1
rotter movem (a3)+,d0-d1 ;this x,z
move d0,d2
move d1,d3
muls (a4),d0
muls 2(a4),d3
add.l d3,d0
add.l d0,d0
swap d0 ;new x!
muls 4(a4),d2
muls 6(a4),d1
add.l d2,d1
add.l d1,d1
swap d1
dodoors lea doors(pc),a5
.loop move.l (a5),a5
tst.l (a5)
beq .done
move.l do_poly(a5),a0
move do_fracadd(a5),d0
add d0,do_frac(a5)
move do_frac(a5),d0
move d0,d1
add d1,d1
move d1,zo_open(a0) ;copy frac
move do_rx(a5),d1
sub do_lx(a5),d1 ;width
move d1,d2
muls d0,d2
lsl.l #2,d2
swap d2
move do_lx(a5),d3
sub d2,d3
move d3,zo_lx(a0)
add d1,d3
move d3,zo_rx(a0)
move do_rz(a5),d1
sub do_lz(a5),d1
move d1,d2
muls d0,d2
lsl.l #2,d2
swap d2
move do_lz(a5),d3
sub d2,d3
move d3,zo_lz(a0)
add d1,d3
move d3,zo_rz(a0)
tst d0
beq.s .kill
cmp #$4000,d0
bne.s .loop
.kill move.l a5,a0
killitem doors
move.l a0,a5
bra .loop
.done rts
doorsfxflag dc 0
execevent ;d0=event number to execute...1,2...
sf doorsfxflag
move.l map_map(pc),a6
move.l map_events(pc),a0
ifne aga
add.l 0(a0,d0*4),a6
lsl #2,d0
add.l 0(a0,d0),a6
exec_loop move (a6)+,d0
beq.s .rts
subq #1,d0
beq exec_addobj ;1 - add an object (alien etc)
subq #1,d0
beq exec_opendoor ;2 - open a door
subq #1,d0
beq exec_teleport ;3 - teleport
subq #1,d0
beq exec_loadobjs ;4 - load objects
subq #1,d0
beq exec_changetxt ;5 - change texture
subq #1,d0
beq exec_rotpolys ;6 - start polygons rotating!
warn #$f0f
.rts tst doorsfxflag
beq.s .nodoor
clr doorsfxflag
move.l doorsfx(pc),a0
moveq #64,d0
moveq #2,d1
bsr playsfx
.nodoor rts
exec_changetxt ;
move (a6)+,d0 ;zone#
move.l map_poly(pc),a1
lsl #5,d0
lea 0(a1,d0),a1 ;polygon to change
move (a6)+,d0 ;new texture
move.b d0,zo_t(a1)
bra exec_loop
exec_opendoor st doorsfxflag
addlast doors ;a0=new door
move (a6)+,d0 ;door #
move.l map_poly(pc),a1
lsl #5,d0
lea 0(a1,d0),a1 ;polygon to open!
;calc lx add, lz add, rx add, rz add
move.l a1,do_poly(a0)
move.l zo_lx(a1),do_lx(a0)
move.l zo_rx(a1),do_rx(a0)
clr do_frac(a0)
move #$100,do_fracadd(a0)
bra exec_loop
exec_teleport move.l eventobj(pc),a0
move (a6)+,ob_telex(a0)
addq #2,a6
move (a6)+,ob_telez(a0)
move (a6)+,ob_telerot(a0)
move #4,ob_pixsizeadd(a0)
bsr dotelesfx
bra exec_loop
dotelesfx move.l telesfx(pc),a0
moveq #64,d0
moveq #10,d1
bra playsfx
exec_loadobjs ;
.loop move (a6)+,d0
bmi .done
bsr loadanobj
bra.s .loop
.done ;
bra exec_loop
loadanobj ;d0=object#...sys must be permitted
lea objinfo,a2
mulu #objinfof-objinfo,d0
move.l _ob_shape-objinfo(a2,d0),a2
lea 8(a2),a3 ;filename
tst.l (a2)
bne.s .skip
move.l a3,a0
moveq #1,d1
bsr loadfile
move.l d0,(a2)
beq.s .skip
move.l d0,a0
bsr remapanim
.skip ;
tst.l 4(a2)
bne.s .rts
move.l a3,a0
.loop tst.b (a3)+
bne.s .loop
move.b #'2',-(a3)
moveq #1,d1
bsr loadfile
clr.b (a3)
move.l d0,4(a2)
beq.s .rts
move.l d0,a0
bsr remapanim
.rts rts
exec_rotpolys ;
;could also be morphpolys depending on bit 0 of flags!
addlast rotpolys
bne.s .ok
addq #8,a6
bra exec_loop
.ok movem (a6)+,d0-d3 ;polynum,count,speed,flags
clr rp_rot(a0)
move d1,rp_num(a0)
move d2,rp_speed(a0)
move d3,rp_flags(a0)
move d1,d5
subq #1,d5
move.l map_poly(pc),a2 ;polygons!
lsl #5,d0
add d0,a2
move.l a2,rp_first(a0)
btst #0,d3
beq .rot
;OK, prepare for morph
lsl #5,d1
lea 0(a2,d1),a3
lea rp_vx(a0),a1
.loop movem zo_lx(a3),d0-d1
movem zo_lx(a2),d2-d3
sub d2,d0
sub d3,d1
movem d0-d3,(a1)
addq #8,a1
lea 32(a2),a2
lea 32(a3),a3
dbf d5,.loop
bra exec_loop
.rot ;First, calc centre X,Z into d6,d7
moveq #0,d6
moveq #0,d7
move.l a2,a1
.loop0 movem zo_lx(a1),d0/d2
add.l d0,d6
add.l d2,d7
lea 32(a1),a1
dbf d5,.loop0
divu d1,d6
divu d1,d7
movem d6-d7,rp_cx(a0)
lea rp_lx(a0),a1
subq #1,d1
.loop2 movem zo_lx(a2),d0/d2
sub d6,d0
move d0,(a1)+
sub d7,d2
move d2,(a1)+
move.l zo_na(a2),(a1)+
lea 32(a2),a2
dbf d1,.loop2
exec_addobj clr.l dummy
move (a6)+,d0 ;monster type
lea objinfo,a2
mulu #objinfof-objinfo,d0
add.l d0,a2
move.l (a2)+,a3
tst.l (a3)
beq.s .ok
.no addq #8,a6
bra exec_loop
.ok cmp #2,-2(a6) ;player?
bcc.s .notp
addfirst objects
bra.s .bum
.notp addlast objects
.bum beq.s .no
move.l a0,a5
move.l a5,(a3)
move (a6)+,ob_x(a5)
move (a6)+,ob_y(a5)
move (a6)+,ob_z(a5)
move (a6)+,ob_rot(a5)
lea ob_info(a5),a3
move #(objinfof-objinfo-4)>>1-1,d0
.loop move (a2)+,(a3)+
dbf d0,.loop
bsr calcvecs
movem.l d4-d5,ob_xvec(a5)
move.l ob_shape(a5),a0
move.l 4(a0),ob_chunks(a5)
move.l (a0),a0
move.l a0,ob_shape(a5)
move an_maxw(a0),d0
move d0,ob_rad(a5)
mulu d0,d0
move.l d0,ob_radsq(a5)
clr.l ob_washit(a5)
bsr rnddelay
bra exec_loop
rnddelay move ob_range(a5),d0
bsr rndn
add ob_base(a5),d0
move d0,ob_delay(a5)
seedrnd ;seed number in d0.w
moveq #54,d1
lea rndtable(pc),a0
.loop move d0,(a0)+
mulu #$1efd,d0
add #$dff,d0
dbf d1,.loop
move.l a0,k_index
move.l #rndtable+48,j_index
rndw ;return rnd number 0...65535 if d0.w
movem.l a0/a1,-(a7)
lea rndtable(pc),a1
move.l j_index(pc),a0
move -(a0),d0
cmp.l a0,a1
bne.s .skip
lea rndtable+110(pc),a0
.skip move.l a0,j_index
move.l k_index(pc),a0
add -(a0),d0
move d0,(a0)
cmp.l a0,a1
bne.s .skip2
lea rndtable+110(pc),a0
.skip2 move.l a0,k_index
movem.l (a7)+,a0/a1
savernd lea rndtable(pc),a0
lea rndback(pc),a1
moveq #(rndtablef-rndtable)/2-1,d0
.loop move (a0)+,(a1)+
dbf d0,.loop
loadrnd lea rndback(pc),a0
lea rndtable(pc),a1
moveq #(rndtablef-rndtable)/2-1,d0
.loop move (a0)+,(a1)+
dbf d0,.loop
rndtable ds.w 55
k_index dc.l 0
j_index dc.l 0
rndback ds.b rndtablef-rndtable
rndl bsr rndw
move d0,d1
bsr rndw
swap d0
move d1,d0
rndn move d0,d1
bsr rndw
mulu d1,d0
swap d0
calcangle2 ;angle of camera to object in a5
move camx(pc),d0
sub ob_x(a5),d0
move camz(pc),d1
sub ob_z(a5),d1
bra.s calcangle_
calcangle ;angle of object a5 to object a0...
move ob_x(a0),d0
sub ob_x(a5),d0
move ob_z(a0),d1
sub ob_z(a5),d1
calcangle_ ;d0.w=x d1.w=y (dest-src)!
moveq #0,d2
tst d1
bpl.s .hpos
moveq #16,d2
neg d1
.hpos tst d0
bpl.s .wpos
eor #8,d2
neg d0
.wpos cmp d1,d0
bmi.s .notsteep
bne.s .neq
move #$2000,d1
bra.s .flow
.neq eor #4,d2
exg d1,d0
.notsteep tst d1
bne.s .noflow
moveq #0,d1
bra.s .flow
.noflow ext.l d0
swap d0
divu d1,d0
lsr #6,d0
and #1022,d0
move .arc(pc,d0),d1
.flow move.l .oct(pc,d2),d0
eor d0,d1
swap d0
add d1,d0
lsr #8,d0
.oct dc 0,0,$4000,-1,0,-1,$c000,0
dc $8000,-1,$4000,0,$8000,0,$c000,-1
.arc incbin arc.bin
currplayer dc.l 0
calcscene ;a5=player object
move #$20,$dff09a
move.l a5,currplayer
move.l ob_palette(a5),palette
move ob_thermo(a5),thermo
move ob_infra(a5),infra
move ob_pixsize(a5),pixsize
clr.l shapelist
move.l a5,a0
bsr calccamera
bsr makewalls
lea objects(pc),a5
.loop move.l (a5),a5
tst.l (a5)
beq.s .done
cmp.l currplayer(pc),a5
beq.s .loop
move.l ob_render(a5),a0
jsr (a0)
bra.s .loop
.done ;
lea gore(pc),a5
.loop2 move.l (a5),a5
tst.l (a5)
beq.s .done2
movem go_x(a5),d0/d2
moveq #0,d1
move.l go_shape(a5),a0
move #$200,d7
bsr drawshape_q
bra.s .loop2
.done2 move #$8020,$dff09a
blitscene bclr #7,ob_update(a5)
beq.s .noupdate
bclr #7,ob_update+1(a5)
beq.s .stats
move.l ob_window(a5),a2
moveq #9,d0
bsr wcopy
bsr initstats
.stats bsr showstats
.noupdate move ob_messtimer(a5),d0
bpl.s .mskip
addq #1,d0
beq.s .mdone
neg ob_messtimer(a5)
move.l ob_window(a5),a0
bsr putstrip
bsr printmess
bra.s .mskip
.mdone clr ob_messtimer(a5)
move.l ob_window(a5),a0
bsr putstrip
.mskip ;
drawscene ;a5=player
.wait tst showflag
bne.s .wait
move.l ob_window(a5),a0
bsr dbwindow
bsr castwalls
bsr makeqstrip
bsr renderwalls
move floorflag(pc),d0
ble.s .nofloor
move camy(pc),d0
neg d0
moveq #-1,d1
move maxy(pc),d7
subq #1,d7
lea groundtile,a0
bsr flat
.nofloor move roofflag(pc),d0
ble.s .noflat
move #-255,d0
sub camy(pc),d0
moveq #1,d1
move miny(pc),d7
lea ceilingtile,a0
bsr flat
.noflat bsr drawshapes
bsr drawblood
move.l currplayer(pc),a0
move ob_pixsizeadd(a0),d0
beq .done
add d0,ob_pixsize(a0)
move ob_pixsize(a0),d0
beq .fin
cmp #24,d0
bne .pix
;ok, big pixels
move finished2(pc),finished
bne .pix
move #$20,$dff09a
move ob_telex(a0),ob_x(a0)
move ob_telez(a0),ob_z(a0)
move ob_telerot(a0),ob_rot(a0)
neg ob_pixsizeadd(a0)
move #$8020,$dff09a
bra.s .pix
.fin clr ob_pixsizeadd(a0)
.pix move d0,pixsize
bsr pixelate
.done rts
vbhandler ;
subq #1,(a1)+
addq #1,(a1)
tst showflag
beq.s .noshow
;don't show if beam in the way!
move.l $dff004,d0
lsr.l #8,d0 ;beampos
and #$1ff,d0
cmp minbpos(pc),d0
bcs.s .ok
cmp maxbpos(pc),d0
bcs.s .noshow
.ok clr showflag
lea window1,a0
bsr showwindowq
lea window2,a0
bsr showwindowq
.noshow bsr sfxvbint
move fadevol(pc),d0
beq.s .nofade
move.l medat(pc),a1
sub #$80,fadevol
bgt.s .setvol
clr fadevol
jsr 12(a1) ;stop song
bra.s .nofade
.setvol move fadevol(pc),d0
lsr #8,d0
jsr 16(a1) ;set volume
.nofade btst #0,framecnt+1
beq rts
tst paused
bne exit_vb2
;OK, movement/animation stuff!
movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7)
bsr readjoys
bsr doanims
bsr dorots
bsr dodoors
bsr moveblood
ifne debugser
;OK, kludge in a random number!
move framecnt(pc),d0
and #126,d0
bne.s .nornd
bsr rndw
lea .rndasc(pc),a0
moveq #3,d1
.loop rol #4,d0
move d0,d2
and #15,d2
add #48,d2
cmp #58,d2
bcs.s .rok
addq #7,d2
.rok move.b d2,(a0)+
dbf d1,.loop
move.l player1(pc),a5
bsr message
.rndasc dc.b 'aaaa',0
.nornd ;
move.l a7,obj_stack
lea objects(pc),a5
obj_loop move.l (a5),a5
tst.l (a5)
beq exit_vb
move.l ob_logic(a5),a0
jsr (a0)
;check collision!
move ob_collwith(a5),d0
beq.s obj_loop
move ob_rad(a5),d1
move ob_x(a5),d6
move ob_z(a5),d7
lea objects(pc),a0
.loop2 move.l (a0),a0
cmp.l a5,a0
bne.s .this
clr.l ob_washit(a5) ;not hit! can get hit next time...
bra obj_loop
.this ;
move ob_colltype(a0),d2
and d0,d2
beq.s .loop2
move ob_rad(a0),d2
add d1,d2 ;r sum
move ob_x(a0),d3
sub d6,d3
bpl.s .xpl
neg d3
.xpl cmp d2,d3
bcc.s .loop2
move ob_z(a0),d4
sub d7,d4
bpl.s .ypl
neg d4
.ypl cmp d2,d4
bcc.s .loop2
mulu d2,d2
mulu d3,d3
mulu d4,d4
add.l d4,d3
cmp.l d2,d3
bcc.s .loop2
cmp.l ob_washit(a5),a0
beq obj_loop
move.l a0,ob_washit(a5)
move finished2(pc),d0
bne obj_loop
move.l #killobject3,killjsr
movem.l a0/a5,obj_a0
exg.l a0,a5
move ob_damage(a0),d0
move.l ob_hit(a5),a1
sub d0,ob_hitpoints(a5)
bgt.s hit_skip
move.l ob_die(a5),a1
hit_skip jsr (a1)
hit_ret move.l #killobject2,killjsr
movem.l obj_a0(pc),a0/a5
move ob_damage(a0),d0
move.l ob_hit(a5),a1
sub d0,ob_hitpoints(a5)
bgt.s hit_skip2
move.l ob_die(a5),a1
hit_skip2 jsr (a1)
bra obj_loop
exit_vb movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6
exit_vb2 st doneflag
moveq #0,d0
rts rts
obj_a0 dc.l 0
obj_a5 dc.l 0
obj_stack dc.l 0
killjsr dc.l killobject2
killobject ;
move.l killjsr(pc),a0
jmp (a0)
killobject2 move.l a5,a0
killitem objects
move.l a0,a5
move.l obj_stack(pc),a7
bra obj_loop
killobject3 move.l a5,a0
killitem objects
move.l obj_stack(pc),a7
bra hit_ret
bloodspeed bsr rndw
ext.l d0
lsl.l #2,d0
bloodspeed2 bsr rndw
ext.l d0
lsl.l #5,d0
bloodspeed3 bsr rndw
ext.l d0
lsl.l #4,d0
makesparksq move.l ob_chunks(a5),a2
makesparks ;a2=sparks
movem.l ob_x(a5),d2-d4
move 2(a2),d5
subq #1,d5
.loop addlast objects
beq .rts
movem.l d2-d4,ob_x(a0)
bsr bloodspeed2
move.l d0,ob_xvec(a0)
bsr bloodspeed2
move.l d0,ob_yvec(a0)
bsr bloodspeed2
move.l d0,ob_zvec(a0)
move.l a2,ob_shape(a0)
move d5,ob_frame(a0)
move.l #sparkslogic,ob_logic(a0)
move.l #drawshape_1,ob_render(a0)
clr ob_colltype(a0)
clr ob_collwith(a0)
bsr rndw
and #15,d0
add #15,d0
move d0,ob_delay(a0)
dbf d5,.loop
.rts rts
sparkslogic subq #1,ob_delay(a5)
ble killobject
movem.l ob_x(a5),d0-d2
add.l ob_xvec(a5),d0
add.l ob_yvec(a5),d1
add.l ob_zvec(a5),d2
movem.l d0-d2,ob_x(a5)
bloodymess ;throw random blood splots everywhere!
bsr bloodspeed2
add.l ob_x(a5),d0
move.l d0,d2
bsr bloodspeed2
add.l ob_gutsy(a5),d0
move.l d0,d3
bsr bloodspeed2
add.l ob_z(a5),d0
move.l d0,d4
.loop addlast blood
beq.s .done
movem.l d2-d4,bl_x(a0)
bsr bloodspeed
move.l d0,bl_xvec(a0)
bsr bloodspeed
move.l d0,bl_yvec(a0)
bsr bloodspeed
move.l d0,bl_zvec(a0)
move ob_blood(a5),bl_color(a0)
dbf d7,.loop
.done rts
bloodymess2 ;throw random blood splots everywhere!
bsr bloodspeed2
add.l ob_x(a5),d0
move.l d0,d2
bsr bloodspeed2
add.l ob_gutsy(a5),d0
move.l d0,d3
bsr bloodspeed2
add.l ob_z(a5),d0
move.l d0,d4
.loop addlast blood
beq.s .done
movem.l d2-d4,bl_x(a0)
bsr bloodspeed3
move.l d0,bl_xvec(a0)
bsr bloodspeed3
move.l d0,bl_yvec(a0)
bsr bloodspeed3
move.l d0,bl_zvec(a0)
move ob_blood(a5),bl_color(a0)
dbf d7,.loop
.done rts
chunklogic move mode(pc),d0
beq chunklogic2
add.l #$8000,ob_yvec(a5)
move.l ob_yvec(a5),d0
add.l ob_y(a5),d0
blt .skip
;OK...hit ground!
bsr splat
addlast gore
bne.s .gok
move.l gore(pc),a0
killitem gore
addlast gore
beq killobject
.gok move ob_x(a5),go_x(a0)
move ob_z(a5),go_z(a0)
move.l ob_shape(a5),a1
move ob_frame(a5),d0
add.l 12(a1,d0*4),a1
move.l a1,go_shape(a0)
bra killobject
.skip move.l d0,ob_y(a5)
movem.l ob_xvec(a5),d6-d7
add.l ob_x(a5),d6
add.l ob_z(a5),d7
bsr checknew
beq.s .newok
clr.l ob_xvec(a5)
clr.l ob_zvec(a5)
.newok move.l d6,ob_x(a5)
move.l d7,ob_z(a5)
chunklogic2 add.l #$8000,ob_yvec(a5)
move.l ob_yvec(a5),d0
add.l d0,ob_y(a5)
blt.s .ok
;bsr splat
bra killobject
.ok movem.l ob_xvec(a5),d0-d1
add.l d0,ob_x(a5)
add.l d1,ob_z(a5)
splat move.l splatsfx(pc),a0
moveq #32,d0
moveq #-1,d1
bra playsfx
blowobject move.l diesfx(pc),a0
moveq #64,d0
moveq #2,d1
bsr playsfx
moveq #31,d7
bsr bloodymess2
move.l ob_chunks(a5),d0
bne.s .chok
moveq #15,d7
bsr bloodymess2
bra killobject
.chok move.l d0,a4
move 2(a4),d7
subq #1,d7
.loop addlast objects
beq killobject
movem.l ob_x(a5),d0-d2
move.l #-64<<16,d1
movem.l d0-d2,ob_x(a0)
bsr bloodspeed3
move.l d0,ob_xvec(a0)
bsr bloodspeed3
sub.l #$40000,d0
move.l d0,ob_yvec(a0)
bsr bloodspeed3
move.l d0,ob_zvec(a0)
clr ob_colltype(a0)
clr ob_collwith(a0)
move.l #chunklogic,ob_logic(a0)
move.l a4,ob_shape(a0)
move.l #drawshape_1sc,ob_render(a0)
move d7,ob_frame(a0)
move ob_scale(a5),ob_scale(a0)
move an_maxw(a4),d0
move d0,ob_rad(a0)
mulu d0,d0
move.l d0,ob_radsq(a0)
dbf d7,.loop
bra killobject
hurtghoul moveq #31,d7
bsr bloodymess
hurtngrunt move.l a0,-(a7)
bsr rndw
and #3,d0
cmp lastgrunt(pc),d0
bne.s .new
addq #1,d0
and #3,d0
.new move d0,lastgrunt
lea grunttable(pc),a0
move.l 0(a0,d0*4),a0
move.l (a0),a0
moveq #64,d0
moveq #1,d1
bsr playsfx
move.l (a7)+,a0
hurtobject move ob_colltype(a0),d0
and #24,d0
bne.s .rts
moveq #23,d7
bsr bloodymess
move ob_hurtpause(a5),ob_hurtwait(a5)
beq .rts
move #4,ob_frame(a5)
move.l ob_logic(a5),ob_oldlogic2(a5)
move.l ob_hit(a5),ob_oldhit(a5)
move.l #pauselogic2,ob_logic(a5)
move.l #rts,ob_hit(a5)
.rts rts
pauselogic2 subq #1,ob_hurtwait(a5)
bgt.s .rts
clr ob_frame(a5)
move.l ob_oldlogic2(a5),ob_logic(a5)
move.l ob_oldhit(a5),ob_hit(a5)
.rts rts
pauselogic subq #1,ob_delay(a5)
bgt.s .skip
bsr rnddelay
move.l ob_oldlogic(a5),ob_logic(a5)
;if in front of player, continue on old course...
bsr pickplayer
tst ob_invisible(a0)
bne.s .useold ;can't see player! no intelligence...
bsr calcangle
move ob_rot(a0),d1
and #255,d1
sub d0,d1
bpl.s .pl
neg d1
.pl cmp #64,d1
bcs.s .skip
cmp #192,d1
bcc.s .skip
.useold move ob_oldrot(a5),ob_rot(a5)
bsr calcvecs
.skip rts
shoot ;
;fire off a bullet...
;d2 : colltype
;d3 : collwith
;d4 : hitpoints
;d5 : damage
;d6 : speed
;a2=bullet shape
;a3=sparks shape
addfirst objects
beq .rts
move ob_bouncecnt(a5),ob_bouncecnt(a0)
move ob_x(a5),ob_x(a0)
move ob_y(a5),d0
add ob_firey(a5),d0
move d0,ob_y(a0)
move ob_z(a5),ob_z(a0)
move.l #firelogic,ob_logic(a0)
move.l #drawshape_1,ob_render(a0)
move.l #rts,ob_hit(a0)
move.l #killobject,ob_die(a0)
move d2,ob_colltype(a0)
move d3,ob_collwith(a0)
move d4,ob_hitpoints(a0)
move d5,ob_damage(a0)
move d6,ob_movspeed(a0)
move.l a2,ob_shape(a0)
clr ob_frame(a0)
move.l a3,ob_chunks(a0)
move ob_rot(a5),d0
and #255,d0
move.l camrots(pc),a1
ifne aga
lea 0(a1,d0*8),a1
lsl #3,d0
lea 0(a1,d0),a1
move 2(a1),d0
move d0,ob_nxvec(a0)
neg d0
muls d6,d0
add.l d0,d0
move 6(a1),d1
move d1,ob_nzvec(a0)
muls d6,d1
add.l d1,d1
movem.l d0-d1,ob_xvec(a0)
add.l d0,ob_x(a0)
add.l d1,ob_z(a0)
move #32,ob_rad(a0)
move.l #32*32,ob_radsq(a0)
.rts rts
fire1 bsr pickplayer
bsr calcangle
move d0,-(a7)
bsr rndw
tst ob_invisible(a0)
bne.s .inv
and #16,d0
subq #8,d0
.inv add (a7)+,d0
and #255,d0
move d0,ob_rot(a5)
bsr calcvecs
move #7,ob_delay(a5)
move.l ob_logic(a5),ob_oldlogic(a5)
move.l #pauselogic,ob_logic(a5)
clr.l ob_frame(a5)
moveq #4,d2 ;colltype
moveq #0,d3 ;collwith
moveq #1,d4 ;hitpoints
moveq #1,d5 ;damage
moveq #20,d6 ;speed
moveq #0,d7 ;acceleration!
lea bullet1,a2
lea sparks1,a3
bsr shoot
pickplayer ;pick nearest player
move.l player1(pc),a0
move gametype(pc),d0
beq.s .rts
move.l player2(pc),a1
move linked(pc),d0
bpl.s .nosw
exg a0,a1
.nosw ;
tst ob_hitpoints(a0)
beq .sw
tst ob_hitpoints(a1)
beq.s .rts
move ob_x(a5),d0
sub ob_x(a0),d0
muls d0,d0
move ob_z(a5),d1
sub ob_z(a0),d1
muls d1,d1
add.l d1,d0 ;dist to player a0
move ob_x(a5),d1
sub ob_x(a1),d1
muls d1,d1
move ob_z(a5),d2
sub ob_z(a1),d2
muls d2,d2
add.l d2,d1 ;dist to player a1
cmp.l d1,d0
bcs.s .rts
.sw move.l a1,a0
.rts rts
checkcoll ;check for collision between a5, and a0
move ob_rad(a5),d1
move ob_rad(a0),d2
add d1,d2 ;r sum
move ob_x(a0),d3
sub ob_x(a5),d3
bpl.s .xpl
neg d3
.xpl cmp d2,d3
bcc.s .no
move ob_z(a0),d4
sub ob_z(a5),d4
bpl.s .ypl
neg d4
.ypl cmp d2,d4
bcc.s .no
mulu d2,d2
mulu d3,d3
mulu d4,d4
add.l d4,d3
cmp.l d2,d3
bcc.s .no
moveq #-1,d0
.no moveq #0,d0
baldycharge ;
;baldy charging at player!
bsr checkvecs
beq baldy_skip
baldy_tonorm move.l ob_movspeed(a5),d0
lsr.l #2,d0
move.l d0,ob_movspeed(a5)
move.l ob_framespeed(a5),d0
lsr.l #2,d0
move.l d0,ob_framespeed(a5)
move.l #baldylogic,ob_logic(a5)
bsr rnddelay
bra monsterfix
baldy_skip ;close to player? start throwing punches around!
bsr pickplayer
bsr calcangle
sub ob_rot(a5),d0
cmp #32,d0
bgt baldy_tonorm
cmp #-32,d0
blt baldy_tonorm
move.l a0,ob_washit(a5)
bsr checkcoll
beq monsternew ;no collisions!
;go into punch mode!
move.l #baldypunch,ob_logic(a5)
move ob_punchrate(a5),ob_delay(a5)
clr.l ob_frame(a5)
baldypunch ;
bsr pickplayer
bsr checkcoll
bne.s .doit
clr.l ob_frame(a5)
bra baldy_tonorm
.doit subq #1,ob_delay(a5)
ble.s .punch
.punch move ob_punchrate(a5),ob_delay(a5)
moveq #0,d0 ;stand frame
cmp ob_frame(a5),d0
bne .skip
clr.l ob_washit(a5) ;punch!
bsr calcangle
move d0,ob_rot(a5)
moveq #5,d0
.skip move d0,ob_frame(a5)
calcbangle bsr calcangle
tst ob_invisible(a0)
beq.s .notinv
;invisible, add some randomeness!
move d0,-(a7)
bsr rndw
and #127,d0
sub #64,d0
add (a7)+,d0
and #255,d0
.notinv move d0,ob_rot(a5)
baldylogic ;
;OK, what can baldy do...
;how about, walk around similar to the marine, but randomly
;charge at you?
;then, if he's close enough, he throws a punch!
subq #1,ob_delay(a5)
bgt monstermove ;charge?
bsr pickplayer
bsr calcbangle
move.l ob_movspeed(a5),d0
lsl.l #2,d0
move.l d0,ob_movspeed(a5)
move.l ob_framespeed(a5),d0
lsl.l #2,d0
move.l d0,ob_framespeed(a5)
bsr calcvecs
move.l #baldycharge,ob_logic(a5)
terralogic ;
move ob_rot(a5),ob_oldrot(a5)
subq #1,ob_delay(a5)
bgt monstermove
;OK, terra goes apeshit! stand there firing off at player!
;use punchrate as firedelay!
clr ob_frame(a5)
move #1,ob_delay(a5)
move ob_firecnt(a5),ob_delay2(a5)
move.l #terralogic2,ob_logic(a5)
terralogic2 ;
subq #1,ob_delay(a5)
bgt.s .rts
move ob_firerate(a5),ob_delay(a5)
;OK, to to face player and fire away!
bsr pickplayer
bsr calcangle
move d0,ob_rot(a5)
bsr calcvecs
moveq #4,d2 ;colltype
moveq #0,d3 ;collwith
moveq #1,d4 ;hitpoints
moveq #3,d5 ;damage
moveq #16,d6 ;speed
moveq #0,d7 ;acceleration!
lea bullet4,a2
lea sparks4,a3
bsr shoot
subq #1,ob_delay2(a5)
bgt.s .rts
bsr rnddelay
move.l #terralogic,ob_logic(a5)
.rts rts
ghoullogic ;
addq #8,ob_bounce(a5)
move ob_bounce(a5),d0
move.l camrots(pc),a0
and #255,d0
move 0(a0,d0*8),d0
ext.l d0
lsl.l #5,d0 ;+/- 32
swap d0
add #-32,d0
move d0,ob_y(a5)
bsr pickplayer
bsr calcangle
move d0,ob_rot(a5)
subq #1,ob_delay(a5)
bgt.s .skip
move #1,ob_frame(a5)
move.l #$2000,ob_framespeed(a5)
moveq #4,d2 ;colltype
moveq #0,d3 ;collwith
moveq #1,d4 ;hitpoints
moveq #3,d5 ;damage
moveq #20,d6 ;speed
moveq #0,d7 ;acceleration!
lea bullet2,a2
lea sparks2,a3
bsr shoot
bsr rnddelay
.skip ;OK, ghoul moves around ignoring walls!
;he's pointed at about randomly selected to make
;this his new movement vector?
bsr rndw
move ob_movspeed(a5),d1
lsl #8,d1
cmp d1,d0
bcc.s .no
bsr calcvecs
.no movem.l ob_xvec(a5),d0-d1
add.l d0,ob_x(a5)
add.l d1,ob_z(a5)
move.l ob_framespeed(a5),d0
beq.s .rts
add.l d0,ob_frame(a5)
cmp #3,ob_frame(a5)
bcs.s .rts
clr ob_frame(a5)
clr.l ob_framespeed(a5)
.rts rts
demonpause move ob_delay(a5),d0
move d0,d1
and #4,d0
sne d0
ext d0
and #5,d0 ;0 or 5
move d0,ob_frame(a5)
and #7,d1 ;do a fire?
cmp #7,d1
bne.s .nofire
move ob_delay(a5),d0
lsr #3,d0
mulu #20,d0
lea wtable(pc),a0
moveq #4,d2 ;colltype
moveq #0,d3 ;collwith
movem 2(a0,d0),d4-d6 ;hits,dam,speed
moveq #0,d7 ;acc
move.l 8(a0,d0),a2 ;bullets
move.l 12(a0,d0),a3 ;sparks
move.l 16(a0,d0),-(a7)
bsr shoot
move.l (a7)+,a0
move.l (a0),a0
moveq #32,d0
moveq #0,d1
bsr playsfx
.nofire subq #1,ob_delay(a5)
bgt.s .rts
bsr rnddelay
move.l ob_oldlogic(a5),ob_logic(a5)
.rts rts
demonlogic ;
move ob_rot(a5),ob_oldrot(a5)
subq #1,ob_delay(a5)
bgt monstermove
bsr pickplayer
bsr calcangle
move d0,-(a7)
bsr rndw
tst ob_invisible(a0)
bne.s .inv
and #16,d0
subq #8,d0
.inv add (a7)+,d0
and #255,d0
move d0,ob_rot(a5)
bsr calcvecs
move #5<<3-1,ob_delay(a5)
move.l ob_logic(a5),ob_oldlogic(a5)
move.l #demonpause,ob_logic(a5)
phantomlogic ;
move ob_rot(a5),ob_oldrot(a5)
subq #1,ob_delay(a5)
bgt monstermove
bsr pickplayer
bsr calcangle
move d0,ob_rot(a5)
bsr calcvecs
move #7,ob_delay(a5)
move.l ob_logic(a5),ob_oldlogic(a5)
move.l #pauselogic,ob_logic(a5)
move #5,ob_frame(a5)
moveq #4,d2 ;colltype
moveq #0,d3 ;collwith
moveq #1,d4 ;hitpoints
moveq #3,d5 ;damage
moveq #20,d6 ;speed
moveq #0,d7 ;acceleration!
lea bullet3,a2
lea sparks3,a3
bra shoot
monsterlogic ;
move ob_rot(a5),ob_oldrot(a5)
;monster cruising around minding his own business...
subq #1,ob_delay(a5)
ble fire1
monstermove bsr checkvecs
beq.s monsternew
;OK, try 90/-90 degrees...
monsterfix bsr rndw
moveq #64,d1
tst d0
bpl.s .umk
moveq #-64,d1
.umk add d1,ob_rot(a5)
bsr calcvecs
bsr checkvecs
beq.s monsternew
add #128,ob_rot(a5)
bsr calcvecs
bsr checkvecs
beq.s monsternew
move ob_oldrot(a5),d0
add #128,d0
move d0,ob_rot(a5)
bsr calcvecs
bsr checkvecs
monsternew move.l d6,ob_x(a5)
move.l d7,ob_z(a5)
move.l ob_framespeed(a5),d0
add.l d0,ob_frame(a5)
and #3,ob_frame(a5)
calcvecs move ob_rot(a5),d0
and #255,d0
move.l camrots(pc),a0
ifne aga
lea 0(a0,d0*8),a0
lsl #3,d0
lea 0(a0,d0),a0
move ob_movspeed(a5),d4
move d4,d5
muls 2(a0),d4
add.l d4,d4
neg.l d4
move.l d4,ob_xvec(a5)
muls 6(a0),d5
add.l d5,d5
move.l d5,ob_zvec(a5)
checkvecs move.l ob_x(a5),d6
add.l ob_xvec(a5),d6
move.l ob_z(a5),d7
add.l ob_zvec(a5),d7
bra checknew ;ok to stand here?
playerdead bsr getcntrl
subq #1,ob_delay(a5)
bgt.s .rts
cmp #2,gametype
bne.s .notcom
;combat game!
move #3,finished2
move #2,ob_pixsizeadd(a5)
move.l #rts,ob_logic(a5)
move.l player1,a0
cmp.l a5,a0
bne.s .got
move.l player2,a0
.got move #2,ob_pixsizeadd(a0)
.rts rts
.notcom ;
tst ob_lives(a5)
beq.s .dead
move.l #waitrestart,ob_logic(a5)
.dead move.l #rts,ob_logic(a5)
tst gametype
bne.s .not1p
;OK, one player game done!
.allover move #1,finished
.not1p move.l player1,a0
cmp.l a5,a0
bne.s .goth
move.l player2,a0
.goth tst ob_hitpoints(a0)
ble.s .allover
waitrestart bsr getcntrl
bsr checkfireb
beq.s .rts
lea p1x(pc),a0
lea player1_+4,a1
cmp.l player1,a5
beq.s .got
lea p2x(pc),a0
lea player2_+4,a1
.got lea ob_info(a5),a2
move #(objinfof-objinfo-4)>>1-1,d0
.loop move (a1)+,(a2)+
dbf d0,.loop
move (a0)+,ob_x(a5)
move (a0)+,ob_z(a5)
move (a0)+,ob_rot(a5)
move.l ob_shape(a5),a0
move.l 4(a0),ob_chunks(a5)
move.l (a0),a0
move.l a0,ob_shape(a5)
bsr resetplayer
st ob_lastbut(a5)
.rts rts
playerdeath bsr getcntrl
addq #4,ob_rot(a5)
addq #4,ob_eyey(a5)
cmp #-32,ob_eyey(a5)
blt .rts
move #-32,ob_eyey(a5)
move.l #playerdead,ob_logic(a5)
move #63,ob_delay(a5)
cmp #2,gametype
bne.s .notcom
move.l player1,a0
cmp.l a5,a0
bne.s .got
move.l player2,a0
.got tst ob_hitpoints(a0)
ble.s .draw
.win move.l a5,-(a7)
move.l a0,a5
addq #1,wins1
cmp.l player1,a5
beq.s .wd
subq #1,wins1
addq #1,wins2
.wd st ob_update(a5)
clr ob_collwith(a5)
clr ob_colltype(a5)
bsr message
dc.b 'winner!',0
move.l (a7)+,a5
st ob_update(a5)
bsr message
dc.b 'loser!',0
.draw ;
.notcom ;
subq #1,ob_lives(a5)
bne.s .ngo
bsr message
dc.b 'game over',0
.ngo move #-1,ob_update(a5)
.rts rts
redpal move.l #palettesr,ob_palette(a5)
move #2,ob_paltimer(a5)
playerhit tst ob_damage(a0)
beq.s .rts
st ob_update(a5)
bsr redpal
.rts rts
playerdie bsr redpal
clr ob_hitpoints(a5)
st ob_update(a5)
move.l #playerdeath,ob_logic(a5)
clr ob_colltype(a5)
clr ob_collwith(a5)
healthgot bsr playtsfx
addq #5,ob_hitpoints(a0)
cmp #25,ob_hitpoints(a0)
ble.s .skip
move #25,ob_hitpoints(a0)
.skip st ob_update(a0)
move.l a5,-(a7)
move.l a0,a5
bsr message
dc.b 'health bonus!',0
move.l (a7)+,a5
bra killobject
playtsfx move.l a0,-(a7)
move.l tokensfx(pc),a0
moveq #64,d0
moveq #0,d1
bsr playsfx
move.l (a7)+,a0
weapongot bsr playtsfx
add #$c0,ob_weapon(a0)
cmp #$1900,ob_weapon(a0)
ble.s .skip
move #$1900,ob_weapon(a0)
.skip st ob_update(a0)
move.l a5,-(a7)
move.l a0,a5
move ob_wlevel(a5),d2
bsr calcwlevel
cmp ob_wlevel(a5),d2
beq.s .nob
bsr message
dc.b 'weapon boost!',0
bra.s .nob2
.nob bsr message
dc.b 'weapon bonus...',0
.nob2 move.l (a7)+,a5
bra killobject
invisigot add #1500,ob_invisible(a0)
move.l #rts,ob_render(a0)
move.l a5,-(a7)
move.l a0,a5
bsr calcwlevel
bsr message
dc.b 'invisibility!',0
move.l (a7)+,a5
bra killobject
thermogot add #1500,ob_thermo(a0)
move.l a5,-(a7)
move.l a0,a5
bsr message
dc.b 'got the thermo glasses!',0
move.l (a7)+,a5
bra killobject
playertimers tst ob_thermo(a5)
beq.s .noth
subq #1,ob_thermo(a5)
bne.s .noth
bsr message
dc.b 'thermo glasses out...',0
.noth tst ob_messtimer(a5)
ble.s .notm
subq #2,ob_messtimer(a5)
.notm ;
tst ob_invisible(a5)
beq.s .noti
subq #1,ob_invisible(a5)
bne.s .noti
move.l #drawshape_8,ob_render(a5)
bsr message
dc.b 'invisibility out...',0
.noti ;
tst ob_paltimer(a5)
beq.s .notp
subq #1,ob_paltimer(a5)
bne.s .notp
move.l #palettes,ob_palette(a5)
.notp ;
footstep move.l d0,-(a7)
move.l footstepsfx(pc),a0
moveq #16,d0
moveq #0,d1
bsr playsfx
move.l (a7)+,d0
prevjoy dc 0 ;previous joy reading!
cntrls dc.l joyx0,joyx1,joyx2,joyx3
getcntrl move ob_cntrl(a5),d0
cmp #3,d0 ;null modem?
bne.s .notnull
;OK, control from null modem!
move linkcnt(pc),d0
beq.s .waitser
subq #1,linkcnt
moveq #0,d0
lea joyx3(pc),a0
bra decodejoy
.waitser bsr serget
bpl.s .sergot
;OK, do a vwait to allow other machine to catch up!
move #$20,$dff09c
.vw ;
ifne debugser
col #$f0f
btst #5,$dff01f
beq.s .vw
move #$20,$dff09c
bra.s .waitser
.sergot lea joyx3(pc),a0
tst.b d0
bpl decodejoy
and #$ff,d0
move d0,finished
move.l #rts,ob_logic(a5)
moveq #0,d0
bra decodejoy
.notnull lea cntrls(pc),a0
move.l 0(a0,d0*4),a0 ;address of cntrl table...
move linked(pc),d0
beq.s .rts
bsr encodejoy
move.l a0,a2
bsr serput ;output it!
move.l a2,a0
move prevjoy(pc),d1 ;use previous!
move d0,prevjoy ;new previous
move d1,d0
bra decodejoy
.rts rts
playerlogic bsr playertimers
move.l ob_x(a5),d6
move.l ob_z(a5),d7
bsr checknewslow
beq.s .newok
bsr adjustpos
beq.s .newok2
subq #1,ob_hitpoints(a5)
st ob_update(a5)
bra redpal
;bsr adjustpos
;beq.s .newok2
warn #$f00
.newok2 move.l d6,ob_x(a5)
move.l d7,ob_z(a5)
.newok ;
bsr getcntrl ;update controller block,
;and put in a0
move (a0),d0 ;joyx - rotate
muls ob_rotspeed(a5),d0
add ob_rot(a5),d0
and #255,d0
move d0,ob_rot(a5)
move 2(a0),d4 ;joyy
bne.s .speed
;OK, standing still!
and #255,ob_bounce(a5)
beq.s .nob
add #32,ob_bounce(a5)
cmp #128,ob_bounce(a5)
ble.s .nob
clr ob_bounce(a5)
bsr footstep
.nob clr.l ob_frame(a5)
bra checkfire
.speed add #16,ob_bounce(a5)
move ob_bounce(a5),d1
sub #64,d1
and #255,d1
bne.s .fskip
bsr footstep
.fskip ;
move.l ob_framespeed(a5),d1
add.l d1,ob_frame(a5)
and #3,ob_frame(a5)
neg d4
muls ob_movspeed(a5),d4 ;speed
move.l camrots(pc),a1
lea 0(a1,d0*8),a1
move d4,d5 ;real speed
muls 2(a1),d4
add.l d4,d4
muls 6(a1),d5
add.l d5,d5
move.l ob_x(a5),d6
move.l ob_z(a5),d7
neg.l d4
add.l d4,d6
add.l d5,d7
bsr checknewslow
beq.s .newpos
bsr adjustpos
beq.s .newpos
bsr adjustposq
.newpos move.l d6,ob_x(a5)
move.l d7,ob_z(a5)
.useold ;
tst ob_pixsizeadd(a5)
bne checkfire
bsr checknew2 ;in a trigger zone?
beq.s checkfire
move zo_ev(a4),d0 ;poly->event
bmi.s checkfire
cmp #24,d0
bne.s .notexit
move #3,finished2 ;pattern done!
move #2,ob_pixsizeadd(a5)
move d0,-(a7)
bsr dotelesfx
move (a7)+,d0
.notexit cmp #19,d0
bcc.s .noclr
;OK, gotta clear all 'event' zones with same type!
move.l map_poly(pc),a0
move.l map_ppnt(pc),a1
moveq #32,d1
.loop2 cmp zo_ev(a0),d0
bne.s .skip2
neg zo_ev(a0)
.skip2 add.l d1,a0
cmp.l a1,a0
bcs.s .loop2
.noclr move.l a5,eventobj
bsr execevent
move.l eventobj(pc),a5
checkfire ;
bsr checkfireb
beq .rts
move ob_collwith(a5),d2
and #3,d2
eor #3,d2 ;colltype
lea wtable(pc),a0
move ob_wlevel(a5),d0
movem 0(a0,d0),d3-d6
movem.l 8(a0,d0),a2-a3
move.l 16(a0,d0),-(a7)
move.b ob_weapon(a5),d0
sub d3,ob_weapon(a5)
cmp.b ob_weapon(a5),d0
beq.s .noup
bsr calcwlevel
st ob_update(a5)
.noup moveq #0,d3
bsr shoot
move.l (a7)+,a0
move.l (a0),a0
moveq #32,d0
moveq #0,d1
bsr playsfx
.rts rts
wtable dc 0,1,1,32
dc.l bullet1,sparks1,shootsfx3
dc $8,5,2,36
dc.l bullet2,sparks2,shootsfx2
dc $c,10,3,40
dc.l bullet3,sparks3,shootsfx
dc $10,15,4,40
dc.l bullet4,sparks4,shootsfx4
dc $20,20,7,24
dc.l bullet5,sparks5,shootsfx5
adjustposq ;
neg d0
move d0,d1
muls zo_a(a4),d0
add.l d0,d0
muls zo_b(a4),d1
add.l d1,d1
sub.l d0,d6
sub.l d1,d7
adjustpos bsr adjustposq
;addq #1,(a4)
;move.l a4,-(a7)
bsr checknewslow
;move.l (a7)+,a3
;addq #1,(a3)
tst d1
checkfireb lea cntrls(pc),a0
move ob_cntrl(a5),d0
move.l 0(a0,d0*4),a0
move 4(a0),d0
beq.s .nofire
tst ob_lastbut(a5)
bne.s .skip
move d0,ob_lastbut(a5)
.skip moveq #0,d0
.nofire clr ob_lastbut(a5)
eventobj dc.l 0
calcbounce ;calculate bounce vector...poly in a4, obj in a5
;R=2 N (N dot V) - V
;where R=reflect vector, N=normal to poly, V=original vector
subq #1,ob_bouncecnt(a5)
bge.s .nok
bsr makesparksq
bra killobject
.nok ;
movem ob_nxvec(a5),d0-d1 ;normalized dir
movem zo_na(a4),d2-d3 ;normal to poly
neg d2
;calc dot product:
move d0,d4
muls d2,d4
move d1,d5
muls d3,d5
add.l d5,d4
add.l d4,d4
swap d4 ;dot product?
muls d4,d2
lsl.l #2,d2
swap d0
clr d0
sub.l d0,d2
swap d2
muls d4,d3
lsl.l #2,d3
swap d1
clr d1
sub.l d1,d3
swap d3
movem d2-d3,ob_nxvec(a5)
neg d2
muls ob_movspeed(a5),d2
add.l d2,d2
muls ob_movspeed(a5),d3
add.l d3,d3
movem.l d2-d3,ob_xvec(a5)
move.l d2,d6
add.l ob_x(a5),d6
move.l d3,d7
add.l ob_z(a5),d7
bsr checknew
beq putfire
bra calcbounce
firelogic ;
move.l ob_xvec(a5),d6
add.l ob_x(a5),d6
move.l ob_zvec(a5),d7
add.l ob_z(a5),d7
bsr checknew
bne calcbounce
.nokill ;
putfire move.l d6,ob_x(a5)
move.l d7,ob_z(a5)
addq #1,ob_frame(a5)
move ob_frame(a5),d0
move.l ob_shape(a5),a0
cmp 2(a0),d0
bcs.s .skip
clr ob_frame(a5)
.skip ;
moveblood lea blood(pc),a5
.loop move.l (a5),a5
tst.l (a5)
beq .done
add.l #$8000,bl_yvec(a5)
movem.l bl_xvec(a5),d0-d2
add.l d1,bl_y(a5)
blt.s .ok
move.l a5,a0
killitem blood
move.l a0,a5
bra.s .loop
.ok add.l d0,bl_x(a5)
add.l d2,bl_z(a5)
bra.s .loop
.done rts
drawblood lea blood(pc),a5
.loop move.l (a5),a5
tst.l (a5)
beq .done
move bl_x(a5),d0
sub camx(pc),d0
move bl_y(a5),d1
sub camy(pc),d1
move bl_z(a5),d2
sub camz(pc),d2
;rotate x/z around cam...
move d0,d3
move d2,d5
muls cm1(pc),d0
muls cm2(pc),d5
add.l d5,d0
add.l d0,d0
swap d0 ;X
muls cm3(pc),d3
muls cm4(pc),d2
add.l d3,d2
add.l d2,d2
swap d2 ;Z
tst d2
beq .loop
cmp #maxz,d2
bcc .loop
ext.l d0
lsl.l #focshft,d0
divs d2,d0
cmp minx(pc),d0
blt .loop
cmp maxx(pc),d0
bge .loop
ext.l d1
lsl.l #focshft,d1
divs d2,d1
cmp miny(pc),d1
blt .loop
cmp maxy(pc),d1
bge .loop
cmp #32,d2
bcc.s .pix
;blit to screen!
move #$4000,$dff09a
bsr savernd
move.l window(pc),a0
move wi_bh(a0),d0
subq #8,d0
bsr rndn
move d0,d2 ;Y
move wi_bw(a0),d0
subq #8,d0
bsr rndn ;X
add wi_x(a0),d0
move d2,d1
move.l wi_bmap(a0),a1
move.l font(pc),a0
moveq #46,d2
bsr blit
bsr loadrnd
move.l a5,a0
killitem blood
move.l a0,a5
move #$c000,$dff09a
bra .loop
.pix ;
add midx(pc),d0
add midy(pc),d1
move.l darktable(pc),a0
move 0(a0,d2*2),d3
move.l cop(pc),a1
lea coloffs,a2
add.l 0(a2,d0*4),a1
mulu copmod(pc),d1
move blcols(pc,d3*2),d3
and bl_color(a5),d3
move d3,0(a1,d1.l)
bra .loop
.done rts
blcols dc $ccc,$bbb,$aaa,$999,$888,$777,$666,$555
dc $444,$333,$222,$111,$000,$000,$000,$000
;blcols dc $fff,$eee,$ddd,$ccc,$bbb,$aaa,$999,$888
dc $777,$666,$555,$444,$333,$222,$111,$000
drawshape_1sc ;draw shape with one frame, scaled!
move.l ob_shape(a5),a0
move ob_frame(a5),d0
add.l 12(a0,d0*4),a0
move ob_scale(a5),d7
bra drawshape
drawshape_1 ;
move.l ob_shape(a5),a0
move ob_frame(a5),d0
add.l 12(a0,d0*4),a0
move #$200,d7 ;scale
bra drawshape
drawshape_8 ;
;shape has 8 rotations, and a scale!
bsr calcangle2
add #16,d0
sub ob_rot(a5),d0
lsr #5,d0
and #7,d0
move ob_frame(a5),d1
lsl #3,d1
or d1,d0
move.l ob_shape(a5),a0
move ob_scale(a5),d7
ifne aga
add.l 12(a0,d0*4),a0
lsl #2,d0
add.l 12(a0,d0),a0
drawshape move ob_x(a5),d0
move ob_y(a5),d1
move ob_z(a5),d2
drawshape_q ;
;D7=sclae factor
;rotate Z around camera!
sub camx(pc),d0
sub camy(pc),d1
sub camz(pc),d2
move d0,d3
move d2,d5
muls cm3(pc),d3
muls cm4(pc),d2
add.l d3,d2
add.l d2,d2
swap d2
tst d2
ble .rts
cmp #maxz,d2
bcc .rts
muls cm1(pc),d0
muls cm2(pc),d5
add.l d5,d0
add.l d0,d0
swap d0
move.l memat(pc),a1
add.l #sh_size,memat
movem d0-d2,sh_x(a1)
move.l a0,sh_shape(a1)
move d7,sh_scale(a1)
lea shapelist(pc),a2
.loop move.l (a2),d0
beq.s .end
move.l a2,a3
move.l d0,a2
cmp sh_z(a2),d2 ;nearer...further in list
ble.s .loop
move.l a2,(a1)
move.l a1,(a3)
.end move.l d0,(a1)
move.l a1,(a2)
.rts rts
mover ;
;d4=x speed
;d5=z speed
;return d0, ne if a wall was hit!
;check only walls zone (player)
neg.l d4
moveq #0,d3
add.l d4,d6
bsr checknew
beq.s .xok
moveq #-1,d3
sub.l d4,d6
.xok ;
add.l d5,d7
bsr checknew
beq.s .zok
moveq #-1,d3
sub.l d5,d7
.zok tst d3
checknew2 ;check trigger zone
move.l map_grid(pc),a0
addq #4,a0
bra.s checknew_
gs equ 1<<grdshft
checkoffs dc 0,0,-gs,0,gs,0,0,-gs,0,gs
dc -gs,-gs,gs,-gs,-gs,gs,gs,gs
checknew ;check wall zone
;d6.q=x, d7.q=z
;check for ob_radsq(a5)
move.l map_grid(pc),a0
checknew_ movem.l d3-d7,-(a7)
swap d6
swap d7
lea checkoffs(pc),a1 ;where to check from
move.l map_poly(pc),a2
addq #1,frame
move frame(pc),d3
moveq #8,d5 ;nine squares
.loop movem (a1)+,d0-d1
add d6,d0
cmp #32<<grdshft,d0
bcc .next
add d7,d1
cmp #32<<grdshft,d1
bcc .next
;d0,d1=sq to check!
lsr #grdshft,d0
lsr #grdshft,d1
lsl #5,d1
add d1,d0
lea 0(a0,d0*8),a3 ;square to check!
move (a3)+,d4 ;how many in square
bmi .next
move (a3),d1
move.l map_ppnt(pc),a3
ifne aga
lea 0(a3,d1*2),a3
add d1,d1
lea 0(a3,d1),a3
.loop2 move (a3)+,d0
lsl #5,d0
lea 0(a2,d0),a4 ;poly to check
cmp (a4),d3
beq.s .next2
move d3,(a4)
bsr findsegdist
sub ob_rad(a5),d0
bpl.s .next2
movem.l (a7)+,d3-d7
moveq #-1,d1 ;coll!
.next2 dbf d4,.loop2
.next dbf d5,.loop
movem.l (a7)+,d3-d7
moveq #0,d1 ;no coll!
closest dc 0 ;nearest so far!
closewall dc.l 0
checknewslow ;check wall zone
;d6.q=x, d7.q=z
;check for ob_radsq(a5)
move.l map_grid(pc),a0
movem.l d3-d7,-(a7)
swap d6
swap d7
lea checkoffs(pc),a1 ;where to check from
move.l map_poly(pc),a2
addq #1,frame
move frame(pc),d3
moveq #8,d5 ;nine squares
move #$3fff,closest
.loop movem (a1)+,d0-d1
add d6,d0
cmp #32<<grdshft,d0
bcc.s .next
add d7,d1
cmp #32<<grdshft,d1
bcc.s .next
;d0,d1=sq to check!
lsr #grdshft,d0
lsr #grdshft,d1
lsl #5,d1
add d1,d0
lea 0(a0,d0*8),a3 ;square to check!
move (a3)+,d4 ;how many in square
bmi.s .next
move (a3),d1
move.l map_ppnt(pc),a3
lea 0(a3,d1*2),a3
.loop2 move (a3)+,d0 ;grab poly#
lsl #5,d0
lea 0(a2,d0),a4 ;poly to check
bsr checkpolydist
dbf d4,.loop2
.next dbf d5,.loop
lea rotpolys(pc),a3
.loop3 move.l (a3),a3
tst.l (a3)
beq.s .rpdone
move.l rp_first(a3),a4
move rp_num(a3),d4
subq #1,d4
.loop4 bsr checkpolydist
lea 32(a4),a4
dbf d4,.loop4
bra.s .loop3
.rpdone ;
movem.l (a7)+,d3-d7
move closest(pc),d0
sub ob_rad(a5),d0
bpl.s .wallok
move.l closewall(pc),a4
moveq #-1,d1
.wallok moveq #0,d1
checkpolydist ;
cmp (a4),d3
beq .rts
move d3,(a4)
move zo_rx(a4),d0
sub d6,d0
muls zo_na(a4),d0
move zo_rz(a4),d1
sub d7,d1
muls zo_nb(a4),d1
add.l d1,d0
add.l d0,d0
swap d0 ;distance from end
cmp zo_ln(a4),d0
bcc.s .rts
;find perpendicular dist.
move zo_rx(a4),d0
sub d6,d0
muls zo_a(a4),d0
move zo_rz(a4),d1
sub d7,d1
muls zo_b(a4),d1
add.l d1,d0
add.l d0,d0
bpl.s .pl
neg.l d0
.pl swap d0 ;perpendicular dist.w
cmp closest(pc),d0
bcc.s .rts
move d0,closest
move.l a4,closewall
.rts rts
findsegdist ;find distance from d6,d7 to zone in a4...
;find end dist
move zo_rx(a4),d0
sub d6,d0
muls zo_na(a4),d0
move zo_rz(a4),d1
sub d7,d1
muls zo_nb(a4),d1
add.l d1,d0
add.l d0,d0
swap d0 ;distance from end
cmp zo_ln(a4),d0
bcs.s .perp ;use perpendicular distance!
move #$3fff,d0
.perp ;find perpendicular dist.
move zo_rx(a4),d0
sub d6,d0
muls zo_a(a4),d0
move zo_rz(a4),d1
sub d7,d1
muls zo_b(a4),d1
add.l d1,d0
add.l d0,d0
bpl.s .pl
neg.l d0
.pl swap d0 ;perpendicular dist.w
findsegdist2 ;find distance from d6,d7 to zone in a4...
;find perpendicular dist.
move zo_rx(a4),d0
sub d6,d0
muls zo_a(a4),d0
move zo_rz(a4),d1
sub d7,d1
muls zo_b(a4),d1
add.l d1,d0
add.l d0,d0
swap d0 ;perpendicular dist.w
muls d0,d0
;find distance from end
move zo_rx(a4),d1
sub d6,d1
muls zo_na(a4),d1
move zo_rz(a4),d2
sub d7,d2
muls zo_nb(a4),d2
add.l d2,d1
add.l d1,d1
swap d1 ;distance from end
cmp zo_ln(a4),d1
bcs.s .perp ;use perpendicular distance!
;gotta find radial distance
blt.s .min ;minus?
sub zo_ln(a4),d1
.min muls d1,d1
add.l d1,d0
.perp rts
calccamera ;a0=player object
move.l camrots(pc),a2
move ob_x(a0),camx
move ob_y(a0),d0
add ob_eyey(a0),d0
;add bounce!
move ob_bounce(a0),d1
and #255,d1
move 2(a2,d1*8),d1
muls #20,d1
swap d1
add d1,d0
move d0,camy
move ob_z(a0),camz
move ob_rot(a0),d0
and #255,d0
move d0,camr
move.l camrots(pc),a1
ifne aga
lea 0(a1,d0*8),a1
lsl #3,d0
lea 0(a1,d0),a1
lsr #3,d0
move.l (a1)+,cm1
move.l (a1),cm3
;calc inverse camera matrix!
move.l camrots(pc),a1
neg d0
and #255,d0
ifne aga
lea 0(a1,d0*8),a1
lsl #3,d0
lea 0(a1,d0),a1
lsr #3,d0
move.l (a1)+,icm1
move.l (a1),icm3
readjoys ;set up joyx0,joyy0,joyx1,joyy1
move.l rawtable(pc),a0
moveq #0,d0
key $4f
beq.s .nleft
moveq #-1,d0
.nleft key $4e
beq.s .nrite
moveq #1,d0
.nrite move d0,joyx2
moveq #0,d0
key $4c
beq.s .nup
moveq #-1,d0
.nup key $4d
beq.s .ndown
moveq #1,d0
.ndown move d0,joyy2
key $64
sne d0
ext d0
move d0,d1
beq.s .nofire
tst joyb2
beq.s .nofire
moveq #0,d1
.nofire move d1,joyf2
move d0,joyb2
move.b $bfe001,d3
move $dff00a,d2 ;joy0
bsr readjoy
move d0,joyx0
move d1,joyy0
;bsr makerot
;move d0,joyr0
btst #6,$bfe001
seq d0
ext d0
move d0,d1
beq.s .nofire2
tst joyb0
beq.s .nofire2
moveq #0,d1
.nofire2 move d1,joyf0
move d0,joyb0
move $dff00c,d2
bsr readjoy
move d0,joyx1
move d1,joyy1
;bsr makerot
;move d0,joyr1
btst #7,$bfe001
seq d0
ext d0
move d0,d1
beq.s .nofire3
tst joyb1
beq.s .nofire3
moveq #0,d1
.nofire3 move d1,joyf1
move d0,joyb1
makerot ;convert d0,d1 into a rotation type setting...
;0=up, 1=up/rite, 2=rite etc...
;<0=no dir
addq #1,d0
lsl #2,d0
addq #1,d1
or d1,d0
add d0,d0
move rots(pc,d0),d0
rots ;x=-1
dc 7,6,5,-1
dc 0,-1,4,-1
dc 1,2,3,-1
readjoy bsr joydir
move d1,d0
move d2,d1
add d1,d1
eor d1,d2
joydir btst #9,d2
bne.s .neg
btst #1,d2
bne.s .pos
moveq #0,d1
.neg moveq #-1,d1
.pos moveq #1,d1
gridoffs incbin gridoffs4.bin
makewalls ;
;New approach!
;use poly's line eq to test perpendicular distance to wall
;produce nearest -> furthest wall list.
;check if both z's are negative after rotation
;check if projected left/rite ends are on screen
addq #1,frame
clr.l inlist
move.l #inlist,inlistf
move.l map_poly(pc),a4
move.l map_ppnt(pc),a3
move.l map_grid(pc),a2
movem camx(pc),d6-d7 ;x,z
lsr #grdshft,d6
lsr #grdshft,d7
lea gridoffs(pc),a6
moveq #(gridoffsf-gridoffs)>>2-1,d5
.loop movem (a6)+,d0-d1
add d6,d0
cmp #32,d0
bcc .skip
add d7,d1
cmp #32,d1
bcc .skip
;d0,d1=x/z of map to check!
lsl #5,d1 ;Y*32...
add d1,d0 ;+X
lea 0(a2,d0*8),a0 ;mapgrid
move (a0)+,d4 ;how many polys here
bmi .skip
move (a0),d0 ;poly data offset
ifne aga
lea 0(a3,d0*2),a0
add d0,d0
lea 0(a3,d0),a0
.loop2 move (a0)+,d0 ;poly#
lsl #5,d0
lea 0(a4,d0),a1 ;actual poly
move frame(pc),d0
cmp zo_done(a1),d0
beq .skip3
move d0,zo_done(a1)
tst zo_open(a1)
bmi .skip3
;OK, setup:
;back face/dist check...
movem d4-d7,-(a7)
movem zo_lx(a1),d0-d3 ;x1,z1,x2,z2
movem camx(pc),d6-d7
sub d6,d0
sub d7,d1
sub d6,d2
sub d7,d3
move d0,d4
move d1,d5
muls cm1(pc),d0
muls cm2(pc),d5
add.l d5,d0
add.l d0,d0
swap d0
muls cm3(pc),d4
muls cm4(pc),d1
add.l d4,d1
add.l d1,d1
swap d1 ;LZ
move d2,d4
move d3,d5
muls cm1(pc),d2
muls cm2(pc),d5
add.l d5,d2
add.l d2,d2
swap d2 ;RX
muls cm3(pc),d4
muls cm4(pc),d3
add.l d4,d3
add.l d3,d3
swap d3 ;RZ
;check Z's...
tst d1
bgt.s .zok
tst d3
ble .skip2
.zok ;
cmp #maxz,d1
blt.s .zok2
cmp #maxz,d3
bge .skip2
.zok2 ;
;do backface check...generate a,b,c...
rol.l #exshft,d0
rol.l #exshft,d1
rol.l #exshft,d2
rol.l #exshft,d3
move d1,d4
sub d3,d4 ;a
move d2,d5
sub d0,d5 ;b
move d0,d6
muls d4,d6
move d1,d7
muls d5,d7
add.l d7,d6
bpl.s .front
;backface showing!...
bra .skip2
.front ;
move.l memat(pc),a5
movem d0-d5,wl_lx(a5)
move.l d6,wl_c(a5)
;work out some screen positions!
tst d1
bgt.s .z1ok
;lz bad, rz must be OK...
.ov1 move minx(pc),wl_lsx(a5)
bra.s .z1sk
.z1ok ext.l d0
lsl.l #focshft,d0
divs d1,d0
bvs.s .ov1
subq #1,d0
cmp maxx(pc),d0
bge .skip2
move d0,wl_lsx(a5)
.z1sk ;
tst d3
bgt.s .z2ok
;rz bad, lz must be OK...
.ov2 move maxx(pc),wl_rsx(a5)
bra.s .z2sk
.z2ok ext.l d2
lsl.l #focshft,d2
divs d3,d2
bvs.s .ov2
addq #1,d2
cmp minx(pc),d2
blt .skip2
move d2,wl_rsx(a5)
.z2sk ;
cmp d1,d3
bge.s .zskp
exg d1,d3
.zskp movem d1/d3,wl_nz(a5) ;near/far Z
move.l zo_t(a1),wl_t(a5)
move.l zo_t+4(a1),wl_t+4(a5)
move zo_sc(a1),wl_sc(a5)
move zo_open(a1),wl_open(a5)
;add to end of inlist...
clr.l (a5)
move.l inlistf(pc),a1
move.l a5,(a1)
move.l a5,inlistf
add.l #wl_size,memat
.skip2 movem (a7)+,d4-d7
.skip3 dbf d4,.loop2 ;finish sq
.skip dbf d5,.loop ;gridoffs
makeoutlist ;create outlist from inlist
clr.l outlist
move.l #outlist,outlistf
.loop lea inlist(pc),a0
move.l (a0),d0
beq .done
move.l a0,a2 ;save previous!
move.l d0,a0
;OK, see if any are in front of a0...
lea inlist(pc),a1
.loop2 move.l (a1),d0
beq .none
move.l a1,a3
move.l d0,a1
cmp.l a0,a1
beq.s .loop2 ;don't compare with self!
;check screen pos overlap...
move wl_rsx(a0),d0
cmp wl_lsx(a1),d0
blt .loop2
move wl_lsx(a0),d1
cmp wl_rsx(a1),d1
bgt .loop2
;check near/far Z overlap
move wl_nz(a1),d2
cmp wl_fz(a0),d2
bge .loop2 ;behind!
move wl_fz(a1),d2
cmp wl_nz(a0),d2
ble .swap
tst wl_open(a1)
bne .swap
;look at a0 points against a1 line...
movem wl_a(a1),d5-d6
move.l wl_c(a1),d7
move wl_lx(a1),d0
sub wl_lx(a0),d0
muls d5,d0
move wl_lz(a1),d1
sub wl_lz(a0),d1
muls d6,d1
add.l d1,d0
eor.l d7,d0
move wl_lx(a1),d1
sub wl_rx(a0),d1
muls d5,d1
move wl_lz(a1),d2
sub wl_rz(a0),d2
muls d6,d2
add.l d2,d1
eor.l d7,d1
;if both a0 in front, no swap
move.l d0,d4
or.l d1,d4
bpl .loop2 ;both a0's in front of a1!
;if both a0 behind, swap
and.l d1,d0
bmi .swap ;both a0's behind a1!
;look at a1 points against a0 line!
movem wl_a(a0),d5-d6
move.l wl_c(a0),d7
move wl_lx(a0),d2
sub wl_lx(a1),d2
muls d5,d2
move wl_lz(a0),d3
sub wl_lz(a1),d3
muls d6,d3
add.l d3,d2
eor.l d7,d2
move wl_lx(a0),d3
sub wl_rx(a1),d3
muls d5,d3
move wl_lz(a0),d4
sub wl_rz(a1),d4
muls d6,d4
add.l d4,d3
eor.l d7,d3
move.l d2,d4
and.l d3,d4
bmi .loop2 ;both a1's behind a0!
or.l d3,d2
bmi .loop2
.swap move.l a1,a0
move.l a3,a2
bra .loop2
.none ;OK, none in front of this (a0)
move.l (a0),(a2) ;unlink from inlist
clr.l (a0)
move.l outlistf(pc),a2
move.l a0,(a2)
move.l a0,outlistf
bra .loop
.done rts
makeoutlist2 ;create outlist from inlist
.loop0 lea inlist(pc),a0
.loop move.l (a0),d0
beq .done
move.l a0,a2 ;save previous!
move.l d0,a0
;OK, see if any are in front of a0...
lea inlist(pc),a1
.loop2 move.l (a1),d0
beq .none
move.l a1,a3
move.l d0,a1
cmp.l a0,a1
beq.s .loop2 ;don't compare with self!
;see if a1 is in front of a0
move wl_nz(a1),d0
cmp wl_fz(a0),d0
bge .loop2 ;behind!
move wl_fz(a1),d0
cmp wl_nz(a0),d0
ble .swap
;now, compare screen x coords.....
move wl_rsx(a0),d0
cmp wl_lsx(a1),d0
blt .loop2
move wl_lsx(a0),d0
cmp wl_rsx(a1),d0
bgt .loop2
;look at a0 points against a1 line
;If Sgn((x3-x1)*a2+(y3-y1)*b2)<>Sgn(c2)
; If Sgn((x3-x2)*a2+(y3-y2)*b2)<>Sgn(c2)
; tr=-1:Return
; EndIf
movem wl_a(a1),d5-d6
move.l wl_c(a1),d7
move wl_lx(a1),d0
sub wl_lx(a0),d0
muls d5,d0
move wl_lz(a1),d1
sub wl_lz(a0),d1
muls d6,d1
add.l d1,d0
eor.l d7,d0
move wl_lx(a1),d1
sub wl_rx(a0),d1
muls d5,d1
move wl_lz(a1),d2
sub wl_rz(a0),d2
muls d6,d2
add.l d2,d1
eor.l d7,d1
;OK, screen X's overlap...
;if both a0 in front, no swap
move.l d0,d4
or.l d1,d4
bpl .loop2
;if both a0 behind, swap
move.l d0,d4
and.l d1,d4
bmi .swap
;bra .loop2
;look at a1 points against a0 line
;If Sgn((x1-x3)*a1+(y1-y3)*b1)=Sgn(c1)
; If Sgn((x1-x4)*a1+(y1-y4)*b1)=Sgn(c1)
; tr=-1:Return
; EndIf
movem wl_a(a0),d5-d6
move.l wl_c(a0),d7
move wl_lx(a0),d2
sub wl_lx(a1),d2
muls d5,d2
move wl_lz(a0),d3
sub wl_lz(a1),d3
muls d6,d3
add.l d3,d2
eor.l d7,d2
move wl_lx(a0),d3
sub wl_rx(a1),d3
muls d5,d3
move wl_lz(a0),d4
sub wl_rz(a1),d4
muls d6,d4
add.l d4,d3
eor.l d7,d3
;if both a1's behind, no swap
move.l d2,d4
and.l d3,d4
bmi .loop2 ;both a1's behind...
;if both a1's in front, swap
move.l d2,d4
or.l d3,d4
bpl .swap
bra .loop2
.swap ;a1 is infront of a0! make a1 new frontmost
bra .loop
move.l a1,a0
move.l a3,a2
bra .loop2
.none ;OK, none in front of this (a0)
move.l (a0),(a2) ;unlink from inlist
clr.l (a0)
move.l outlistf(pc),a2
move.l a0,(a2)
move.l a0,outlistf
bra .loop0
.done ;move.l inlist(pc),d0
;bne .loop0
castwalls ;process 'walls' list
move.l castrots(pc),a6
move minx(pc),d7
ifne aga
lea 0(a6,d7*8),a6
move d7,d0
lsl #3,d0
lea 0(a6,d0),a6
move.l vertdraws(pc),a4
.loop ;do this vert line!
lea outlist(pc),a5
.loop2 move.l (a5),d0
beq .empty
move.l d0,a5
cmp wl_lsx(a5),d7
blt.s .loop2
cmp wl_rsx(a5),d7
bgt.s .loop2
movem wl_lx(a5),d0-d1
muls (a6),d0
muls 2(a6),d1
add.l d1,d0 ;LX!
bgt .loop2
movem wl_rx(a5),d1-d2
muls (a6),d1
muls 2(a6),d2
add.l d2,d1 ;RX!
blt .loop2
sub.l d0,d1
swap d1
tst d1
ble.s .dfix
neg.l d0
divu d1,d0
bvc.s .noov
.dfix moveq #-1,d0
.noov lsr #1,d0 ;fraction -> unsigned
cmp wl_open(a5),d0
bcs.s .loop2
movem wl_lx(a5),d1-d2
muls 4(a6),d1
muls 6(a6),d2
add.l d2,d1
add.l d1,d1 ;lz
movem wl_rx(a5),d2-d3
muls 4(a6),d2
muls 6(a6),d3
add.l d3,d2
add.l d2,d2 ;rz
sub.l d1,d2
swap d2
muls d0,d2
add.l d2,d2
add.l d1,d2
swap d2
cmp #exone,d2
blt .loop2
cmp #maxz<<exshft,d2
bcs .zisok
.empty move #32767,vd_z(a4)
clr.l vd_data(a4)
bra .next
.zisok ;
;d0=frac, d2=z, a5=item
;calc column#
move.l a4,a0 ;do vd...
move wl_sc(a5),d1
bgt.s .mul
neg d1
ext.l d0
add.l d0,d0
lsr.l d1,d0
bra.s .scdone
.mul mulu d1,d0
.scdone ;
move.l d0,d1
swap d1 ;
and #7,d1
move.b wl_t(a5,d1),d1
lea textures(pc),a3
ifne aga
move.l 0(a3,d1*4),a3 ;texture!
lsl #2,d1
move.l 0(a3,d1),a3
lsl.l #6,d0 ;*64
swap d0
and #63,d0 ;0...w-1
move d0,d1
lsl #6,d0
add d1,d0
add d0,a3
move d2,d3
lsr #exshft,d3
;a3=texture column!
tst.b (a3)+
beq.s .solid
bsr makestrip ;do strip!
.solid move.l a3,vd_data(a0) ;start column
;fill in vd struct...
move d3,d4
move.l darktable(pc),a2
move 0(a2,d4*2),d4
movem d3-d4,vd_z(a0)
lsr #exshft,d2
move #-255,d3
sub camy(pc),d3
move d3,d1
ext.l d3
lsl.l #focshft,d3
divs d2,d3 ;top Y
move camy(pc),d4
neg d4
ext.l d4
lsl.l #focshft,d4
divs d2,d4 ;bot Y
sub d3,d4
movem d3/d4,vd_y(a0)
neg d1
neg d3
asr #2,d1
;d1=real hite.q
;d4=screen hite.l...
;calc d1,step.q
ifne aga
swap d1
clr d1
ext.l d3
divu.l d3,d1
divu d3,d1 ;d1 low=int part, hi=rem
move.l d1,d0
clr d0
divu d3,d0
swap d1
move d0,d1
move.l d1,vd_ystep(a0)
cmp.l a0,a4
bne .loop2
.next ;onto next display column
lea vd_size(a4),a4
addq #8,a6
addq #1,d7
cmp maxx(pc),d7
blt .loop
check .loop
makestrip ;this wall strip has see through bits!
;insert it into shape list instead of vd list!
move.l memat(pc),a0
add.l #vd_size,memat
move.l memat(pc),a1
add.l #sh_size,memat
clr.l (a1)
move d7,sh_x(a1)
move d3,sh_z(a1)
clr.l sh_shape(a1)
move.l a0,sh_strip(a1)
;insert into drawlist!
movem.l a2-a3,-(a7)
lea shapelist(pc),a2
.loop move.l (a2),d0
beq.s .end
move.l a2,a3
move.l d0,a2
cmp sh_z(a2),d3 ;nearer...further in list
blt.s .loop
move.l a2,(a1)
move.l a1,(a3)
bra.s .ins
.end move.l d0,(a1)
move.l a1,(a2)
.ins movem.l (a7)+,a2-a3
dbwindow ;a0=window to double buffer....
movem.l wi_cop(a0),d0-d1
cmp.l d0,d1
bne.s .skip
move.l wi_cop2(a0),d1
.skip move.l d1,wi_cop(a0)
usewindow ;a0=window to use...
move.l a0,window
move.l wi_cop(a0),cop
move.l wi_bmap(a0),bitmap
move wi_copmod(a0),copmod
move wi_w(a0),d0
move d0,width
move d0,d1
lsr #5,d1
move d1,wdiv32
move d0,d1
and #31,d1
subq #1,d1
move d1,wrem32
lsr #1,d0
move d0,maxx
neg d0
move d0,minx
move wi_h(a0),d1
move d1,hite
lsr #1,d1
move d1,maxy
neg d1
move d1,miny
drawstrip_ macro
;a1=top of dest column
;a2=palettes base
;a4=strip data
move hite(pc),d6
move.l vd_data(a4),d0
beq .vertskip
move.l d0,a0
move vd_h(a4),d5
move.l vd_ystep(a4),d1
;setup d6, how much more to cls!
move vd_y(a4),d0
add midy(pc),d0
bpl.s .noclip
;gotta clip Y
add d0,d5 ;reduce hite
ble .vertskip
neg d0
;d1=ystep.q, d0=y.w...
ifne aga
ext.l d0
mulu.l d1,d0 ;y step* y
move d0,d2
mulu d1,d2
swap d1
mulu d1,d0
swap d0
add.l d2,d0
swap d1
cmp d6,d5
ble .skipclip
move d6,d5
bra.s .skipclip
.noclip ;OK, cls down to Y in d0!
ifne solidstrip
beq.s .skcl
move d0,d2
lsl #6,d2
or #1,d2
move.l qstrip(pc),$dff050 ;APth
move.l a1,$dff054 ;Dpth
move d2,$dff058 ;size...
;start draw from here...
.skcl move d0,d2
mulu copmod(pc),d2
add.l d2,a1
move d0,d2
add d5,d2
sub d6,d2
ble.s .skipclip2
sub d2,d5
ble .vertskip
.skipclip2 sub d0,d6
moveq #0,d0
.skipclip ;
sub d5,d6
subq #1,d5
swap d0
swap d1
move vd_pal(a4),d2
ifne aga
move.l 0(a2,d2*4),a3
lsl #2,d2
move.l 0(a2,d2),a3
moveq #0,d2
moveq #0,d3
move copmod(pc),d4
ext.l d4
ifeq solidstrip
move.b -1(a0),d6
ext d6
move stripands(pc,d6*2),d6
.vertloop ;a0=src texture column
;a1=dest coppoke
;d0=current Y
;d1=Y step
move.b 0(a0,d0),d3 ;lut entry
ifeq solidstrip
bne.s .coln
and d6,(a1)
add.l d1,d0
addx d2,d0
add.l d4,a1
dbf d5,.vertloop
bra.s .vertskip
.coln ;
ifne aga
move 0(a3,d3*2),(a1) ;colour!
add d3,d3
move 0(a3,d3),(a1)
moveq #0,d3
add.l d1,d0
addx d2,d0
add.l d4,a1
dbf d5,.vertloop
.vertskip ;
ifne solidstrip
add d6,d6
ble.s .rts
move.l qstripbot(pc),a0
sub d6,a0
lsl #5,d6
or #1,d6
movem.l a0-a1,$dff050
move d6,$dff058
.rts ;
drawshapes lea shapelist(pc),a6
.drawloop move.l (a6),d0
beq .rts
move.l d0,a6
move.l sh_shape(a6),d0
bne.s .shape
;wall strip!
move sh_x(a6),d0
add midx(pc),d0
move.l cop(pc),a1
lea coloffs(pc),a5
ifne aga
add.l 0(a5,d0*4),a1
lsl #2,d0
add.l 0(a5,d0),a1
move.l palette(pc),a2
move.l sh_strip(a6),a4
bsr drawstrip2
bra.s .drawloop
.shape move.l d0,a0
movem sh_x(a6),d0-d2
move sh_scale(a6),d7
movem (a0)+,d3-d4 ;x,y handles
muls d7,d3 ;* scale
asr.l #8,d3
sub.l d3,d0
muls d7,d4
asr.l #8,d4
sub.l d4,d1
;d0=rotated X, d1=Y, d2=Z
lsl.l #focshft,d0
divs d2,d0 ;Screen X
cmp maxx(pc),d0
bge .drawloop ;X too big!
lsl.l #focshft,d1
divs d2,d1 ;Screen Y
cmp maxy(pc),d1
bge .drawloop
movem (a0),d3-d4 ;width/hite
move.l d3,d5
muls d7,d3
asr.l #8-focshft,d3
divs d2,d3 ;screen width
ext.l d3
ble .drawloop
move.l d4,d6
muls d7,d4
asr.l #8-focshft,d4
divs d2,d4 ;hite
ext.l d4
ble .drawloop
ifne aga
swap d5
divu.l d3,d5
divu d3,d5 ;d1 low=int part, hi=rem
move.l d5,d7
clr d7
divu d3,d7
swap d5
move d7,d5
add midx(pc),d0
bpl.s .xcskip
add d0,d3 ;reduce width
ble .drawloop
neg d0
ifne aga
ext.l d0
mulu.l d5,d0 ;start column in shape
move d0,d7
mulu d5,d7
swap d5
mulu d5,d0
swap d0
add.l d7,d0
swap d5
moveq #0,d7
cmp width(pc),d3
ble.s .xcdone
move width(pc),d3
bra.s .xcdone
.xcskip move d0,d7 ;sc X
add d3,d0
sub width(pc),d0
ble.s .xcdone2
sub d0,d3
ble .drawloop
.xcdone2 move.l d5,d0
lsr.l #1,d0
.xcdone ;
ifne aga
swap d6
divu.l d4,d6 ;y step
divu d4,d6
move d6,-(a7) ;int part
clr d6
divu d4,d6
swap d6
move (a7)+,d6
swap d6
move.l cop(pc),a1
add midy(pc),d1
bpl.s .ycskip
add d1,d4 ;hite
ble .drawloop
neg d1
ifne aga
ext.l d1
mulu.l d6,d1
move d7,-(a7)
move d1,d7
mulu d6,d7
swap d6
mulu d6,d1
swap d1
add.l d7,d1
swap d6
move (a7)+,d7
cmp hite(pc),d4
ble.s .ycdone
move hite(pc),d4
bra.s .ycdone
.ycskip move d1,-(a7)
mulu copmod(pc),d1
add.l d1,a1
move (a7)+,d1
add d4,d1
sub hite(pc),d1
ble.s .ycdone2
sub d1,d4
ble .drawloop
.ycdone2 move.l d6,d1
lsr.l #1,d1
.ycdone ;
;draw bit...
;a0=src, a1=dest, a2=palette
;d0.q=src x
;d1.q=src y
;d2.w = Z!
;d5.q=x step
;d6.q=y step
;d7.w=start screen column
move.l a6,-(a7)
lea coloffs,a5
ifne aga
lea 0(a5,d7*4),a5
lsl #2,d7
lea 0(a5,d7),a5
lsr #2,d7
move.l vertdraws(pc),a6
mulu #vd_size,d7
lea 0(a6,d7),a6 ;column for Z compare!
move d2,d7
move.l darktable(pc),a2
move 0(a2,d7*2),d7
move.l palette(pc),a2
ifne aga
move.l 0(a2,d7*4),a2
lsl #2,d7
move.l 0(a2,d7),a2
subq #1,d3
subq #1,d4
swap d0
swap d1
swap d5
swap d6
addq #2,a0
.hloop move.l a1,a4
add.l (a5)+,a4
cmp vd_z(a6),d2
bcs .zok
tst thermo
beq .zbad
bsr thermostrip
bra.s .zbad
.zok movem.l d0-d1/d4-d5,-(a7)
mulu (a0),d0
lea 2(a0,d0),a3 ;src
move copmod(pc),d7
ext.l d7
moveq #0,d5
moveq #0,d0
.vloop move.b 0(a3,d1),d5
beq.s .skip
ifne aga
move 0(a2,d5*2),(a4)
add d5,d5
move 0(a2,d5),(a4)
moveq #0,d5
.skip add.l d6,d1 ;next src Y
addx.l d0,d1
add.l d7,a4
dbf d4,.vloop
movem.l (a7)+,d0-d1/d4-d5
.zbad add.l d5,d0
moveq #0,d7
addx.l d7,d0 ;next src X
lea vd_size(a6),a6
dbf d3,.hloop
move.l (a7)+,a6
bra .drawloop
.rts rts
thermostrip movem.l d0-d2/d4-d5,-(a7)
mulu (a0),d0
lea 2(a0,d0),a3 ;src
move copmod(pc),d7
ext.l d7
moveq #0,d5
moveq #0,d0
move #$00f,d2
.vloop move.b 0(a3,d1),d5
beq.s .skip
ifne aga
move 0(a2,d5*2),d5
and d2,d5
move d5,(a4)
add d5,d5
move 0(a2,d5),(a4)
moveq #0,d5
.skip add.l d6,d1 ;next src Y
addx.l d0,d1
add.l d7,a4
dbf d4,.vloop
movem.l (a7)+,d0-d2/d4-d5
renderwalls ;
move.l palette(pc),a2
move.l vertdraws(pc),a4
lea coloffs(pc),a5
move width(pc),d7
subq #1,d7
move copmod(pc),d0
subq #2,d0
move.l con0poke(pc),$dff040
move #0,$dff064
move d0,$dff066
move.l #-1,$dff044
move #0,$dff074
.loop move.l cop(pc),a1
add.l (a5)+,a1
solidstrip set -1
lea vd_size(a4),a4
dbf d7,.loop
solidstrip set 0
drawstrip2 ;
dc $f0ff,$ff0f,$fff0
dc $f00f,$f0f0,$ff00
dc $ffff
stripands ;red,green,blue,yel,pur,cyn,wht
vwait move #1,vbcounter
.loop tst vbcounter
bgt.s .loop
;************** DATA ***************************
gloomdata dc 0 ;non-zero = datadisk there!
dc 0
fontw dc 0
fonth dc 0
fontoff dc 0
mode dc 0
lastgrunt dc.l 0
grunttable dc.l gruntsfx,gruntsfx2,gruntsfx3,gruntsfx4
splatsfx dc.l 0
diesfx dc.l 0
footstepsfx dc.l 0
doorsfx dc.l 0
tokensfx dc.l 0
gruntsfx dc.l 0
gruntsfx2 dc.l 0
gruntsfx3 dc.l 0
gruntsfx4 dc.l 0
shootsfx dc.l 0
shootsfx2 dc.l 0
shootsfx3 dc.l 0
shootsfx4 dc.l 0
shootsfx5 dc.l 0
telesfx dc.l 0
chipzero dc.l 0
qcols dc.b 1,2
qpal dc 2
dc $544 ;roof colour
dc $544 ;floor colour
cnop 0,4
qstrip dc.l 0
qstripbot dc.l 0
con0poke dc $100,0 ;100=no qfloor!
outhand dc.l 0
;starting positions!
p1x dc 0
p1z dc 0
p1r dc 0
dc 0
p2x dc 0
p2z dc 0
p2r dc 0
dc 0
p1health dc 0
p1weapon dc 0
p1lives dc 0
p2health dc 0
p2weapon dc 0
p2lives dc 0
map_test dc.l 0
wins1 dc 0 ;player 1 score
wins2 dc 0 ;player 2 score
script dc.l 0
script2 dc.l 0
scriptat dc.l 0
minbpos dc 0
maxbpos dc 0
finished dc 0
finished2 dc 0
floorflag dc -1 ;-1 = (black), 0 = split, 1=txt
roofflag dc -1
paused dc $ff00
gametype dc 0 ;0,1,2
linked dc 0 ;linked, 2 player modem game
linkcnt dc 0 ;count-down before link rec OK!
twowins dc 0,0
font dc.l 0
cnop 0,4
thermo dc 0 ;thermograph
infra dc 0 ;infrared
maptable dc.l 0
sqr dc.l sqrinc
darktable dc.l 0
inlist dc.l 0
inlistf dc.l inlist
outlist dc.l 0
outlistf dc.l outlist
window dc.l 0
dummy dc.l 0
player1 dc.l 0
player2 dc.l 0
doneflag dc.l 0
showflag dc.l 0
memory dc.l 0
memat dc.l 0
shapelist dc.l 0
bitmap dc.l 0
palette dc.l 0 ;the one we're using...
palettes ds.l 16 ;16 palettes for 16 brightnesses
palettesw ds.l 16
palettesr ds.l 16
joyx0 dc 0 ;port 0 (mouse)
joyy0 dc 0
joyb0 dc 0
joyf0 dc 0
joyx1 dc 0 ;port 1 (joystick)
joyy1 dc 0
joyb1 dc 0
joyf1 dc 0
joyx2 dc 0 ;keyboard
joyy2 dc 0
joyb2 dc 0
joyf2 dc 0
joyx3 dc 0 ;null modem
joyy3 dc 0
joyb3 dc 0
joyf3 dc 0
cnop 0,4
map_map dc.l 0
map_grid dc.l 0
map_poly dc.l 0
map_ppnt dc.l 0
map_rgbs dc.l 0
map_rgbsw dc.l 0
map_rgbsr dc.l 0
map_txts dc.l 0
map_anim dc.l 0
map_events dc.l 0
rgb_info dc.l 0
rgb_rgbs dc.l 0
map_rgbsat dc.l 0
map_rgbsat2 dc.l 0
map_rgbsfrom dc.l 0
remapped dc.l 0
camx dc 0
camz dc 0
camy dc 0
camr dc 0
;camera matrix...
cm1 dc $7ffe
cm2 dc 0
cm3 dc 0
cm4 dc $7ffe
;inverse of camera matrix...
icm1 dc $7ffe
icm2 dc 0
icm3 dc 0
icm4 dc $7ffe
castrots dc.l castrotsinc+8*160
camrots dc.l camrotsinc
camrots2 dc.l camrots2inc
vertdraws dc.l 0
cop dc.l 0
copmod dc 0
width dc 0
hite dc 0
minx dc 0
midx ;
maxx dc 0
miny dc 0
midy ;
maxy dc 0
wdiv32 dc 0
wrem32 dc 0
coplist dc.l 0
slice1 dc.l 0
slice2 dc.l 0
copstop dc.l 0
memlist dc.l 0
dispnest dc 0
coloffs ds.l 320 ;320 columns max
iffwindow ;
dc.l slice1
dc.l copstop
dc 0 ;x
dc 42 ;y
dc 320 ;w
dc 248 ;h
dc 1 ;pw
dc 1 ;ph
dc 0,0
dc.l 0
dc.l 0
dc.l 0
dc.l 0
dc.l 0
dc.l 0
dc 0
dc.l 0,0,0
defwindow1_1p ;
dc.l slice1
dc.l copstop
dc 160-39*2
dc 166-39*2
dc 78 ;max width for 2 high = 90!
dc 78
dc 2
dc 2
dc 0,0
dc.l 0
dc.l 0
dc.l 0
dc.l 0
dc.l 0
dc.l 0
dc 0
dc.l 0,0,0
defwindow1_2p ;
dc.l slice1
dc.l slice2
dc 160-33*2
dc 42
dc 66 ;max width for 2 high = 90!
dc 60
dc 2
dc 2
dc 0,0
dc.l 0
dc.l 0
dc.l 0
dc.l 0
dc.l 0
dc.l 0
dc 0
dc.l 0,0,0
defwindow2_2p ;
dc.l slice2
dc.l copstop
dc 160-33*2
dc 166
dc 66
dc 60
dc 2
dc 2
dc 0,0
dc.l 0
dc.l 0
dc.l 0
dc.l 0
dc.l 0
dc.l 0
dc 0
dc.l 0,0,0
window1 ;
dc.l slice1
dc.l slice2 ;copstop here for 1 window
dc 160-33*2
dc 42
dc 66 ;max width for 2 high = 90!
dc 60
dc 2
dc 2
dc 0,0
dc.l 0
dc.l 0
dc.l 0
dc.l 0
dc.l 0
dc.l 0
dc 0
dc.l 0,0,0
window2 ;
dc.l slice2
dc.l copstop
dc 160-33*2
dc 165 ;WHAT!!!!!
dc 66
dc 60
dc 2
dc 2
dc 0,0
dc.l 0
dc.l 0
dc.l 0
dc.l 0
dc.l 0
dc.l 0
dc 0
dc.l 0,0,0
cols16 macro
dc $180,$000,$182,0,$184,0,$186,0
dc $188,0,$18a,0,$18c,0,$18e,0
dc $190,0,$192,0,$194,0,$196,0
dc $198,0,$19a,0,$19c,0,$19e,0
cols162 macro
dc $180,$0c0,$182,0,$184,0,$186,0
dc $188,0,$18a,0,$18c,0,$18e,0
dc $190,0,$192,0,$194,0,$196,0
dc $198,0,$19a,0,$19c,0,$19e,0
copinit ;initialization for display
dc $1fc,15
dc $096,$0120 ;bitplane/spr DMA off
dc $092,$38,$094,$a0
dc $108,6*40,$10a,6*40
dc $100,$7200
dc $102,0
;lo colour nybs - lo bank
dc $106,$0200
cols1 cols162
;lo nybs - hi bank
dc $106,$8200
cols2 cols162
;hi colour nybs - lo bank
dc $106,0
cols3 cols16
;hi colour nybs - hi bank
dc $106,$8000
cols4 cols16
dc 26<<8+1,$fffe
dc $140,0,$142,0,$144,0,$146,0
dc $148,0,$14a,0,$14c,0,$14e,0
dc $150,0,$152,0,$154,0,$156,0
dc $158,0,$15a,0,$15c,0,$15e,0
dc $160,0,$162,0,$164,0,$166,0
dc $168,0,$16a,0,$16c,0,$16e,0
dc $170,0,$172,0,$174,0,$176,0
dc $178,0,$17a,0,$17c,0,$17e,0
sl1 ;
ifne aga
dc $e0,0,$e2,0
dc $e4,0,$e6,0
dc $e8,0,$ea,0
dc $ec,0,$ee,0
dc $f0,0,$f2,0
dc $f4,0,$f6,0
dc $f8,0,$fa,0
dc $08e,$2c81,$090,$f4c1 ;diw
dc $0001,$fffe ;wait for slice!
dc $096,$8100
dc $084,0,$086,0,$08a,0
sl2 ;
ifne aga
dc $e0,0,$e2,0
dc $e4,0,$e6,0
dc $e8,0,$ea,0
dc $ec,0,$ee,0
dc $f0,0,$f2,0
dc $f4,0,$f6,0
dc $f8,0,$fa,0
dc $08e,$2c81,$090,$f4c1 ;diw
dc $0001,$fffe ;wait for slice!
dc $096,$8100
dc $084,0,$086,0,$08a,0
cstop dc $096,$0100
dc $ffff,$fffe
copinitf ;
textscrns ds.l 8 ;8*20=160
textures ds.l 160
;************** SLOW SUBS **********************
;-------------- serial stuff -------------------;
sblen equ 16 ;serial buffer length
initser move #$0801,$dff09a
move.l $74,oldrbf
move.l #rbf,$74
move.l $64,oldtbe
move.l #tbe,$64
move #640,$dff032 ;period!
flushser move #$0801,$dff09a
clr rget
clr rput
clr tget
clr tput
move #$0801,$dff09c
move #$8801,$dff09a
oldrbf dc.l 0
oldtbe dc.l 0
finitser move #$0801,$dff09a
move.l oldrbf(pc),$74
move.l oldtbe(pc),$64
serget ;get a byte into d0 - mi if none available!
move rget(pc),d0
cmp rput(pc),d0
beq.s .none
and #sblen-1,d0
lea rbuff(pc),a0
move.b 0(a0,d0),d0
addq #1,rget
and #255,d0 ;set pl
.none moveq #-1,d0 ;set mi
serput ;send byte in d0
move tput(pc),d1
cmp tget(pc),d1
beq.s .noq
move #$0001,$dff09a
and #sblen-1,d1
lea tbuff(pc),a0
move.b d0,0(a0,d1)
addq #1,tput
move #$8001,$dff09a
.noq ;no queue
and #255,d0
or #$100,d0
move d0,$dff030
addq #1,tput
rbf ;receive buffer full interupt
btst #3,$dff01e
beq.s .bye
movem.l d0/a0,-(a7)
lea rbuff(pc),a0
move rput(pc),d0
and #sblen-1,d0
move.b $dff019,0(a0,d0)
addq #1,rput
movem.l (a7)+,d0/a0
.bye move #$0800,$dff09c
move.l oldrbf(pc),-(a7)
rbuff ds.b sblen
rput dc 0
rget dc 0
tbe ;transmit buffer empty (int bit 2)
btst #0,$dff01f
beq.s .bye
movem.l d0/a0,-(a7)
addq #1,tget
move tget(pc),d0
cmp tput(pc),d0
beq.s .out
and #sblen-1,d0
lea tbuff(pc),a0
move.b 0(a0,d0),d0
and #255,d0
or #$100,d0
move d0,$dff030
.out movem.l (a7)+,d0/a0
.bye move #1,$dff09c
move.l oldtbe(pc),-(a7)
tbuff ds.b sblen
tput dc 0
tget dc 0
medat dc.l 0
titlemed dc.l 0
loadingmed dc.l 0
fadevol dc 0 ;non-zero=fade to 0!
relocate ;a0=pointer to what to relocate
move.l (a0),d0
beq .rts
move.l d0,a1
add.l #32,(a0)
lea 28(a1),a0
move.l (a0)+,d0
lea 0(a0,d0.l*4),a1
cmp.l #$3ec,(a1)+
bne.s .rts
move.l (a1)+,d0
addq #4,a1
move.l a0,d2
.loop move.l (a1)+,d1 ;offset
add.l d2,0(a0,d1)
subq.l #1,d0
bne.s .loop
.rts rts
initmed lea medat,a0
tst.l (a0)
bne.s .noreloc
move.l #medplayer,(a0)
bsr relocate
.noreloc move.l medat(pc),a1
move.l chipzero(pc),a0
jsr (a1)
move.l medat(pc),a1
move.l titlemed(pc),a0
jsr 4(a1)
move.l medat(pc),a1
move.l loadingmed(pc),a0
jsr 4(a1)
rawstuff dc.l 0
datafiles dc.l script
scriptname dc.b 'misc/script',0
dc.l script2
dc.b 'misc/script2',0
dc.l 0
progfiles dc.l font+1 ;odd=chipmem!
dc.b 'misc/font.bin',0
dc.l titlemed+1
dc.b 'sfxs/med1',0
dc.l loadingmed+1
dc.b 'sfxs/med2',0
dc.l shootsfx+1
dc.b 'sfxs/shoot.bin',0
dc.l shootsfx2+1
dc.b 'sfxs/shoot2.bin',0
dc.l shootsfx3+1
dc.b 'sfxs/shoot3.bin',0
dc.l shootsfx4+1
dc.b 'sfxs/shoot4.bin',0
dc.l shootsfx5+1
dc.b 'sfxs/shoot5.bin',0
dc.l gruntsfx+1
dc.b 'sfxs/grunt.bin',0
dc.l gruntsfx2+1
dc.b 'sfxs/grunt2.bin',0
dc.l gruntsfx3+1
dc.b 'sfxs/grunt3.bin',0
dc.l gruntsfx4+1
dc.b 'sfxs/grunt4.bin',0
dc.l tokensfx+1
dc.b 'sfxs/token.bin',0
dc.l doorsfx+1
dc.b 'sfxs/door.bin',0
dc.l footstepsfx+1
dc.b 'sfxs/footstep.bin',0
dc.l diesfx+1
dc.b 'sfxs/die.bin',0
dc.l splatsfx+1
dc.b 'sfxs/splat.bin',0
dc.l telesfx+1
dc.b 'sfxs/teleport.bin',0
dc.l 0
loadfiles ;
move.l a0,a2
.loop move.l (a2)+,d0
beq.s .done
moveq #1,d1
bclr #0,d0
beq.s .nochip
moveq #2,d1
.nochip move.l d0,a3
move.l a2,a0
bsr loadfile
move.l d0,(a3)
.z tst.b (a2)+
bne.s .z
exg a2,d0
addq.l #1,d0
bclr #0,d0
exg a2,d0
bra.s .loop
.done pull
diskmenu dc.b 1
dc.b 'please insert gloom data disk',0
magicfiles dc.l magic
dc.b 'pics/blackmagic',0
dc.l magicpal
dc.b 'pics/blackmagic.pal',0
dc.l 0
magic dc.l 0
magicpal dc.l 0
initmain ;
move.l 4.w,a0
move.l 276(a0),a0
clr.l $114(a0) ;requesters off!
lea ciaaname,a1
move.l 4.w,a6
jsr -498(a6)
move.l d0,a0
move.l $64(a0),a0
move.l a0,rawstuff
bset #0,$3d(a0)
lea $136(a0),a0
move.l a0,rawtable
move.l #8,d0
move.l #$10002,d1
allocmem chipzero
move.l d0,chipzero
move.l #256,d0 ;128 words high max!
moveq #2,d1
allocmem qstrip
move.l d0,qstrip
move.l #256,d0
moveq #1,d1
allocmem maptable
move.l d0,maptable
move.l #32768,d0
moveq #1,d1
allocmem memory
move.l d0,memory
move.l #320*vd_size,d0
moveq #1,d1
allocmem vertdraws
move.l d0,vertdraws
move.l #maxz*2,d0
moveq #1,d1
allocmem darktable
move.l d0,darktable
move.l #16*512*2,d0 ;16 shades, 256 words
moveq #1,d1
allocmem map_rgbs
move.l #map_rgbs_,map_rgbs
;move.l d0,map_rgbs
;add.l #16*512,d0
move.l d0,map_rgbsw
add.l #16*512,d0
move.l d0,map_rgbsr
st paused
clr dispnest
clr showflag
clr.l font
bsr initsfx
bsr initvbint
bsr initdisplay
bsr dispoff
lea magicfiles,a0
bsr loadfiles
move.l magic,a0
move.l magicpal,a1
bsr makeiff
bsr showiff
bsr dispon
move #50,vbcounter
lea progfiles,a0
bsr loadfiles
bsr initbmappal
bsr initmed
bsr initser
bsr makecoloffs
bsr initdarktable
bset #15,remapped
bne .noremap
move.l map_rgbs(pc),a0
move #-1,(a0)+
move.l a0,map_rgbsat
lea bullet1,a0
jsr remapanim
lea bullet2,a0
jsr remapanim
lea bullet3,a0
jsr remapanim
lea bullet4,a0
jsr remapanim
lea bullet5,a0
jsr remapanim
lea sparks1,a0
jsr remapanim
lea sparks2,a0
jsr remapanim
lea sparks3,a0
jsr remapanim
lea sparks4,a0
jsr remapanim
lea sparks5,a0
jsr remapanim
lea 128*128+groundtile,a2
move.l a2,a0
bsr addpal
lea groundtile,a0
move.l a2,a1
bsr remap
lea 128*128+ceilingtile,a2
move.l a2,a0
bsr addpal
lea ceilingtile,a0
move.l a2,a1
bsr remap
lea qpal,a0
bsr addpal
lea qcols,a0
lea qpal,a1
bsr remap
move.l map_rgbsat(pc),map_rgbsat2
.noremap ;
move.l map_rgbsat2(pc),map_rgbsat
moveq #0,d0
bsr loadanobj ;load player1
moveq #1,d0
bsr loadanobj ;load player2
moveq #2,d0
bsr loadanobj ;load tokens (health)
move.l map_rgbsat(pc),map_rgbsfrom
alloclist objects,#maxobjects,#ob_size
alloclist doors,#maxdoors,#do_size
alloclist blood,#maxblood,#bl_size
alloclist gore,#maxgore,#go_size
alloclist rotpolys,#maxrotpolys,#rp_size
.w5sex tst vbcounter
bgt .w5sex
bsr dispoff
lea iffwindow,a0
bsr freewindow
move.l magic,a1
freemem magic
move.l magicpal,a1
freemem magicpal
bsr forbid
askdatadisk ;
ifne onedemo
bsr permit
lea datafiles,a0
bsr loadfiles
bsr forbid
sub.l a0,a0
bsr makeiff
bsr showiff
lea diskmenu,a4
lea iffwindow,a6
bsr initmenu
bsr dispon
bsr permit
;OK, gotta swap disks and pick up data files!
.wfd bsr vwait
move.l #lockname,d1
moveq #-2,d2
move.l dosbase(pc),a6
jsr -84(a6) ;lock?
move.l d0,d1
beq.s .wfd
jsr -126(a6) ;make current dir!
move.l d0,oldlock
bsr dispoff
bsr finitmenu
lea iffwindow,a0
bsr freewindow
lea datafiles,a0
bsr loadfiles
bsr forbid
undir move.l oldlock(pc),d1
beq.s .rts
clr gloomdata
clr.l oldlock
move.l dosbase(pc),a6
jsr -126(a6) ;CD to old current dir
move.l d0,d1
jsr -90(a6) ;unlock old (mine!)
.rts rts
oldlock dc.l 0
lockname dc.b 'gloomdata:',0
linkmenu dc.b 1
syncesc tst d7
beq.s .rts
qkey $45
beq.s .rts
addq #4,a7
.rts rts
syncup ;OK, synchronize with other machine...
;OK, write FF...wait for an FF!
;'FF' = sync marker!, 'FE' = I'm synced!
;d7 = non zero, if escapable
;reurn ne if esc else eq
bsr flushser
.aa moveq #-1,d0
bsr serput ;write 'FF'!
bsr vwait
bsr syncesc ;check esc
bsr serget
bmi.s .aa ;non there?
cmp.b #-1,d0 ;or not ff?
bne.s .aa ;again...
moveq #-1,d0
bsr serput
moveq #-2,d0 ;OK, we're off!
bsr serput
.cc bsr vwait
bsr syncesc
bsr serget
bmi.s .cc
cmp.b #-2,d0
bne.s .cc
initnewgame clr linked
move gametype(pc),twowins
beq .notlinked
cmp #3,p2_ob_cntrl
bne .notlinked
.link ifeq debugser
clr twowins
sub.l a0,a0
bsr makeiff
bsr showiff
lea linkmenu,a4
lea iffwindow,a6
bsr initmenu
bsr dispon
moveq #-1,d7 ;ok to esc!
bsr syncup
beq.s .lloop
.escout move #-1,gametype
bra .linked
.lloop ;check gametypes are the same!
move.b gametype+1(pc),d0
bsr serput
.wgt bsr serget
bmi.s .wgt
cmp.b gametype+1(pc),d0
bne.s .escout
move $dff006,d0
and #127,d0
move d0,d7
bsr serput ;send mine
.wait bsr serget ;get his
bmi.s .wait
cmp.b d0,d7
beq.s .lloop
bgt.s .skip
;I'm player 1
move #1,linked
bra.s .linked
.skip ;I'm actually player 2!
move #-1,linked
.linked ;
bsr dispoff
bsr finitmenu
lea iffwindow,a0
bsr freewindow
tst gametype
bpl.s .notlinked
.notlinked ;
bset #15,gloomdata
bne.s .gotdata
bsr askdatadisk
.gotdata ;
move.l medat(pc),a1
jsr 12(a1)
;move #$4000,fadevol
cmp #2,gametype
bne normalgame
;combat type game!
move #6,p1_ob_collwith
move #5,p2_ob_collwith
ifeq onedemo
lea combat,a0
lea combatpal,a1
jsr makeiff
jsr showiff
lea combatmenu,a4
lea iffwindow,a6
jsr initmenu
jsr dispon
.loop jsr selmenu
tst d0
beq .play
;change number of wins...
addq.b #1,comnum
cmp.b #'9',comnum
bls .loop
move.b #'2',comnum
bra .loop
.play jsr dispoff
jsr finitmenu
lea iffwindow,a0
jsr freewindow
move.b #49,comnum
clr wins1
clr wins2
move.l script2,scriptat
normalgame move #4,p1_ob_collwith
move #4,p2_ob_collwith
move.l script,a0
move.l a0,scriptat
lea conttxts(pc),a1
lea conts(pc),a2
moveq #0,d7 ;how many conts found!
;OK, any continue points in script?
.loop move.b (a0)+,d0
cmp.b #10,d0
beq.s .loop
and #31,d0
bne.s .more
.loop2 cmp.b #10,(a0)+
bne.s .loop2
bra.s .loop
.more cmp #27,d0
bcc.s .loop2
add #96,d0
;command! fetch the rest...
move.b (a0)+,d1
and #31,d1
add #96,d1
lsl.l #8,d0
or d1,d0
move.b (a0)+,d1
and #31,d1
add #96,d1
lsl.l #8,d0
or d1,d0
move.b (a0)+,d1
and #31,d1
add #96,d1
lsl.l #8,d0
or d1,d0
addq #1,a0 ;skip '_'
cmp.l #'cont',d0
beq.s .cont
cmp.l #'done',d0
beq.s .done
.eol cmp.b #10,(a0)+
bne.s .eol
bra .loop
.cont ;continue point!
lea context(pc),a3
.cont2 move.b (a3)+,(a1)+
bne.s .cont2
subq #1,a1
.clp move.b (a0)+,(a1)
cmp.b #'_',(a1)+
bne.s .clp
clr.b -1(a1)
move.l a0,(a2)+
addq #1,d7
bra .eol
.done tst d7
beq initpstuff
addq #1,d7
move.b d7,contmenu
;OK, need a continue game menu...
lea gloom,a0
lea gloompal,a1
bsr makeiff
bsr showiff
lea contmenu,a4
lea iffwindow,a6
bsr initmenu
bsr dispon
bsr selmenu
bsr dispoff
bsr finitmenu
lea iffwindow,a0
bsr freewindow
move curropt(pc),d0
beq initpstuff
lea conts(pc),a0
move.l -4(a0,d0*4),scriptat
initpstuff move #25,p1health
move #25,p2health
move #0,p1weapon
move #0,p2weapon
move #3,p1lives
move #3,p2lives
conts ds.l 8 ;8 slots!
combatmenu dc.b 2
dc.b 'play combat game',0
dc.b 'win by '
comnum dc.b '2 points',0
context dc.b 'CONTINUE FROM ',0
contmenu dc.b 1
conttxts ds.b 160
execscript_med move.l medat(pc),a1
move.l loadingmed(pc),a0
jsr 8(a1) ;start title music!
execscript move.l scriptat(pc),a0
.loop move.b (a0)+,d0
cmp.b #10,d0
beq.s .loop
and #31,d0
bne.s .more
.loop2 cmp.b #10,(a0)+
bne.s .loop2
bra.s .loop
.more cmp #27,d0
bcc.s .loop2
add #96,d0
;command! fetch the rest...
move.b (a0)+,d1
and #31,d1
add #96,d1
lsl.l #8,d0
or d1,d0
move.b (a0)+,d1
and #31,d1
add #96,d1
lsl.l #8,d0
or d1,d0
move.b (a0)+,d1
and #31,d1
add #96,d1
lsl.l #8,d0
or d1,d0
addq #1,a0 ;skip '_'
move.l a0,scriptat
cmp.l #'pict',d0
beq scriptpict
cmp.l #'draw',d0
beq scriptdraw
cmp.l #'text',d0
beq scripttext
cmp.l #'wait',d0
beq scriptwait
cmp.l #'play',d0
beq scriptplay
cmp.l #'done',d0
beq scriptdone
cmp.l #'dark',d0
beq scriptdark
cmp.l #'show',d0
beq scriptshow
cmp.l #'hide',d0
beq scripthide
cmp.l #'loop',d0
beq scriptloop
cmp.l #'rest',d0
beq scriptrest
cmp.l #'cont',d0
beq scriptcont
warn #$f80
;Hmmm....bad command
.fucked ;
scriptdone bsr freeiff
sccont dc.b 'cont_'
scriptcont cmp.b #10,(a0)+
bne.s scriptcont
move.l a0,scriptat
bra execscript
;a0=name, a1=mem, d0=length
scriptrest ;restart point! change to 'cont_' and save script out...
lea sccont(pc),a1
subq #5,a0
.loop move.b (a1)+,(a0)
cmp.b #'_',(a0)+
bne.s .loop
.leol cmp.b #10,(a0)+
bne.s .leol
move.l a0,scriptat
;save script!
bsr permit
lea scriptname,a0
move.l script,a1
move.l -12(a1),d0
subq.l #8,d0
subq.l #8,d0
bsr savefile
bsr forbid
bra execscript
scriptloop move.l script,scriptat
cmp #2,gametype
bne execscript
move.l script2,scriptat
bra execscript
scripthide bsr dispoff
bra execscript
scriptshow clr pdelay
bsr dispon
bra execscript
scriptdraw move.l pic,a0
move.l picpal,a1
bsr makeiff
bsr showiff
bra execscript
fetchrest move.l scriptat,a0
moveq #-1,d0
.loop addq #1,d0
move.b (a0)+,(a1)
cmp.b #10,(a1)+
bne.s .loop
clr.b -(a1)
move.l a0,scriptat
picpath dc.b 'pics/'
picname ds.b 64
pic_pal dc.b '.pal',0
pic dc.l 0
picpal dc.l 0
freeiff push
move.l pic(pc),d0
beq.s .rts
move.l pic,a1
freemem pic
move.l picpal,a1
freemem picpal
clr.l pic
.rts pull
scriptpict ;load an iff
bsr freeiff
lea picname,a1
bsr fetchrest
move.l a1,-(a7)
bsr permit
lea picpath,a0
moveq #1,d1
jsr loadfile
move.l d0,pic
lea pic_pal,a0
move.l (a7)+,a1
.loop move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
bne.s .loop
lea picpath,a0
moveq #1,d1
jsr loadfile
move.l d0,picpal
bsr forbid
bra execscript
scriptdark move.l iffwindow+wi_cop,a0 ;copperlist to darken!
addq #6,a0
moveq #3,d0 ;4 lots of 32 colours
moveq #31,d1
;skip first 8
;subq #8,d1
;lea 32(a0),a0
.loop ;
move (a0),d2 ;hi nyb
move 132(a0),d3 ;lo nyb!
and #$eee,d3
lsr #1,d3
move d2,d4
and #$111,d4
lsl #3,d4
or d4,d3
and #$eee,d2
lsr #1,d2
move d2,(a0)
move d3,132(a0)
addq #4,a0
dbf d1,.loop
moveq #31,d1
lea 136(a0),a0
dbf d0,.loop
bra execscript
text ds.b 64
scripttext ;print text on iff
;a6=window, a4=message, d0=length of message, d6=Y
move #2,pdelay
lea text,a1
bsr fetchrest
lea iffwindow,a6
lea text,a4
move wi_bh(a6),d6
sub #7,d6
bsr printmess2
tst pdelay
bmi execscript
clr pdelay
bra execscript
scriptwait ;
tst pdelay
bmi execscript
bsr waitany
bra execscript
checkany ;
.mwait bsr vwait
btst #6,$bfe001
beq.s .skip
btst #7,$bfe001
beq.s .skip
qkey $40
bne .skip
qkey $44
bne .skip
qkey $45
bne .skip
moveq #0,d0
.skip moveq #-1,d0
waitany ;
.mwait bsr vwait
btst #6,$bfe001
beq.s .skip
btst #7,$bfe001
beq.s .skip
qkey $40
bne .skip
qkey $44
bne .skip
qkey $45
bne .skip
bra .mwait
.skip ;
bsr vwait
btst #6,$bfe001
beq.s .skip
btst #7,$bfe001
beq.s .skip
qkey $40
bne .skip
qkey $44
bne .skip
qkey $45
bne .skip
copywin moveq #wi_size/2-1,d0
.loop move (a0)+,(a1)+
dbf d0,.loop
freeobjlist lea objlist,a2
.loop move.l (a2)+,d0
beq.s .done
move.l d0,a3
move.l (a3),d0
beq.s .skip
move.l d0,a1
freemem obj
clr.l (a3)
.skip ;
move.l 4(a3),d0
beq.s .loop
move.l d0,a1
freemem objchunks
clr.l 4(a3)
bra.s .loop
.done rts
freeobjlist2 lea objlist,a2
.loop move.l -(a2),d0
beq.s .done
move.l d0,a3
move.l (a3),d0
beq.s .skip
move.l d0,a1
freemem obj2
clr.l (a3)
.skip ;
move.l 4(a3),d0
beq.s .loop
move.l d0,a1
freemem objchunks2
clr.l 4(a3)
bra.s .loop
.done rts
mappath dc.b 'maps/'
mapname ds.b 64
getwindow tst twowins
bne.s .p2
lea defwindow1_1p,a0
lea window1,a1
bsr copywin
.p2 lea defwindow1_2p,a0
lea window1,a1
bsr copywin
lea defwindow2_2p,a0
lea window2,a1
bsr copywin
putwindow tst twowins
bne.s .p2
lea window1,a0
lea defwindow1_1p,a1
bsr copywin
.p2 lea window1,a0
lea defwindow1_2p,a1
bsr copywin
lea window2,a0
lea defwindow2_2p,a1
bsr copywin
linkswap tst linked
bpl.s .rts
movem.l player1(pc),a0-a1
exg a0,a1
movem.l a0-a1,player1
move ob_cntrl(a0),d0
move ob_cntrl(a1),d1
move d1,ob_cntrl(a0)
move d0,ob_cntrl(a1)
.rts rts
scriptplay ;
lea mapname,a1
bsr fetchrest
zerolist objects,ob_size
zerolist doors,do_size
zerolist blood,bl_size
zerolist gore,go_size
zerolist rotpolys,rp_size
tst twowins
beq.s .not2pg
cmp #1,gametype
bne.s .not2pg
;OK, see if either player is out of lives...if so, revert to single window
move p2lives(pc),d0
beq.s .g0
move p1lives(pc),d0
bne.s .not2pg
move p2health(pc),p1health
move p2weapon(pc),p1weapon
move p2lives(pc),p1lives
.g0 clr gametype
clr twowins
.not2pg clr.l player1
clr.l player2
tst gametype
bne.s .p2
not.l player2 ;no player 2!
.p2 ;
bsr permit
move.l map_test(pc),d0
bne.s .use
move.l #mappath,d0
.use move.l d0,a0
moveq #1,d1
bsr loadfile
move.l d0,map_map
bsr initmap
bsr loadtxts
move #$a3f7,d0
bsr seedrnd
moveq #1,d0
bsr execevent
bsr calcpalettes
bsr forbid
bsr makepalettes
bsr dispoff
bsr freewindows
bsr getwindow
bsr calcbpos
move.l player1,a5
move ob_x(a5),p1x
move ob_z(a5),p1z
move ob_rot(a5),p1r
cmp #2,gametype
beq .psk
move p1health(pc),d0
bne.s .p1hok
move #25,p1health
clr p1weapon
.p1hok move p1health(pc),ob_hitpoints(a5)
move p1weapon(pc),ob_weapon(a5)
move p1lives(pc),ob_lives(a5)
.psk bsr resetplayer
bsr calcwlevel
tst gametype
beq .p1
move.l player2,a5
move ob_x(a5),p2x
move ob_z(a5),p2z
move ob_rot(a5),p2r
cmp #2,gametype
beq.s .psk2
move p2health(pc),d0
bne.s .p2hok
move #25,p2health
clr p2weapon
.p2hok move p2health(pc),ob_hitpoints(a5)
move p2weapon(pc),ob_weapon(a5)
move p2lives(pc),ob_lives(a5)
.psk2 bsr resetplayer
bsr calcwlevel
.p1 ;
bsr linkswap
move.l player1(pc),a5
move.l #window1,ob_window(a5)
move.l ob_window(a5),a0
bsr makewindow
move.l ob_window(a5),a0
bsr showwindow
bsr initstats
tst twowins
beq.s .onew
move.l player2(pc),a5
move.l #window2,ob_window(a5)
move.l ob_window(a5),a0
bsr makewindow
move.l ob_window(a5),a0
bsr showwindow
bsr initstats
.onew ;
move #$4000,fadevol ;fadeout med!
move #$1f3a,d0
bsr seedrnd
move #1,linkcnt
clr prevjoy
clr finished
clr finished2
clr doneflag
clr showflag
tst linked
beq.s .nol
moveq #0,d7
bsr syncup
.nol ;
clr framecnt
clr paused
bsr drawall2
bsr dispon
mainloop bsr drawall
qkey $45 ;ESC?
beq .notesc
bsr dogamemenu
.notesc move finished(pc),d0
beq.s mainloop
tst linked
beq.s .unlk
bset #7,d0
bne.s .unlk ;don't send back!
bsr serput
.unlk and #$7f,finished
st paused
bsr dispoff
bsr freewindows
bsr linkswap
bsr freeobjlist
bsr freetxts
bsr freemap
move finished(pc),d0 ;why they finished
cmp #3,d0 ;completed?
bne .notfin
cmp #2,gametype
beq .com
move.l player1,a5
move ob_hitpoints(a5),p1health
move ob_weapon(a5),p1weapon
move ob_lives(a5),p1lives
tst gametype
beq.s .p1p1
move.l player2,a5
move ob_hitpoints(a5),p2health
move ob_weapon(a5),p2weapon
move ob_lives(a5),p2lives
.p1p1 ;
tst.l map_test
beq execscript_med
bra .notfin
.com ;
ifne onedemo
bra .notfin
move wins1(pc),d0
sub wins2(pc),d0
move d0,d1
bpl.s .wsk
neg d1
.wsk add #48,d1
cmp.b comnum(pc),d1
bcs execscript_med
move d0,-(a7)
bsr freeiff
lea combat,a0
lea combatpal,a1
jsr makeiff
jsr showiff
lea p1wins,a4
tst (a7)+
bpl.s .p1
lea p2wins,a4
.p1 lea iffwindow,a6
move.l a4,a0
moveq #-1,d0
.cch addq #1,d0
tst.b (a0)+
bne.s .cch
move wi_bh(a6),d6
lsr #1,d6
subq #3,d6
bsr printmess2
jsr dispon
bsr waitany
jsr dispoff
lea iffwindow,a0
bsr freewindow
.notfin bsr freeiff
p1wins dc.b 'player one wins combat game!',0
p2wins dc.b 'player two wins combat game!',0
freemap move.l map_map,d0
beq.s .done
move.l d0,a1
freemem map
clr.l map_map
.done rts
dointro ;
lea gloom,a0
lea gloompal,a1
jsr makeiff
jsr showiff
lea gloombrush,a0
lea iffwindow,a1
move.l wi_bmap(a1),a1
add.l #168*7*40,a1
bsr decodeiff
bsr dispon
bsr waitany
lea startmenu,a4
lea iffwindow,a6
jsr initmenu
.sel jsr selmenu
cmp #3,d0
bcs .newgame
subq #3,d0
bne .notp1
lea p1ctype(pc),a1
lea p1_ob_cntrl,a2
lea p2_ob_cntrl,a3
.here addq #1,(a2)
cmp #3,(a2)
bcs.s .pok
cmp.l #p2ctype,a1
bne.s .fixc
cmp #4,(a2)
bcs.s .pok
.fixc clr (a2)
.pok move (a2),d0
cmp (a3),d0
beq.s .here
lea popts(pc),a0
move.l 0(a0,d0*4),a0
.sk move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
bne.s .sk
bra.s .sel
.notp1 subq #1,d0
bne.s .notp2
lea p2ctype(pc),a1
lea p2_ob_cntrl,a2
lea p1_ob_cntrl,a3
bra.s .here
.notp2 subq #1,d0
bne.s .notvile
addq #1,mode
and #1,mode
move mode(pc),d0
lea modes,a0
move.l 0(a0,d0*4),a0
lea modetxt,a1
.moloop move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
bne.s .moloop
bra .sel
.notvile subq #1,d0
bne .notabout
;about text...
bsr dispoff
bsr finitmenu
lea gloom,a0
lea gloompal,a1
bsr makeiff
bsr showiff
lea abouttext,a4
lea iffwindow,a6
bsr initmenu
move numopts(pc),-(a7)
move #1,numopts
bsr dispon
bsr selmenu
move (a7)+,numopts
bsr dispoff
bsr finitmenu
bra dointro
.notabout subq #1,d0
bne .sel
moveq #4,d0
.newgame move d0,gametype
jsr dispoff
jsr finitmenu
lea iffwindow,a0
jsr freewindow
popts dc.l popt1,popt2,popt3,popt4
popt1 dc.b 'JOYSTICK 2',0
popt2 dc.b 'JOYSTICK 1',0
popt3 dc.b ' KEYBOARD ',0
popt4 dc.b 'NULL MODEM',0
makeiff ;show an IFF picture...128 colours...320 X 240
;a0=trimmed iff, a1=iff's palette
movem.l a0-a1,-(a7)
lea iffwindow,a0
bsr freewindow
movem.l (a7)+,a0-a1
lea iffwindow,a2
cmp.l #0,a0
bne.s .notblank
addq #1,a0
move.l a0,wi_iff(a2)
move.l #rgbs16,a1
bra.s .blank
.notblank move.l a0,wi_iff(a2)
.blank move.l a1,wi_pal(a2)
;copy font palette to IFF palette!
move.l font(pc),d0
beq.s .nofont
move.l d0,a0
add.l (a0),a0
addq #2,a0
clr.l (a1)+
moveq #14,d0
.loop move (a0),(a1)+
move (a0)+,(a1)+
dbf d0,.loop
.nofont ;
move.l a2,a0
bsr makewindow
showiff push
lea iffwindow,a0
bsr showwindow
gamemenu dc.b 7
dc.b 'CONTINUE',0
dc.b 'WINDOW SIZE',0
dc.b 'FLOOR',0
dc.b 'CEILING',0
dc.b 'QUIT GAME',0
modes dc.l mode1,mode2
mode1 dc.b 'MEATY',0
mode2 dc.b 'MESSY',0
startmenu dc.b 8
dc.b 'PLAYER 1 '
p1ctype dc.b 'JOYSTICK 1',0
dc.b 'PLAYER 2 '
p2ctype dc.b 'JOYSTICK 2',0
modetxt dc.b 'MEATY',0
dc.b 'ABOUT GLOOM',0
dc.b 'EXIT GLOOM',0
;menustrip data;
;0.l : textaddress
;8.l : strip address
menuwindow dc.l 0
menubmap dc.l 0
menuy dc 0
numopts dc 0 ;how many menu options
curropt dc 0 ;current option
flashdelay dc 0
menustrips ds.l 32 ;16 max!
initmenu clr curropt
initmenu2 ;
;do a in a4, window in a6
move.l a6,menuwindow
move.b (a4)+,d0 ;how many
ext d0
move d0,numopts
move d0,-(a7) ;counter
move wi_bh(a6),d6
move.l wi_bmap(a6),menubmap
lsr #1,d6
move fonth(pc),d2
lsr #1,d2
mulu d2,d0
sub d0,d6 ;Y
move d6,menuy
lea menustrips(pc),a5
.loop ;save strip!
move.l a4,(a5)+
move #40*7,d0
mulu fonth(pc),d0
moveq #2,d1
allocmem menustrip
move.l d0,(a5)+
move.l d0,a1
move.l wi_bmap(a6),a0
move d6,d0
mulu #7*40,d0
add.l d0,a0
move #40*7,d0
mulu fonth(pc),d0
lsr.l #2,d0
subq #1,d0
.sloop move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
dbf d0,.sloop
move.l a4,a0
moveq #-1,d0
.cnt addq #1,d0
tst.b (a0)+
bne.s .cnt
bsr printmess2
add fonth(pc),d6
subq #1,(a7)
bgt.s .loop
addq #2,a7
ifne debugmem
bsr showmem
lea memasc,a4
moveq #8,d0
bsr printmess2
move.l freememerr,d0
beq.s .nomemerr
clr.l freememerr
move.l d0,a4
move.l d0,a0
moveq #-1,d0
.ccloop addq #1,d0
tst.b (a0)+
bne.s .ccloop
add fonth(pc),d6
bsr printmess2
.nomemerr ;
ifne debugmem
showmem push
move.l 4.w,a6
moveq #1,d1
jsr -216(a6)
lea memasc,a0
moveq #7,d1
.loop rol.l #4,d0
move d0,d2
and #15,d2
add #48,d2
cmp #58,d2
bcs.s .skip
addq #7,d2
.skip move.b d2,(a0)+
dbf d1,.loop
memasc dc.b '12345678',0
optoff move curropt(pc),d6
lea menustrips(pc),a0
move.l 4(a0,d6*8),a0 ;address of strip
mulu fonth(pc),d6
add menuy(pc),d6
mulu #7*40,d6
move.l menubmap(pc),a1
add.l d6,a1
move fonth(pc),d0
mulu #7,d0
lsl #6,d0
or #20,d0
btst #6,$dff002
.bwait btst #6,$dff002
bne.s .bwait
move.l #$9f00000,$dff040
move.l #-1,$dff044
move #0,$dff064
move #0,$dff066
move.l a0,$dff050
move.l a1,$dff054
move d0,$dff058
move #13,flashdelay
opton move curropt(pc),d6
lea menustrips(pc),a0
move.l 0(a0,d6*8),a4 ;text!
mulu fonth(pc),d6
add menuy(pc),d6
;a6=window, a4=message, d0=length of message, d6=Y
move.l a4,a0
moveq #-1,d0
.loop addq #1,d0
tst.b (a0)+
bne.s .loop
move.l menuwindow(pc),a6
bsr printmess2
move #13,flashdelay
checkup move joyy1(pc),d0
bmi.s .yes
move joyy2(pc),d0 ;is one up?
bmi.s .yes
moveq #-1,d0
.yes moveq #0,d0
checkdown move joyy1(pc),d0
bgt.s .yes
move joyy2(pc),d0
bgt.s .yes
moveq #-1,d0
.yes moveq #0,d0
checksel move joyb1(pc),d0
bne.s .yes
move joyb2(pc),d0
bne.s .yes
move.l rawtable(pc),a0
key $40 ;spc?
bne.s .yes
key $44
bne.s .yes
moveq #-1,d0
.yes moveq #0,d0
selmenu ;select a menu item...return item in d0
;flash selected option on/off
bsr optoff
.loop1 bsr vwait
bsr readjoys
bsr checkup
beq .up2
bsr checkdown
beq .down2
bsr checksel
beq .sel2
subq #1,flashdelay
bgt .loop1
bsr opton
.loop2 bsr vwait
bsr readjoys
bsr checkup
beq .up
bsr checkdown
beq .down
bsr checksel
beq .sel
subq #1,flashdelay
bgt .loop2
bra selmenu
.up2 bsr opton
.up subq #1,curropt
bpl.s .upskip
move numopts(pc),d0
subq #1,d0
move d0,curropt
.upskip bsr vwait
bsr readjoys
bsr checkup
beq .upskip
bra selmenu
.down2 bsr opton
.down addq #1,curropt
move curropt(pc),d0
cmp numopts(pc),d0
bcs.s .downskip
clr curropt
.downskip bsr vwait
bsr readjoys
bsr checkdown
beq .downskip
bra selmenu
.sel2 bsr opton
.sel bsr vwait
bsr readjoys
bsr checksel
beq .sel
move curropt(pc),d0
finitmenu ;clean up menu operation
lea menustrips(pc),a5
move numopts(pc),d2
subq #1,d2
.loop addq #4,a5
move.l (a5)+,a1
freemem menustrip
dbf d2,.loop
initbmappal move.l font(pc),a0
add.l (a0),a0
addq #2,a0
moveq #14,d0
move.l coplist(pc),a1
move.l a1,a2
move.l a1,a3
move.l a1,a4
lea cols1+6-copinit(a1),a1
lea cols2+6-copinit(a2),a2
lea cols3+6-copinit(a3),a3
lea cols4+6-copinit(a4),a4
.loop move (a0),(a1)
move (a0),(a2)
move (a0),(a3)
move (a0)+,(a4)
addq #4,a1
addq #4,a2
addq #4,a3
addq #4,a4
dbf d0,.loop
initdarktable ;
move #maxz-1,d2
move.l sqr(pc),a0
move.l darktable(pc),a1
.loop move d2,d3
lsl #3,d3
move 0(a0,d3),d3
lsr #3,d3
eor #15,d3
move d3,(a1)+
dbf d2,.loop
rawtable dc.l 0
ciaaname dc.b 'ciaa.resource',0
savefile ;a0=name, a1=mem, d0=length
movem.l d0/a1,-(a7)
move.l dosbase,a6
move.l a0,d1
move.l #1006,d2
jsr -30(a6)
move.l d0,d7
beq .done
move.l d7,d1
movem.l (a7)+,d0/a1
move.l a1,d2
move.l d0,d3
jsr -48(a6)
move.l d7,d1
jsr -36(a6)
.done pull
fileheader ds.b 14
loadmem dc.l 0
loadfileabs move.l a1,loadmem
bra.s loadfile_
loadfile clr.l loadmem
loadfile_ ;a0=name, d1=memtype
;decrunch file if nec.
;return d0=pointer
move.l d1,d5 ;save memtype
move.l dosbase,a6
move.l a0,d1
move.l #1005,d2
jsr -30(a6) ;open it!
move.l d0,d7 ;handle
beq .err
move.l d7,d1
moveq #0,d2
moveq #1,d3
jsr -66(a6) ;seek to end
move.l d7,d1
moveq #0,d2
moveq #-1,d3 ;seek to start
jsr -66(a6)
move.l d0,d4 ;length=prev filepos
move.l d7,d1
move.l #fileheader,d2
moveq #14,d3
jsr -42(a6) ;read!
move.l d0,-(a7) ;how many bytes read!
move.l d7,d1
moveq #0,d2
moveq #-1,d3 ;back to start
jsr -66(a6)
cmp.l #14,(a7)+
bcs.s .nocrunch
moveq #0,d6
move.l fileheader(pc),d0
cmp.l #'CrM2',d0
beq.s .crunch
cmp.l #'CrM!',d0
bne.s .nocrunch
.crunch cmp.l fileheader+6(pc),d4 ;loadlen>destlen?
bcc.s .skip
move.l fileheader+6(pc),d4 ;length to allocate
.skip ;
moveq #14,d6
add fileheader+4(pc),d6
bsr loadit
move.l d0,a0 ;src
add.l d6,d0 ;dest
move.l d0,a1
jsr decrm+32
.nocrunch ;
bsr loadit
.err pull
loadit ;d4=length to alloc/read, d5=memtype
;seek to start, load, close and return base in d0.
move.l loadmem(pc),d0
bne.s .noalloc
move.l d4,d0
move.l d5,d1
move.l d6,d2 ;offset XS
allocmem2 loadfile
sub.l d6,d0
.noalloc ;
move.l d7,d1
move.l d0,d2
move.l d4,d3 ;read len
jsr -42(a6) ;read
move.l d7,d1
jsr -36(a6) ;close
move.l d2,d0
andtable dc $ffff,0 ;rgb and, brightness add...wht
dc $ff00,8 ;red
makepalettes ;
;make wht and red pals
;create pointers...
lea palettes(pc),a0
move.l map_rgbs(pc),d0
lea palettesw(pc),a1
move.l map_rgbsw(pc),d1
lea palettesr(pc),a2
move.l map_rgbsr(pc),d2
moveq #15,d7
.loop move.l (a0)+,d3
sub.l d0,d3 ;offset!
move.l d3,d4
add.l d1,d3
move.l d3,(a1)+
add.l d2,d4
move.l d4,(a2)+
dbf d7,.loop
move.l map_rgbsend(pc),d7
sub.l map_rgbs(pc),d7 ;how many bytes!
lsr #1,d7
subq #1,d7 ;words!
move.l map_rgbsw(pc),a1
move #$ffff,d1 ;col and
move #0,d2 ;gamma
bsr makeapal
move.l map_rgbsr(pc),a1
move #$ff00,d1
moveq #16,d2
bsr makeapal
makeapal move.l map_rgbs(pc),a0
.loop move (a0)+,d4 ;src colour...find briteness
move d4,d5
move d4,d6
and #$f00,d4
lsr #8,d4
and #$0f0,d5
lsr #4,d5
and #$00f,d6
add d6,d5
add d5,d4
add d2,d4
cmp #16*3,d4
bcs.s .bok
moveq #16*3-1,d4
.bok ext.l d4
divu #3,d4 ;(r+g+b)/3=briteness!
move d4,d5
move d4,d6
lsl #8,d4
lsl #4,d5
or d6,d5
or d5,d4 ;RGB
and d1,d4
move d4,(a1)+
cmp.l map_rgbsend(pc),a0
bcs.s .loop
calcpalettes ;OK, our palette currently runs from:
; to
;append brightness versions...
lea palettes(pc),a2
move.l map_rgbs(pc),(a2)+ ;first brightness!
move.l map_rgbsat(pc),a1 ;first brightness!
move.l a1,a3
moveq #1,d0 ;rgb subtract
.loop move.l map_rgbs(pc),a0
move.l a1,(a2)+
.loop2 move (a0)+,d1
move d1,d2
move d1,d3
and #$f00,d1
lsr #8,d1
sub d0,d1
bpl.s .rok
moveq #0,d1
.rok ;
and #$f0,d2
lsr #4,d2
sub d0,d2
bpl.s .gok
moveq #0,d2
.gok ;
and #$0f,d3
sub d0,d3
bpl.s .bok
moveq #0,d3
.bok ;
lsl #8,d1
lsl #4,d2
or d3,d2
or d2,d1
or #$8000,d1
move d1,(a1)+
cmp.l a3,a0
bcs.s .loop2
addq #1,d0
cmp #16,d0
bcs.s .loop
move.l a1,map_rgbsend
map_rgbsend dc.l 0
dispoff tst dispnest
bne.s .skip
bsr vwait
move #$01a0,$dff096
.skip addq #1,dispnest
dispon subq #1,dispnest
bgt.s .skip
bsr vwait
move.l coplist(pc),$dff080
move #$8180,$dff096
move #0,$dff088
.skip rts
forbid push
moveq #49,d0
.fl bsr vwait
dbf d0,.fl
bsr ownblitter
move.l 4.w,a6
jsr -132(a6)
move #$8400,$dff096
permit push
move.l rawstuff,a0
clr.l $70(a0)
move.l 4.w,a6
jsr -138(a6)
bsr disownblitter
initvbint push
move.l 4.w,a6
moveq #5,d0
lea vbintserver,a1
jsr -168(a6) ;addintserver
vbcounter dc 0
framecnt dc 0
frame dc 0,0
vbintserver dc.l 0,0
dc.b 2,0
dc.l 0
vbintdata dc.l vbcounter
vbintcode dc.l vbhandler
finitvbint push
move.l 4.w,a6
moveq #5,d0
lea vbintserver,a1
jsr -174(a6)
ownblitter push
move.l grbase,a6
jsr -456(a6)
btst #6,$dff002
.bwait btst #6,$dff002
bne.s .bwait
disownblitter push
btst #6,$dff002
.bwait btst #6,$dff002
bne.s .bwait
move.l grbase,a6
jsr -462(a6)
makecoloffs push
ifne aga
lea coloffs,a0
moveq #2,d0
moveq #3,d2
.loop addq.l #4,d0
moveq #31,d1
.loop2 move.l d0,(a0)+
addq.l #4,d0
dbf d1,.loop2
dbf d2,.loop
lea coloffs,a0
moveq #18,d0
moveq #127,d1
.loop move.l d0,(a0)+
addq.l #4,d0
dbf d1,.loop
grname dc.b 'graphics.library',0
grbase dc.l 0
oldview dc.l 0
dosname dc.b 'dos.library',0
dosbase dc.l 0
calcbpos ;also: calc qstripbot, con0poke...
move window1+wi_h,d0
add d0,d0
ext.l d0
add.l qstrip(pc),d0
move.l d0,qstripbot
move #$100,con0poke
move floorflag(pc),d0
and roofflag(pc),d0
bne.s .cp
move #$9f0,con0poke ;one of them is cop strip!
.cp ;
move window1+wi_y,d0
subq #4,d0
move d0,minbpos
tst twowins
beq.s .p1
move window2+wi_y,d0
add window2+wi_bh,d0
addq #4,d0
move d0,maxbpos
.p1 move window1+wi_y,d0
add window1+wi_bh,d0
addq #4,d0
move d0,maxbpos
showwindow ;a0=window
ifne aga
;poke bitmaps...
move.l wi_slice(a0),a1
move.l (a1),a1
move.l wi_bmap(a0),d0
moveq #6,d1 ;7 bitplanes
.loop move d0,6(a1)
swap d0
move d0,2(a1)
swap d0
add.l #40,d0
addq #8,a1
dbf d1,.loop
;create DIW
move.l wi_slice(a0),a1
move.l (a1),a1
move wi_y(a0),d0
move d0,d1
add wi_bh(a0),d1
lsl #8,d0
or #$81,d0
move d0,56+2(a1)
lsl #8,d1
or #$c1,d1
move d1,56+6(a1)
move wi_y(a0),d0
subq #3,d0
move.b d0,64(a1)
;create link to next!
move.l wi_nslice(a0),a1
move.l (a1),d0
move.l wi_cop1(a0),a1
add.l wi_copmem(a0),a1
move.l wi_cop2(a0),a2
add.l wi_copmem(a0),a2
move d0,-6(a1)
move d0,-6(a2)
swap d0
move d0,-10(a1)
move d0,-10(a2)
showwindowq ;display coplist
move.l wi_cop(a0),d0
move.l wi_slice(a0),a0
move.l (a0),a0
ifne aga
move d0,72+6(a0)
swap d0
move d0,72+2(a0)
move d0,6(a0)
swap d0
move d0,2(a0)
finitdisplay push
move.l grbase,a6
move.l oldview,a1
jsr -222(a6) ;load view
jsr -270(a6)
jsr -270(a6)
move.l 38(a6),$dff080
move #$81a0,$dff096
move #0,$dff088
initdisplay push
lea grname,a1
move.l 4.w,a6
jsr -408(a6)
move.l d0,grbase
move.l d0,a6
move.l 34(a6),oldview
sub.l a1,a1
jsr -222(a6) ;loadview
move.l #copinitf-copinit,d0
moveq #2,d1
allocmem copinit
move.l d0,coplist
move.l d0,a1
lea copinit,a0
lea copinitf,a2
.loop cmp.l a2,a0
bcc.s .done
move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
bra.s .loop
.done ;
add.l #sl1-copinit,d0
move.l d0,slice1
add.l #sl2-sl1,d0
move.l d0,slice2
add.l #cstop-sl2,d0
move.l d0,copstop
move.l copstop,d0
move.l slice1,a0
move.l slice2,a1
ifne aga
move d0,72+6(a0)
move d0,72+6(a1)
swap d0
move d0,72+2(a0)
move d0,72+2(a1)
move d0,6(a0)
move d0,6(a1)
swap d0
move d0,2(a0)
move d0,2(a1)
jsr -270(a6)
jsr -270(a6)
move.l coplist,$dff080
move #0,$dff088
allocwbmap move wi_w(a2),d0
mulu wi_pw(a2),d0
move d0,wi_bw(a2)
move wi_h(a2),d0
mulu wi_ph(a2),d0
move d0,wi_bh(a2)
mulu #40*7,d0
move.l #$10002,d1
move.l d0,wi_bmapmem(a2)
allocmem wi_bmap
move.l d0,wi_bmap(a2)
move.l #40*7*7,d0
moveq #2,d1
allocmem wi_strip
move.l d0,wi_strip(a2)
windowiff ;draw iff into window!
move.l wi_iff(a2),a0
cmp.l #1,a0
bne.s .do
.do move.l wi_bmap(a2),a1
move 2(a0),d1
cmp #240,d1
bcs.s .skip
move #240,d1
.skip move #120,d2
lsr #1,d1
sub d1,d2
mulu #7*40,d2
add.l d2,a1
decodeiff ;for 40 columns...
;a0=trimmed IFF file,
;a1=destination bitmap...
move.l a2,-(a7)
moveq #40,d7
move (a0)+,d0 ;pixel width
lsr #3,d0 ;to byte width
move (a0)+,d1 ;pixel height
cmp #240,d1
bls.s .hok
move #240,d1
.hok subq #1,d1 ;to dbf
move (a0)+,d2 ;depth
subq #1,d2 ;to dbf
addq #6,a0 ;skip header
.loop5 move d2,d5 ;depth
.loop4 move.l a1,a2
move d0,d4 ;how many bytes in line
.loop moveq #0,d3
move.b (a0)+,d3
bmi.s .repeat
sub d3,d4
.loop3 move.b (a0)+,(a2)+
dbf d3,.loop3
bra.s .skip
.repeat cmp.b #-128,d3
beq.s .loop
neg.b d3
sub d3,d4
.loop2 move.b (a0),(a2)+
dbf d3,.loop2
addq #1,a0
.skip subq #1,d4
bgt.s .loop
add d7,a1
dbf d5,.loop4
dbf d1,.loop5
move.l (a7)+,a2
plotwbmap ;OK, plot colours on bitmap!
tst.l wi_iff(a2)
bne windowiff
move.l wi_bmap(a2),a0
move wi_x(a2),d0
move d0,d1
lsr #3,d0
not d1
and #7,d1
moveq #127,d7 ;colour
move wi_w(a2),d6 ;width
subq #1,d6
.wloop move wi_pw(a2),d5
subq #1,d5
.wloop2 move d7,d4
moveq #6,d3
.dloop bclr d1,0(a0,d0)
lsr #1,d4
bcc.s .dskip
bset d1,0(a0,d0)
.dskip lea 40(a0),a0
dbf d3,.dloop
lea -40*7(a0),a0
subq #1,d1
bpl.s .dskip2
moveq #7,d1
addq #1,d0
.dskip2 dbf d5,.wloop2
subq #1,d7
dbf d6,.wloop
move wi_bh(a2),d0 ;how many to copy
subq #1,d0
bsr wcopy
move.l wi_bmap(a2),a0
move.l wi_strip(a2),a1
move wi_bh(a2),d0
lsr #2,d0
mulu #7*40,d0
add.l d0,a0
move #7*7*10-1,d2
.loop move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
dbf d2,.loop
wcopy ;copy top scanline to next d0 scanlines
move.l wi_bmap(a2),a0
mulu #10*7,d0
subq #1,d0
lea 40*7(a0),a1
.cbloop move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
dbf d0,.cbloop
freewindow ;window in a0
move.l a0,a2
move.l wi_bmap(a2),d0
beq.s .no1
clr.l wi_bmap(a2)
move.l d0,a1
freemem wi_bmap
.no1 move.l wi_strip(a2),d0
beq.s .no2
clr.l wi_strip(a2)
move.l d0,a1
freemem wi_strip
.no2 move.l wi_cop1(a2),d0
beq.s .no3
clr.l wi_cop1(a2)
move.l d0,a1
freemem wi_cop
.no3 pull
ifne aga
agawindow ;
makewindow ;AGA make window
;a0=window struct!
move.l a0,a2
bsr allocwbmap
bsr plotwbmap
tst.l wi_iff(a2)
beq wchunky
;make a palette coplist for the window
;to write 32 colours...
;set bank, write hi nybs, set bank, write lo nybs...
;=66 copins.
;*4=264 total
;+1 for final wait +3 for final copjump=268
move.l #268<<2,d0
move.l d0,wi_copmem(a2)
moveq #2,d1
allocmem wi_iffcop
move.l d0,wi_cop(a2)
move.l d0,wi_cop1(a2)
move.l d0,wi_cop2(a2)
move.l d0,a0 ;dest
move.l wi_pal(a2),a1 ;palette!
moveq #0,d0 ;bank
moveq #3,d3
.loop move #$106,(a0)+
move d0,(a0)+
move #$180,d1
moveq #31,d2
.hiloop move d1,(a0)+
move (a1),(a0)+
addq #4,a1
addq #2,d1
dbf d2,.hiloop
lea -128+2(a1),a1
move #$106,(a0)+
bset #9,d0
move d0,(a0)+
bclr #9,d0
move #$180,d1
moveq #31,d2
.loloop move d1,(a0)+
move (a1),(a0)+
addq #4,a1
addq #2,d1
dbf d2,.loloop
subq #2,a1
add #$2000,d0 ;next bank!
dbf d3,.loop
move.l #$fffffffe,(a0)+
move.l #$00840000,(a0)+
move.l #$00860000,(a0)+
move.l #$008a0000,(a0)+
wchunky ;how many copins on one line?
move wi_w(a2),d0
move d0,d1
subq #1,d0
lsr #5,d0 ;how many bank changes per line!
addq #3,d0 ;1 waits - 1 eor, 1 init bank select
add d1,d0 ;+colpokes
move d0,d1
lsl #2,d1
move d1,wi_copmod(a2)
mulu wi_h(a2),d0
addq #4,d0 ;1 wait and cop jump at end
lsl.l #2,d0 ;4 bytes/copins
moveq #2,d1 ;cop in chip
move.l d0,wi_copmem(a2)
lsl.l #1,d0 ;2 coplists!
allocmem wi_chunkycop
move.l d0,wi_cop(a2)
move.l d0,wi_cop1(a2)
move.l d0,a0
move wi_y(a2),d6
move wi_h(a2),d7
subq #1,d7
move #$111,d3 ;test colour
move #$8000,d4 ;Colour Eor
.hloop ;make one copline...
moveq #127,d0 ;colour reg to poke
move wi_w(a2),d1
subq #1,d1
.lloop move d0,d2
addq #1,d2
and #31,d2
bne.s .notnbank
;new bank....
move d0,d2
sub #31,d2
and #$ffe0,d2
lsl #8,d2
or d4,d2 ;eor bank
move #$106,(a0)+ ;bank select
move d2,(a0)+
.notnbank move d0,d2
and #31,d2
add d2,d2
add #$180,d2
move d2,(a0)+ ;colour poke
move d3,(a0)+
add #$111,d3
subq #1,d0
dbf d1,.lloop
bsr .makewait
;ok, now do EOR!
move #$10c,(a0)+
move d4,(a0)+
bchg #15,d4
dbf d7,.hloop
bsr .makewait
move.l #$00840000,(a0)+
move.l #$00860000,(a0)+
move.l #$008a0000,(a0)+
;OK, 1 list created...copy to other!
move.l wi_cop1(a2),a0
move.l a0,a1
add.l wi_copmem(a2),a1
move.l a1,wi_cop2(a2)
move.l a1,a3
.copycop move.l (a0)+,(a3)+
cmp.l a1,a0
bcs.s .copycop
.makewait ;
;make wait ins. at pos d6
subq #1,d6
move.b d6,(a0)+
move.b #$e1,(a0)+
move #$fffe,(a0)+
addq #1,d6
add wi_ph(a2),d6
makewindow ;ECS bitmap needed!
;a0=window struct
move.l a0,a2
;how many copins on one line?
;2 waits...
;width moves
;1 colour 0 poke...
move wi_w(a2),d0
addq #7,d0
move d0,d1
lsl #2,d1
move d1,wi_copmod(a2)
mulu wi_h(a2),d0
addq #4,d0 ;1 waits at begin and cop jump
;at end
lsl.l #2,d0 ;4 bytes/copins
moveq #2,d1 ;cop in chip
move.l d0,wi_copmem(a2)
lsl.l #1,d0 ;2 coplists!
allocmem wi_chunkycop
move.l d0,wi_cop(a2)
move.l d0,wi_cop1(a2)
move.l d0,a0
move #$47,d5
sub wi_w(a2),d5
add d5,d5
or #1,d5
move wi_y(a2),d6
move wi_h(a2),d7
subq #1,d7
moveq #0,d3
move #$fffe,d4
bsr .makewait ;wait!
.hloop ;make one copline...
cmp #128,d6
ble.s .yn
move.b #$80,d3
.yn ;
move.l a0,d2 ;prepare jump address
addq.l #8,d2
move #$084,(a0)+
swap d2
move d2,(a0)+
move #$086,(a0)+
swap d2
move d2,(a0)+
;wait for start X pos...
move.b d3,(a0)+
move.b d5,(a0)+
move #$80fe,(a0)+
move wi_w(a2),d1
subq #1,d1
.lloop move.l #$1800f00,(a0)+
dbf d1,.lloop
move #$180,(a0)+
move #col0,(a0)+
move.b d3,(a0)+
move.b #$e1,(a0)+
move #$80fe,(a0)+ ;wait for end of line!
move #$ffff,d4 ;skip!
bsr .makewait
move.l #$8a0000,(a0)+ ;strobe!
dbf d7,.hloop
move.l #$00840000,(a0)+
move.l #$00860000,(a0)+
move.l #$008a0000,(a0)+
;OK, 1 list created...copy to other!
move.l wi_cop1(a2),a0
move.l a0,a1
add.l wi_copmem(a2),a1
move.l a1,wi_cop2(a2)
move.l a1,a3
move.l a1,d0
sub.l a0,d0
.copycop move.l (a0)+,(a3)+
cmp #$084,-8(a3)
bne.s .noafix
move -6(a3),d2
swap d2
move -2(a3),d2
add.l d0,d2
move d2,-2(a3)
swap d2
move d2,-6(a3)
.noafix cmp.l a1,a0
bcs.s .copycop
.makewait ;
;make wait ins. at pos d6
;cmp #256,d6
;blt.s .not256
;move.l #$ffe1fffe,(a0)+
;add wi_ph(a2),d6
.not256 move.b d6,(a0)+
move.b #1,(a0)+
move d4,(a0)+ ;wait/skip
add wi_ph(a2),d6
allocmem2_ ;
;as below, but d2.l = extra mem at start to set aside
moveq #16,d3
add.l d2,d3
bra.s amem_
allocmem_ ;
;d0=size, d1=requirements, a0=text field
;set up node before allocmem for quick freemem:
;00.l : next
;04.l : real size
;08.l : offset to user mem (normally 16, but CM fucks things up)
;12.l : pointer to text field for debugging
moveq #16,d3 ;offset
amem_ move.l a0,d4
add.l d3,d0
move.l d0,d2 ;len
move.l a0,d4 ;text
move.l 4.w,a6
jsr -198(a6)
tst.l d0
bne.s .skip
warn #$f00
.skip move.l d0,a0
move.l memlist,(a0) ;next
move.l a0,memlist
movem.l d2-d4,4(a0)
add.l d3,a0
move.l a0,d0
freememlist push
.more move.l memlist,d0
beq.s .done
move.l d0,a2
ifne debugmem
move.l 12(a2),a0 ;text field
move.l a0,d2
moveq #-1,d3
.loop addq.l #1,d3
tst.b (a0)+
bne.s .loop
move.l outhand,d1
move.l dosbase,a6
jsr -48(a6)
move.l a2,a1
move.l (a1),memlist
move.l 4(a1),d0
move.l 4.w,a6
jsr -210(a6)
bra.s .more
.done pull
freemem_ ;
;a1=address to free!
ifne debugmem
move.l a0,-(a7) ;error mess
move.l a1,a2 ;mem to find!
lea memlist(pc),a1
.more move.l a1,a0 ;prev
move.l (a1),d0
beq.s .err
move.l d0,a1
move.l a1,a3
add.l 8(a3),a3
cmp.l a3,a2
bne.s .more
move.l (a1),(a0)
move.l 4(a1),d0
move.l 4.w,a6
jsr -210(a6)
bra.s .done
.err warn #$ff0
ifne debugmem
move.l (a7),freememerr
.done ;
ifne debugmem
addq #4,a7
freememerr dc.l 0
initmap ;map address in map_map...
;load in textures, do colour mapping etc.
move.l map_map,a0
move.l a0,a1
add.l (a0),a1
move.l a1,map_grid
move.l a0,a1
add.l 4(a0),a1
move.l a1,map_poly
move.l a0,a1
add.l 8(a0),a1
move.l a1,map_ppnt
move.l a0,a1
add.l 12(a0),a1
move.l a1,map_anim
move.l a0,a1
add.l 16(a0),a1
move.l a1,map_txts
move.l (a0),d0
sub.l #25*4,d0
add.l a0,d0
move.l d0,map_events
move.l map_rgbsfrom,map_rgbsat
freetxts lea textscrns,a6
moveq #7,d7
.loop move.l (a6)+,d0
beq.s .skip
move.l d0,a1
freemem freetxts
clr.l -4(a6)
.skip dbf d7,.loop
loadtxts push
lea textures,a4
move.l map_txts,a5 ;texture names
lea textscrns,a6
moveq #7,d7
.ltl lea .temp(pc),a0
.ltl2 move.b (a5)+,(a0)+
bne.s .ltl2
moveq #0,d0
cmp.l #.temp+1,a0
beq.s .notext
lea .temp2(pc),a0
moveq #1,d1
jsr loadfile
.notext move.l d0,(a6)+ ;texture!
beq.s .skip
;do colour mapping stuff!
move.l d0,-(a7)
move.l d0,a0
add.l (a0),a0
move.l a0,a2
bsr addpal
move.l (a7),a0
addq #4,a0
move.l a2,a1
bsr remap
move.l (a7)+,a0
addq #4,a0
moveq #19,d0
move.l #64*65,d1
.mtxt move.l a0,(a4)+
add.l d1,a0
dbf d0,.mtxt
.skip ;
dbf d7,.ltl
.temp2 dc.b 'txts/'
.temp ds.b 64
remapanim ;a0=anim to remap...
move.l a0,a6
movem (a6),d6-d7
lsl d6,d7 ;how many frames!
subq #1,d7
move.l a6,a0
add.l an_pal(a0),a0
bsr addpal
lea an_size(a6),a5
.loop move.l a6,a0
add.l (a5)+,a0 ;start of shape
addq #4,a0 ;skip handles
movem (a0)+,d0-d1 ;w/h
mulu d1,d0
lea 0(a0,d0.l),a1 ;end
bsr remap
dbf d7,.loop
remap ;a0=start of byte data, a1=end of byte data
moveq #0,d0
move.l maptable,a2
.loop cmp.l a1,a0
bcc.s .done
move.b (a0),d0
move.b 0(a2,d0),(a0)+
bra.s .loop
.done ;
addpal ;add palette in a0 to end of map_rgb
move (a0)+,d0
subq #1,d0
move.l map_rgbsat,a2 ;end of rgbs
move.l maptable,a3
clr.b (a3) ;0=0
move.b #255,255(a3) ;-1=-1
move.b #254,254(a3) ;-1=-1
move.b #253,253(a3) ;-1=-1
move.b #252,252(a3) ;-1=-1
move.b #251,251(a3) ;-1=-1
move.b #250,250(a3) ;-1=-1
move.b #249,249(a3) ;-1=-1
moveq #1,d2 ;colour 1!
.loop move (a0)+,d1 ;colour...does it exist?
bmi.s .next ;not used!
move.l map_rgbs,a1
.loop2 cmp.l a2,a1
bcc.s .no
cmp (a1)+,d1
beq.s .yes
bra.s .loop2
.no ;colour doesn't exist!
;may have to do a 'near match' routine if we run out of colours
move d1,(a2)+
move.l a2,a1
.yes subq #2,a1
sub.l map_rgbs,a1
move.l a1,d1
lsr #1,d1 ;real colour
cmp #256,d1
bcs.s .ok
warn #$00f
.ok move.b d1,0(a3,d2)
.next addq #1,d2
dbf d0,.loop
move.l a2,map_rgbsat
;coll types...
;1...bullet from player 1
;2...bullet from player 2
;4...bullet from monster
;8...player 1
;16..player 2
dc.l 0,player,tokens
objlist ;list of objects to be freed...
dc.l marine,baldy,terra,ghoul,demon,phantom,0
player dc.l 0,0 ;main, chunks
dc.b 'objs/player',0,0
tokens dc.l 0,0
dc.b 'objs/tokens',0,0
marine dc.l 0,0
dc.b 'objs/marine',0,0
baldy dc.l 0,0
dc.b 'objs/baldy',0,0
terra dc.l 0,0
dc.b 'objs/terra',0,0
ghoul dc.l 0,0
dc.b 'objs/ghoul',0,0
demon dc.l 0,0
dc.b 'objs/demon',0,0
phantom dc.l 0,0
dc.b 'objs/phantom',0,0
player1_ dc.l player1
.ob_rotspeed dc.l $40000
.ob_movspeed dc.l $d0000
_ob_shape dc.l player
.ob_logic dc.l playerlogic
.ob_render dc.l drawshape_8
.ob_hit dc.l playerhit
.ob_die dc.l playerdie
.ob_eyey dc -110 ;eye height
.ob_firey dc -60 ;where bullets come from
.ob_gutsy dc -64
.ob_othery dc 0
.ob_colltype dc 8
p1_ob_collwith dc 6 ;6=combat, 4=game
p1_ob_cntrl dc 1 ;for player 0,1=joyport, 2=keys
.ob_damage dc 1
.ob_hitpoints dc 25
.ob_think dc 0
.ob_frame dc.l 0
.ob_framespeed dc.l $6000
.ob_base dc 1
.ob_range dc 1
.ob_weapon dc 0 ;weapon type...0...25
.ob_wlevel dc 0
.ob_hurtpause dc 5
.ob_punchrate dc 0
.ob_bouncecnt dc 0 ;4!
.ob_something dc 0
.ob_scale dc $200
.ob_apad dc 0
.ob_blood dc $f00 ;color AND for blood
.ob_ypad dc 1
oilen equ objinfof-objinfo
player2_ dc.l player2
.ob_rotspeed dc.l $40000
.ob_movspeed dc.l $d0000
.ob_shape dc.l player
.ob_logic dc.l playerlogic
.ob_render dc.l drawshape_8
.ob_hit dc.l playerhit
.ob_die dc.l playerdie
.ob_eyey dc -110 ;eye height
.ob_firey dc -60 ;where bullets come from
.ob_gutsy dc -64
.ob_othery dc 0
.ob_colltype dc 16
p2_ob_collwith dc 5 ;5=combat, 4=game
p2_ob_cntrl dc 0 ;for player 0,1=joyport, 2=keys, 3=null
.ob_damage dc 1
.ob_hitpoints dc 25
.ob_think dc 0
.ob_frame dc.l 0
.ob_framespeed dc.l $6000
.ob_base dc 1
.ob_range dc 1
.ob_weapon dc 0 ;weapon type...
.ob_wlevel dc 0
.ob_hurtpause dc 5
.ob_punchrate dc 0
.ob_bouncecnt dc 0 ;4!
.ob_something dc 0
.ob_scale dc $200
.ob_apad dc 0
.ob_blood dc $f00 ;color AND for blood
.ob_ypad dc 1
health_ dc.l dummy
.ob_rotspeed dc.l 0
.ob_movspeed dc.l 0
.ob_shape dc.l tokens
.ob_logic dc.l rts
.ob_render dc.l drawshape_1
.ob_hit dc.l healthgot
.ob_die dc.l healthgot
.ob_eyey dc 0 ;eye height
.ob_firey dc 0 ;where bullets come from
.ob_gutsy dc 0
.ob_othery dc 0
.ob_colltype dc 0
.ob_collwith dc 24
.ob_cntrl dc 0 ;for player 0,1=joyport
.ob_damage dc 0
.ob_hitpoints dc 0
.ob_think dc 0
.ob_frame dc.l $30000
.ob_framespeed dc.l 0
.ob_base dc 0
.ob_range dc 0
.ob_weapon dc 0
.ob_wlevel dc 0
.ob_hurtpause dc 5
.ob_punchrate dc 0
.ob_bouncecnt dc 0
.ob_something dc 0
.ob_scale dc $200
.ob_apad dc 0
.ob_blood dc $f00 ;color AND for blood
.ob_ypad dc 1
weapon_ dc.l dummy
.ob_rotspeed dc.l 0
.ob_movspeed dc.l 0
.ob_shape dc.l tokens
.ob_logic dc.l rts
.ob_render dc.l drawshape_1
.ob_hit dc.l weapongot
.ob_die dc.l weapongot
.ob_eyey dc 0 ;eye height
.ob_firey dc 0 ;where bullets come from
.ob_gutsy dc 0
.ob_othery dc 0
.ob_colltype dc 0
.ob_collwith dc 24
.ob_cntrl dc 0 ;for player 0,1=joyport
.ob_damage dc 0
.ob_hitpoints dc 0
.ob_think dc 0
.ob_frame dc.l $50000
.ob_framespeed dc.l 0
.ob_base dc 0
.ob_range dc 0
.ob_weapon dc 0
.ob_wlevel dc 0
.ob_hurtpause dc 5
.ob_punchrate dc 0
.ob_bouncecnt dc 0
.ob_something dc 0
.ob_scale dc $200
.ob_apad dc 0
.ob_blood dc $f00 ;color AND for blood
.ob_ypad dc 1
thermo_ dc.l dummy
.ob_rotspeed dc.l 0
.ob_movspeed dc.l 0
.ob_shape dc.l tokens
.ob_logic dc.l rts
.ob_render dc.l drawshape_1
.ob_hit dc.l thermogot
.ob_die dc.l thermogot
.ob_eyey dc 0 ;eye height
.ob_firey dc 0 ;where bullets come from
.ob_gutsy dc 0
.ob_othery dc 0
.ob_colltype dc 0
.ob_collwith dc 24
.ob_cntrl dc 0 ;for player 0,1=joyport
.ob_damage dc 0
.ob_hitpoints dc 0
.ob_think dc 0
.ob_frame dc.l $10000
.ob_framespeed dc.l 0
.ob_base dc 0
.ob_range dc 0
.ob_weapon dc 0
.ob_wlevel dc 0
.ob_hurtpause dc 5
.ob_punchrate dc 0
.ob_bouncecnt dc 0
.ob_something dc 0
.ob_scale dc $200
.ob_apad dc 0
.ob_blood dc $f00 ;color AND for blood
.ob_ypad dc 1
infra_ ds.b oilen
invisi_ dc.l dummy
.ob_rotspeed dc.l 0
.ob_movspeed dc.l 0
.ob_shape dc.l tokens
.ob_logic dc.l rts
.ob_render dc.l drawshape_1
.ob_hit dc.l invisigot
.ob_die dc.l invisigot
.ob_eyey dc 0 ;eye height
.ob_firey dc 0 ;where bullets come from
.ob_gutsy dc 0
.ob_othery dc 0
.ob_colltype dc 0
.ob_collwith dc 24
.ob_cntrl dc 0 ;for player 0,1=joyport
.ob_damage dc 0
.ob_hitpoints dc 0
.ob_think dc 0
.ob_frame dc.l $20000
.ob_framespeed dc.l 0
.ob_base dc 0
.ob_range dc 0
.ob_weapon dc 0
.ob_wlevel dc 0
.ob_hurtpause dc 5
.ob_punchrate dc 0
.ob_bouncecnt dc 0
.ob_something dc 0
.ob_scale dc $200
.ob_apad dc 0
.ob_blood dc $f00 ;color AND for blood
.ob_ypad dc 1
invinc_ ds.b oilen
blank1_ ds.b oilen
blank2_ ds.b oilen
marine_ dc.l dummy
.ob_rotspeed dc.l $30000
.ob_movspeed dc.l $60000
.ob_shape dc.l marine
.ob_logic dc.l monsterlogic
.ob_render dc.l drawshape_8
.ob_hit dc.l hurtngrunt
.ob_die dc.l blowobject
.ob_eyey dc -64 ;eye height
.ob_firey dc -60 ;where bullets come from
.ob_gutsy dc -64
.ob_othery dc 0
.ob_colltype dc 0
.ob_collwith dc 3
.ob_cntrl dc 0 ;for player 0,1=joyport
.ob_damage dc 1
.ob_hitpoints dc 5
.ob_think dc 0
.ob_frame dc.l 0
.ob_framespeed dc.l $6000
.ob_base dc 16
.ob_range dc 32
.ob_weapon dc 0 ;weapon type...
.ob_wlevel dc 0
.ob_hurtpause dc 5
.ob_punchrate dc 0
.ob_bouncecnt dc 0
.ob_something dc 0
.ob_scale dc $200
.ob_apad dc 0
.ob_blood dc $f00 ;color AND for blood
.ob_ypad dc 1
baldy_ dc.l dummy
.ob_rotspeed dc.l $30000
.ob_movspeed dc.l $40000
.ob_shape dc.l baldy
.ob_logic dc.l baldylogic
.ob_render dc.l drawshape_8
.ob_hit dc.l hurtngrunt
.ob_die dc.l blowobject
.ob_eyey dc -64 ;eye height
.ob_firey dc -60 ;where bullets come from
.ob_gutsy dc -64
.ob_othery dc 0
.ob_colltype dc 0
.ob_collwith dc 24+3
.ob_cntrl dc 0 ;for player 0,1=joyport
.ob_damage dc 2
.ob_hitpoints dc 10
.ob_think dc 0
.ob_frame dc.l 0
.ob_framespeed dc.l $4000
.ob_base dc 8
.ob_range dc 16
.ob_weapon dc 0 ;weapon type...
.ob_wlevel dc 0
.ob_hurtpause dc 3
.ob_punchrate dc 4
.ob_bouncecnt dc 0
.ob_something dc 0
.ob_scale dc $220
.ob_apad dc 0
.ob_blood dc $f00 ;color AND for blood
.ob_ypad dc 1
terra_ dc.l dummy
.ob_rotspeed dc.l $30000
.ob_movspeed dc.l $20000
.ob_shape dc.l terra
.ob_logic dc.l terralogic
.ob_render dc.l drawshape_8
.ob_hit dc.l hurtngrunt
.ob_die dc.l blowobject
.ob_eyey dc -64 ;eye height
.ob_firey dc -60 ;where bullets come from
.ob_gutsy dc -64
.ob_othery dc 0
.ob_colltype dc 0
.ob_collwith dc 24+3
.ob_cntrl dc 0 ;for player 0,1=joyport
.ob_damage dc 1
.ob_hitpoints dc 12
.ob_think dc 0
.ob_frame dc.l 0
.ob_framespeed dc.l $6000
.ob_base dc 32
.ob_range dc 48
.ob_weapon dc 0 ;weapon type...
.ob_wlevel dc 0
.ob_hurtpause dc 0
.ob_firerate dc 12 ;how often terra fires
.ob_bouncecnt dc 0 ;how many times
.ob_firecnt dc 5
.ob_scale dc $280
.ob_apad dc 0
.ob_blood dc $fff ;color AND for blood
.ob_ypad dc 1
ghoul_ dc.l dummy
.ob_rotspeed dc.l $0
.ob_movspeed dc.l $a0000
.ob_shape dc.l ghoul
.ob_logic dc.l ghoullogic
.ob_render dc.l drawshape_8
.ob_hit dc.l hurtghoul
.ob_die dc.l blowobject
.ob_eyey dc -64 ;eye height
.ob_firey dc -64 ;where bullets come from
.ob_gutsy dc -64
.ob_othery dc 0
.ob_colltype dc 0
.ob_collwith dc 24+3
.ob_cntrl dc 0 ;for player 0,1=joyport
.ob_damage dc 0
.ob_hitpoints dc 10
.ob_think dc 0
.ob_frame dc.l 0
.ob_framespeed dc.l 0
.ob_base dc 32
.ob_range dc 48
.ob_weapon dc 0 ;weapon type...
.ob_wlevel dc 0
.ob_hurtpause dc 5
.ob_firerate dc 12 ;how often terra fires
.ob_bouncecnt dc 0 ;how many times
.ob_firecnt dc 5
.ob_scale dc $200
.ob_apad dc 0
.ob_blood dc $0f0 ;color AND for blood
.ob_ypad dc 1
phantom_ dc.l dummy
.ob_rotspeed dc.l $30000
.ob_movspeed dc.l $a0000
.ob_shape dc.l phantom
.ob_logic dc.l phantomlogic
.ob_render dc.l drawshape_8
.ob_hit dc.l hurtngrunt
.ob_die dc.l blowobject
.ob_eyey dc -64 ;eye height
.ob_firey dc -60 ;where bullets come from
.ob_gutsy dc -64
.ob_othery dc 0
.ob_colltype dc 0
.ob_collwith dc 3
.ob_cntrl dc 0 ;for player 0,1=joyport
.ob_damage dc 3
.ob_hitpoints dc 10
.ob_think dc 0
.ob_frame dc.l 0
.ob_framespeed dc.l $a000
.ob_base dc 8
.ob_range dc 16
.ob_weapon dc 0 ;weapon type...
.ob_wlevel dc 0
.ob_hurtpause dc 7
.ob_punchrate dc 0
.ob_bouncecnt dc 0
.ob_something dc 0
.ob_scale dc $280
.ob_apad dc 0
.ob_blood dc $ff0 ;color AND for blood
.ob_ypad dc 1
demon_ dc.l dummy
.ob_rotspeed dc.l $30000
.ob_movspeed dc.l $50000
.ob_shape dc.l demon
.ob_logic dc.l demonlogic
.ob_render dc.l drawshape_8
.ob_hit dc.l hurtngrunt
.ob_die dc.l blowobject
.ob_eyey dc -64 ;eye height
.ob_firey dc -90 ;where bullets come from
.ob_gutsy dc -72
.ob_othery dc 0
.ob_colltype dc 0
.ob_collwith dc 3
.ob_cntrl dc 0 ;for player 0,1=joyport
.ob_damage dc 5
.ob_hitpoints dc 15
.ob_think dc 0
.ob_frame dc.l 0
.ob_framespeed dc.l $5000
.ob_base dc 32
.ob_range dc 4
.ob_weapon dc 0 ;weapon type...
.ob_wlevel dc 0
.ob_hurtpause dc 5
.ob_punchrate dc 0
.ob_bouncecnt dc 0
.ob_something dc 0
.ob_scale dc $380
.ob_apad dc 0
.ob_blood dc $f00 ;color AND for blood
.ob_ypad dc 1
abouttext dc.b 14
dc.b 'GLOOM',0
dc.b 0
dc.b 0
dc.b 'AUDIO BY US',0
sqrinc incbin sqr.bin
groundtile incbin tile2.bin
ceilingtile incbin tile.bin
bullet1 incbin bullet1.bin
bullet2 incbin bullet2.bin
bullet3 incbin bullet3.bin
bullet4 incbin bullet4.bin
bullet5 incbin bullet5.bin
sparks1 incbin sparks1.bin
sparks2 incbin sparks2.bin
sparks3 incbin sparks3.bin
sparks4 incbin sparks4.bin
sparks5 incbin sparks5.bin
gloombrush incbin gloombrush
gloom incbin title
gloompal incbin title.pal
combat incbin combat
combatpal incbin combat.pal
medplayer incbin medplay
decrm incbin decrm
castrotsinc incbin castrots.bin
camrotsinc incbin camrots.bin ;256
camrots2inc incbin camrots2.bin ;1024
rgbs16 ds.l 16
map_rgbs_ ds.w 256*16