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2017-05-03 01:39:59 +00:00
focshft equ 6
grdshft equ 8
darkshft equ 7
maxz equ 16<<darkshft
;vertical draw data
vd_z rs.w 1 ;current Z
vd_pal rs.w 1 ;palette# (0...15)
vd_y rs.w 1
vd_h rs.w 1
vd_data rs.l 1 ;pointer to data to draw
vd_ystep rs.l 1
vd_size rs.b 0
te_wshift rs.w 1 ;width shift
te_hshift rs.w 1 ;height shift
te_wand rs.w 1
te_hand rs.w 1
te_size rs.b 0
;vertical list...array really #:^)
va_lx rs.w 1
va_lz rs.w 1
va_rx rs.w 1
va_rz rs.w 1
va_y rs.w 1
va_h rs.w 1
va_scale rs.l 1
va_texture rs.l 1
va_size rs.b 0
wi_slice rs.l 1 ;slice window appears in!
wi_nslice rs.l 1 ;next slice to disp.
wi_x rs 1
wi_y rs 1
wi_w rs 1 ;how many chixels across
wi_h rs 1 ;how many down
wi_pw rs 1 ;width of 1 chixel
wi_ph rs 1 ;hite of 1 chixel
wi_joybase rs.l 1
wi_camx rs.w 1
wi_camz rs.w 1
wi_camy rs.w 1
wi_camr rs.w 1
wi_bh rs 1 ;bitmap height
wi_bmapmem rs.l 1
wi_copmem rs.l 1
wi_bmap rs.l 1
wi_cop rs.l 1
wi_cop1 rs.l 1
wi_cop2 rs.l 1
wi_copmod rs 1
wi_size rs.b 0
check macro
check set *-\1
push macro
movem.l d2-d7/a2-a6,-(a7)
pull macro
movem.l (a7)+,d2-d7/a2-a6
col macro
move #0,$dff106
move \1,$dff180
cli ;
move.l a0,a2
lea dosname,a1
move.l 4.w,a6
jsr -408(a6)
move.l d0,dosbase
cmp.b #'@',(a2)+
bne.s main
move.l a2,a0
moveq #1,d1
bsr loadfile
move.l d0,map_map
bne.s main
main ;
lea palettes,a2
moveq #15,d2
.palloop move.l #512,d0
moveq #1,d1
jsr allocmem
move.l d0,(a2)+
dbf d2,.palloop
move.l #24*256,d0
moveq #1,d1
jsr allocmem
move.l d0,rgbs
jsr initmap
jsr initdisplay
jsr ownblitter
jsr initvbint
jsr forbid
move.l #1024,d0
moveq #1,d1
jsr allocmem
move.l d0,walls
move.l #320*vd_size,d0
moveq #1,d1
jsr allocmem
move.l d0,vertdraws
jsr dispoff
jsr makecoloffs
lea window1,a0
bsr makewindow
lea window2,a0
bsr makewindow
lea window1,a0
bsr showwindow
lea window2,a0
bsr showwindow
bsr dispon
.loop bsr vwait
lea window1,a0
bsr showwindowq
lea window2,a0
bsr showwindowq
bsr readjoys
lea window1,a0
bsr dbwindow
bsr clswindow
lea window1,a0
bsr moveplayer
bsr makewalls
bsr castwalls
bsr renderwindow
lea window2,a0
bsr dbwindow
bsr clswindow
lea window2,a0
bsr moveplayer
bsr makewalls
bsr castwalls
bsr renderwindow
btst #7,$bfe001
bne .loop
bsr permit
bsr finitvbint
bsr disownblitter
bsr finitdisplay
bsr freememlist
; ************* FAST SUBS ********************
mover ;
;d3=speed scale
;d4=x vec (unit)
;d5=z vec (unit)
;return d0, ne if a wall was hit!
muls d3,d4 ;x vec
add.l d4,d4
swap d4
add d4,d6
add d4,d6
add d4,d6
bsr checknew
beq.s .xok
sub d4,d6
.xok sub d4,d6
sub d4,d6
muls d3,d5 ;z vec
add.l d5,d5
swap d5
add d5,d7
add d5,d7
add d5,d7
bsr checknew
beq.s .zok
sub d5,d7
.zok sub d5,d7
sub d5,d7
checknew movem.l d3-d5,-(a7)
addq #1,frame
move frame(pc),d5
move d6,d0
move d7,d1
lsr #grdshft,d0 ;x count
lsr #grdshft,d1
lsl #5,d1
add d0,d1
move.l map_grid(pc),a0
lea 0(a0,d1*4),a0
moveq #1,d1
move.l map_ppnt(pc),a1
move.l map_poly(pc),a2
;d0=counter to left of map!
;d1=in/out counter
.loop move (a0)+,d2 ;how many in this grid!
bmi .next
move (a0),d3
lea 0(a1,d3*2),a3
.loop2 move (a3)+,d3
lsl #5,d3
lea 0(a2,d3),a4
cmp (a4),d5
beq .next2
move d5,(a4)
cmp 28(a4),d7
blt .next2
cmp 30(a4),d7
bge .next2
;OK, we are in the z area!
cmp 24(a4),d6
blt .next2 ;too far left!
cmp 26(a4),d6
bgt .inc
;have to do test!
movem 2(a4),d3-d4 ;x1,z1
sub d6,d3
muls 20(a4),d3
sub d7,d4
muls 22(a4),d4
add.l d4,d3
bpl.s .next2
.inc addq #1,d1
.next2 dbf d2,.loop2
.next subq #6,a0
dbf d0,.loop
and #1,d1
movem.l (a7)+,d3-d5
moveplayer ;a0=window
move.l wi_joybase(a0),a1
move (a1),d0 ;joyx
add d0,d0
add d0,wi_camr(a0)
move wi_camr(a0),d0
and #255,d0
move.l camrots(pc),a2
lea 0(a2,d0*8),a2
move.l (a2)+,cm1
move.l (a2),cm3
move 2(a1),d3
lsl #4,d3 ;speed
movem.l cm1(pc),d4-d5
neg d5 ;!sub!
movem wi_camx(a0),d6-d7
move.l a0,-(a7)
bsr mover
move.l (a7)+,a0
movem d6-d7,wi_camx(a0)
movem d6-d7,camx
move.l wi_camy(a0),camy
readjoys ;set up joyx0,joyy0,joyx1,joyy1
move $dff00a,d2 ;joy0
bsr readjoy
move d0,joyx0
move d1,joyy0
bsr makerot
move d0,joyr0
btst #6,$bfe001
sne d0
ext d0
move d0,joyb0
move $dff00c,d2
bsr readjoy
move d0,joyx1
move d1,joyy1
bsr makerot
move d0,joyr1
btst #7,$bfe001
sne d0
ext d0
move d0,joyb1
makerot ;convert d0,d1 into a rotation type setting...
;0=up, 1=up/rite, 2=rite etc...
;<0=no dir
addq #1,d0
lsl #2,d0
addq #1,d1
or d1,d0
add d0,d0
move rots(pc,d0),d0
rots ;x=-1
dc 7,6,5,-1
dc 0,-1,4,-1
dc 1,2,3,-1
readjoy bsr joydir
move d1,d0
move d2,d1
add d1,d1
eor d1,d2
joydir btst #9,d2
bne.s .neg
btst #1,d2
bne.s .pos
moveq #0,d1
.neg moveq #-1,d1
.pos moveq #1,d1
gridoffs dc 0,0
dc -1,-1,0,-1,1,-1
dc -1,0,1,0
dc -1,1,0,1,1,1
dc -2,-2,-1,-2,0,-2,1,-2,2,-2
dc -2,-1,2,-1
dc -2,0,2,0
dc -2,1,2,1
dc -2,2,-1,2,0,2,1,2,2,2
dc -3,-3,-2,-3,-1,-3,0,-3,1,-3,2,-3,3,-3
dc -3,-2,3,-2
dc -3,-1,3,-1
dc -3,0,3,0
dc -3,1,3,1
dc -3,2,3,2
dc -3,3,-2,3,-1,3,0,3,1,3,2,3,3,3
dc -4,-4,-3,-4,-2,-4,-1,-4,0,-4,1,-4,2,-4,3,-4,4,-4
dc -4,-3,4,-3
dc -4,-2,4,-2
dc -4,-1,4,-1
dc -4,0,4,0
dc -4,1,4,1
dc -4,2,4,2
dc -4,3,4,3
dc -4,4,-3,4,-2,4,-1,4,0,4,1,4,2,4,3,4,4,4
makewalls ;check surround blocks for polygons and build into 'walls array'
;this only called once/refresh...but it's output is
;processed every screen minimize output as much
;as poss!
;optimization...check if both z's are negative after rotation!
addq #1,frame
move #-1,wallcnt
move.l walls(pc),a5
move.l map_poly(pc),a4
move.l map_ppnt(pc),a3
move.l map_grid(pc),a2
movem camx(pc),d6-d7 ;x,z
lsr #grdshft,d6
lsr #grdshft,d7
lea gridoffs(pc),a6
moveq #(gridoffsf-gridoffs)>>2-1,d5
.loop movem (a6)+,d2-d3
move d6,d0
add d2,d0
cmp #32,d0
bcc .skip
move d7,d1
add d3,d1
cmp #32,d1
bcc .skip
;d0,d1=x/z of map to check!
lsl #5,d1 ;Y*32...
add d1,d0 ;+X
lea 0(a2,d0*4),a0 ;mapgrid
move (a0)+,d4 ;how many polys here
bmi .skip
move (a0),d0 ;poly data offset
lea 0(a3,d0*2),a0
.loop2 move (a0)+,d0 ;poly#
lsl #5,d0
lea 0(a4,d0),a1 ;actual poly
move frame(pc),d0
cmp (a1),d0
beq .skip2
move d0,(a1)+
addq #1,wallcnt
bsr rotandadd ;x1,z1
bsr rotandadd ;x2,z2
move.l (a1)+,(a5)+ ;y,h
move.l (a1)+,(a5)+ ;scale
move.l (a1)+,(a5)+ ;texture
.skip2 dbf d4,.loop2
.skip dbf d5,.loop
rotandadd movem (a1)+,d0-d1 ;X,Z
sub camx(pc),d0
sub camz(pc),d1
move d0,d2
move d1,d3
muls cm1(pc),d0
muls cm2(pc),d1
add.l d1,d0
add.l d0,d0
swap d0
move d0,(a5)+ ;X
muls cm3(pc),d2
muls cm4(pc),d3
add.l d3,d2
add.l d2,d2
swap d2
move d2,(a5)+ ;Z
castwalls ;process 'walls' list
move.l castrots(pc),a6
move.l vertdraws(pc),a4
move minx(pc),d0
lsl #3,d0
add d0,a6
move width(pc),d7
subq #1,d7
.columnloop ;do this vert line!
clr.l vd_data(a4)
move.l walls(pc),a5
move wallcnt(pc),d6
bmi .nextcolumn
;OK, here we use Z buffer to find nearest Z!
move #32767,vd_z(a4)
.vertloop ;
move va_lx(a5),d0
move va_lz(a5),d1
muls (a6),d0
muls 2(a6),d1
add.l d1,d0 ;LX!
bgt .nextvert
move va_rx(a5),d1
move va_rz(a5),d2
muls (a6),d1
muls 2(a6),d2
add.l d2,d1 ;RX!
lsl.l #4,d1
swap d1
tst d1
ble .nextvert
;OK, this vertical section is in line with RAY!
;gotta find middle Z!
;calc far from LX 0 is! -> (-lx)/(rx-lx)
lsl.l #4,d0
swap d0
sub d0,d1
ble .nextvert
swap d0
neg.l d0
divu d1,d0 ;fraction!
move va_lx(a5),d1
move va_lz(a5),d2
muls 4(a6),d1
muls 6(a6),d2
add.l d2,d1 ;LZ
add.l d1,d1
swap d1
move va_rx(a5),d2
move va_rz(a5),d3
muls 4(a6),d2
muls 6(a6),d3
add.l d3,d2 ;RZ
add.l d2,d2
swap d2
move d0,d3
lsr #1,d3
sub d1,d2
muls d3,d2
add.l d2,d2
swap d2
add d1,d2 ;middle Z!
ble .nextvert
cmp #maxz,d2
bcc .nextvert
;OK, d0.r=fraction, d2.w=middle Z!...calc real height!
move d2,d3
lsr #darkshft,d3
movem d2-d3,vd_z(a4)
move va_h(a5),d1
ext.l d1
lsl.l #focshft,d1
divs d2,d1 ;real h
ble .nextvert
move d1,vd_h(a4)
lea textures(pc),a3
move va_texture(a5),d3
move.l -4(a3,d3*4),a3
;have to divide h into real height of texture!
move te_hand(a3),d3
addq #1,d3
swap d3
clr d3
ext.l d1
lsl.l #5,d1
lsl.l #5,d3
divu.l d1,d3
move.l d3,vd_ystep(a4)
move va_y(a5),d1
ext.l d1
lsl.l #focshft,d1
divs d2,d1 ;real Y
move d1,vd_y(a4)
;find which column....0 -> w-1
;scale up fraction to find texture column!
and.l #$ffff,d0
move.l va_scale(a5),d1
mulu.l d1,d1:d0
move d1,d0
swap d0
move te_wshift(a3),d1
lsl.l d1,d0
swap d0 ;which column!
move te_wand(a3),d1
and d1,d0
move te_hshift(a3),d1
lsl d1,d0
lea te_size(a3,d0),a3
move.l a3,vd_data(a4)
bra.s .nextcolumn
.nextvert lea va_size(a5),a5
dbf d6,.vertloop
.nextcolumn lea vd_size(a4),a4
addq #8,a6
dbf d7,.columnloop
check .columnloop
dbwindow ;a0=window to double buffer....
movem.l wi_cop(a0),d0-d1
cmp.l d0,d1
bne.s .skip
move.l wi_cop2(a0),d1
.skip move.l d1,wi_cop(a0)
usewindow ;a0=window to use...
move.l wi_cop(a0),cop
move wi_copmod(a0),copmod
move wi_w(a0),d0
move d0,width
lsr #1,d0
move d0,maxx
neg d0
move d0,minx
move wi_h(a0),d1
move d1,hite
lsr #1,d1
move d1,maxy
neg d1
move d1,miny
clswindow ;clear window contents/arrays etc.
blitcls ;use blitter to cls cop
move width(pc),d0
subq #1,d0
move hite(pc),d1
lsl #6,d1
or #1,d1
move copmod(pc),d2
subq #2,d2
lea coloffs(pc),a0
lea $dff000,a1
btst #6,2(a1)
.bwait btst #6,2(a1)
bne.s .bwait
move.l #$1000000,$040(a1)
move d2,$066(a1) ;Dmod
.loop move.l cop(pc),d2
add.l (a0)+,d2
move.l d2,$054(a1) ;Dpth
move d1,$058(a1) ;size...
btst #6,2(a1)
.bwait2 btst #6,2(a1)
bne.s .bwait2
dbf d0,.loop
blitcls2 ;use blitter to cls cop
move width(pc),d0
subq #1,d0
move hite(pc),d1
lsr #1,d1
lsl #6,d1
or #1,d1
move copmod(pc),d2
add d2,d2
subq #2,d2
lea coloffs(pc),a0
lea $dff000,a1
move #$f00,d7
move #0,d6
btst #6,6(a1)
.bwait btst #6,6(a1)
bne.s .bwait
move.l #$1f00000,$040(a1)
move d2,$066(a1) ;Dmod
move.l #-1,$044(a1)
.loop move.l cop(pc),d2
add.l (a0)+,d2
move.l d2,$054(a1) ;Dpth
move d1,$058(a1) ;size...
move d7,$074(a1)
addq #1,d7
and #$f0f,d7
btst #6,2(a1)
.bwait2 btst #6,2(a1)
bne.s .bwait2
move copmod(pc),d5
ext.l d5
add.l d5,d2
move.l d2,$054(a1) ;Dpth
move d1,$058(a1) ;size...
move d6,$074(a1)
addq #1,d6
and #$f0f,d6
btst #6,2(a1)
.bwait3 btst #6,2(a1)
bne.s .bwait3
dbf d0,.loop
renderwindow ;
renderwalls move.l vertdraws(pc),a6
lea coloffs(pc),a5
move width(pc),d7
subq #1,d7
lea palettes,a2
.loop move.l vd_data(a6),d0
beq .vertskip
move.l d0,a0
move.l cop(pc),a1
add.l (a5),a1
move vd_h(a6),d5
move.l vd_ystep(a6),d1
move vd_y(a6),d0
add midy(pc),d0
bpl.s .noclip
;gotta clip Y
add d0,d5 ;reduce hite
ble .vertskip
neg d0
ext.l d0
mulu.l d1,d0 ;y step* y
bra.s .skipclip
.noclip mulu copmod(pc),d0
add.l d0,a1
moveq #0,d0
.skipclip ;
swap d0
swap d1
move vd_pal(a6),d2
move.l 0(a2,d2*4),a3
moveq #0,d2
moveq #0,d3
move copmod(pc),d4
ext.l d4
cmp hite(pc),d5
ble.s .hok
move hite(pc),d5
.hok subq #1,d5
.vertloop ;a0=src texture column
;a1=dest coppoke
;d0=current Y
;d1=Y step
move.b 0(a0,d0),d3 ;lut entry
move 0(a3,d3*2),(a1) ;colour!
add.l d1,d0
addx.l d2,d0
add.l d4,a1
dbf d5,.vertloop
.vertskip addq #4,a5
lea vd_size(a6),a6
dbf d7,.loop
check .loop
vbhandler subq #1,(a1)
moveq #0,d0
vwait move #1,vbcounter
.loop tst vbcounter
bgt.s .loop
;************** DATA ***************************
palettes ds.l 16 ;16 palettes for 16 brightnesses
rgbs ds.l 1 ;table for calculating palettes
joyx0 dc 0
joyy0 dc 0
joyr0 dc 0
joyb0 dc 0
joyx1 dc 0
joyy1 dc 0
joyr1 dc 0
joyb1 dc 0
map_map dc.l mapinc
map_grid dc.l 0
map_poly dc.l 0
map_ppnt dc.l 0
map_rgbs dc.l 0
map_txts dc.l 0
camx dc 0
camz dc 0
camy dc 0
camr dc 0
;camera matrix...
cm1 dc $7ffe
cm2 dc 0
cm3 dc 0
cm4 dc $7ffe
castrots dc.l castrotsinc+8*160 ;middle of table
camrots dc.l camrotsinc
vertdraws dc.l 0 ;vertical strips to draw
walls dc.l 0 ;linked list of walls to display
wallcnt dc.l 0
;already rotated around camera!
cop dc.l 0
copmod dc 0
width dc 0
hite dc 0
minx dc 0
midx ;
maxx dc 0
miny dc 0
midy ;
maxy dc 0
coplist dc.l 0
slice1 dc.l 0
slice2 dc.l 0
copstop dc.l 0
memlist dc.l 0
dispnest dc 0
coloffs ds.l 320 ;320 columns max
window1 ;
slice dc.l slice1
nslice dc.l copstop ;slice2 ;copstop here for 1 window
dc 160-52*3
dc 44
dc 104 ;max width for 2 high = 90!
dc 80
dc 3
dc 3
dc.l joyx1
dc 0,0,0,0 ;camx,z,y,r
dc 0
dc.l 0
dc.l 0
dc.l 0
dc.l 0
dc.l 0
dc.l 0
dc 0
window2 ;
dc.l slice2
dc.l copstop
dc 160-32*3
dc 44+120
dc 64
dc 59
dc 3
dc 2
dc.l joyx0
dc 0,0,0,0 ;camx,z,y,r
dc 0
dc.l 0
dc.l 0
dc.l 0
dc.l 0
dc.l 0
dc.l 0
dc 0
col0 equ $123
copinit ;initialization for display
dc $1fc,15
dc $096,$0120 ;cop/bit/spr DMA off
;dc $08e,$2c81,$090,$f4c1
dc $092,$38,$094,$a0
dc $108,6*40,$10a,6*40
dc $100,$7200 ;lores, 7 bitplanes
dc $102,0
dc 26<<8+1,$fffe
;lo colour nybs - lo bank
dc $106,$0200
dc $180,col0
;lo nybs - hi bank
dc $106,$8200
dc $180,col0
;hi colour nybs - lo bank
dc $106,0
dc $180,col0
;hi colour nybs - hi bank
dc $106,$8000
dc $180,col0
sl1 dc $e0,0,$e2,0
dc $e4,0,$e6,0
dc $e8,0,$ea,0
dc $ec,0,$ee,0
dc $f0,0,$f2,0
dc $f4,0,$f6,0
dc $f8,0,$fa,0
dc $08e,$2c81,$090,$f4c1 ;diw
dc $096,$8100
dc $084,0,$086,0,$08a,0
sl2 dc $e0,0,$e2,0
dc $e4,0,$e6,0
dc $e8,0,$ea,0
dc $ec,0,$ee,0
dc $f0,0,$f2,0
dc $f4,0,$f6,0
dc $f8,0,$fa,0
dc $08e,$2c81,$090,$f4c1 ;diw
dc $096,$8100
dc $084,0,$086,0,$08a,0
cstop dc $096,$0100
dc $ffff,$fffe
copinitf ;
textures ds.l 48
mapinc incbin maps/test
castrotsinc incbin castrots.bin
camrotsinc incbin camrots.bin
palette incbin texture.pal
testwall dc -256,1024,256,1024
dc -64,128
dc.l $40000
dc.l 0
;************** SLOW SUBS **********************
loadfile ;a0=name, d1=memtype
;return d0=pointer
move.l d1,-(a7)
move.l a0,d1
move.l #1005,d2
move.l dosbase,a6
jsr -30(a6) ;open it!
move.l d0,d7 ;handle
beq .done
move.l d7,d1
moveq #0,d2
moveq #1,d3
jsr -66(a6) ;seek to end
move.l d7,d1
moveq #0,d2
moveq #-1,d3 ;seek to start
jsr -66(a6)
;d0=length of file ?
move.l d0,d3
move.l (a7),d1
jsr allocmem
move.l d0,d2
move.l d7,d1
jsr -42(a6)
move.l d7,d1
jsr -36(a6)
move.l d2,d0
.done addq #4,a7
calcpalettes ;a0=palette!
move.l map_rgbs(pc),a0
move.l rgbs(pc),a1
move #255,d0
move.l #$f0000,d1
.loop move (a0)+,d2
move d2,d3
lsl.l #8,d2
and.l d1,d2
move.l d2,(a1)+ ;R
move d3,d2
lsl.l #8,d2
lsl.l #4,d2
and.l d1,d2
move.l d2,(a1)+ ;G
swap d3
and.l d1,d3
move.l d3,(a1)+ ;B
dbf d0,.loop
lea palettes(pc),a0
moveq #15,d0
.loop2 move.l rgbs(pc),a1
move.l (a0)+,a2
move #255,d1
.loop3 movem.l (a1),d2-d4
lsr.l #8,d2
and #$f00,d2
lsr.l #8,d3
lsr.l #4,d3
and #$f0,d3
swap d4
and #$f,d4
or d4,d3
or d3,d2
move d2,(a2)+
move.l (a1),d2
sub.l #$10000,d2
bpl.s .rok
moveq #0,d2
.rok move.l d2,(a1)+
move.l (a1),d3
sub.l #$10000,d3
bpl.s .gok
moveq #0,d3
.gok move.l d3,(a1)+
move.l (a1),d4
sub.l #$10000,d4
bpl.s .bok
moveq #0,d4
.bok move.l d4,(a1)+
dbf d1,.loop3
dbf d0,.loop2
dispoff tst dispnest
bne.s .skip
bsr vwait
move #$01a0,$dff096
.skip addq #1,dispnest
dispon subq #1,dispnest
bgt.s .skip
bsr vwait
move #$8180,$dff096
.skip rts
forbid push
move.l 4.w,a6
jsr -132(a6)
permit push
move.l 4.w,a6
jsr -138(a6)
initvbint push
move.l 4.w,a6
moveq #5,d0
lea vbintserver,a1
jsr -168(a6) ;addintserver
vbcounter dc 0
frame dc 0
vbintserver dc.l 0,0
dc.b 2,0
dc.l 0
vbintdata dc.l vbcounter
vbintcode dc.l vbhandler
finitvbint push
move.l 4.w,a6
moveq #5,d0
lea vbintserver,a1
jsr -174(a6)
ownblitter push
move.l grbase,a6
jsr -456(a6)
btst #6,$dff002
.bwait btst #6,$dff002
bne.s .bwait
disownblitter push
btst #6,$dff002
.bwait btst #6,$dff002
bne.s .bwait
move.l grbase,a6
jsr -462(a6)
makecoloffs push
lea coloffs,a0
moveq #2,d0
moveq #3,d2
.loop addq.l #4,d0
moveq #31,d1
.loop2 move.l d0,(a0)+
addq.l #4,d0
dbf d1,.loop2
dbf d2,.loop
grname dc.b 'graphics.library',0
grbase dc.l 0
oldview dc.l 0
dosname dc.b 'dos.library',0
dosbase dc.l 0
showwindow ;a0=window
;poke bitmaps...
move.l wi_slice(a0),a1
move.l (a1),a1
move.l wi_bmap(a0),d0
moveq #6,d1 ;7 bitplanes
.loop move d0,6(a1)
swap d0
move d0,2(a1)
swap d0
add.l #40,d0
addq #8,a1
dbf d1,.loop
;create DIW
move.l wi_slice(a0),a1
move.l (a1),a1
move wi_y(a0),d0
move d0,d1
add wi_bh(a0),d1
lsl #8,d0
or #$81,d0
move d0,56+2(a1)
lsl #8,d1
or #$c1,d1
move d1,56+6(a1)
;create link to next!
move.l wi_nslice(a0),a1
move.l (a1),d0
move.l wi_cop1(a0),a1
add.l wi_copmem(a0),a1
move.l wi_cop2(a0),a2
add.l wi_copmem(a0),a2
move d0,-6(a1)
move d0,-6(a2)
swap d0
move d0,-10(a1)
move d0,-10(a2)
showwindowq ;display coplist
move.l wi_slice(a0),a1
move.l (a1),a1
move.l wi_cop(a0),d0
move d0,68+6(a1)
swap d0
move d0,68+2(a1)
finitdisplay push
move.l grbase,a6
move.l oldview,a1
jsr -222(a6) ;load view
jsr -270(a6)
jsr -270(a6)
move.l 38(a6),$dff080
move #0,$dff088
move #$81a0,$dff096
initdisplay push
lea grname,a1
move.l 4.w,a6
jsr -408(a6)
move.l d0,grbase
move.l d0,a6
move.l 34(a6),oldview
sub.l a1,a1
jsr -222(a6) ;loadview
move.l #copinitf-copinit,d0
moveq #2,d1
bsr allocmem
move.l d0,coplist
move.l d0,a1
lea copinit,a0
lea copinitf,a2
.loop cmp.l a2,a0
bcc.s .done
move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
bra.s .loop
.done ;
add.l #sl1-copinit,d0
move.l d0,slice1
add.l #sl2-sl1,d0
move.l d0,slice2
add.l #cstop-sl2,d0
move.l d0,copstop
move.l copstop,d0
move.l slice1,a0
move.l slice2,a1
move d0,68+6(a0)
move d0,68+6(a1)
swap d0
move d0,68+2(a0)
move d0,68+2(a1)
jsr -270(a6)
jsr -270(a6)
move.l coplist,$dff080
move #0,$dff088
makewindow ;
;a0=window struct!
move.l a0,a2
move wi_h(a2),d0
mulu wi_ph(a2),d0
move d0,wi_bh(a2)
mulu #40*7,d0
move.l #$10002,d1
move.l d0,wi_bmapmem(a2)
bsr allocmem
move.l d0,wi_bmap(a2)
;OK, plot colours on bitmap!
move.l d0,a0
move wi_x(a2),d0
move d0,d1
lsr #3,d0
not d1
and #7,d1
moveq #127,d7 ;colour
move wi_w(a2),d6 ;width
subq #1,d6
.wloop move wi_pw(a2),d5
subq #1,d5
.wloop2 move d7,d4
moveq #6,d3
.dloop bclr d1,0(a0,d0)
lsr #1,d4
bcc.s .dskip
bset d1,0(a0,d0)
.dskip lea 40(a0),a0
dbf d3,.dloop
lea -40*7(a0),a0
subq #1,d1
bpl.s .dskip2
moveq #7,d1
addq #1,d0
.dskip2 dbf d5,.wloop2
subq #1,d7
dbf d6,.wloop
move.l wi_bmapmem(a2),d0
sub.l #40*7,d0
lsr.l #2,d0
subq #1,d0
lea 40*7(a0),a1
.cbloop move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
dbf d0,.cbloop
;how many copins on one line?
move wi_w(a2),d0
move d0,d1
subq #1,d0
lsr #5,d0 ;how many bank changes per line!
addq #4,d0 ;2 waits - 1 eor, 1 init bank select
add d1,d0 ;+colpokes
move d0,d1
lsl #2,d1
move d1,wi_copmod(a2)
mulu wi_h(a2),d0
addq #5,d0 ;2 waits and cop jump at end
lsl.l #2,d0 ;4 bytes/copins
moveq #2,d1 ;cop in chip
move.l d0,wi_copmem(a2)
lsl.l #1,d0 ;2 coplists!
bsr allocmem
move.l d0,wi_cop(a2)
move.l d0,wi_cop1(a2)
move.l d0,a0
move wi_y(a2),d6
move wi_h(a2),d7
subq #1,d7
move #$111,d3 ;test colour
move #$8000,d4 ;Colour Eor
.hloop ;make one copline...
moveq #127,d0 ;colour reg to poke
move wi_w(a2),d1
subq #1,d1
.lloop move d0,d2
addq #1,d2
and #31,d2
bne.s .notnbank
;new bank....
move d0,d2
sub #31,d2
and #$ffe0,d2
lsl #8,d2
or d4,d2 ;eor bank
move #$106,(a0)+ ;bank select
move d2,(a0)+
.notnbank move d0,d2
and #31,d2
add d2,d2
add #$180,d2
move d2,(a0)+ ;colour poke
move d3,(a0)+
add #$111,d3
subq #1,d0
dbf d1,.lloop
bsr .makewait
;ok, now do EOR!
move #$10c,(a0)+
;move #0,d4
move d4,(a0)+
bchg #15,d4
dbf d7,.hloop
bsr .makewait
move.l #$00840000,(a0)+
move.l #$00860000,(a0)+
move.l #$008a0000,(a0)+
;OK, 1 list created...copy to other!
move.l wi_cop1(a2),a0
move.l a0,a1
add.l wi_copmem(a2),a1
move.l a1,wi_cop2(a2)
move.l a1,a3
.copycop move.l (a0)+,(a3)+
cmp.l a1,a0
bcs.s .copycop
.makewait ;
;make wait ins.
move.l #$01fe0000,(a0)+ ;no wait - nop
cmp #256,d6
blt.s .not256
move.l #$00e1fffe,-4(a0)
sub #256,d6
.not256 move.b d6,(a0)+
move.b #1,(a0)+
move #$fffe,(a0)+ ;wait!
add wi_ph(a2),d6
allocmem ;
;d0=size, d1=requirements
move.l 4.w,a6
addq.l #8,d0
move.l d0,-(a7)
jsr -198(a6)
move.l d0,a0
move.l memlist,(a0)
move.l (a7)+,4(a0)
move.l a0,memlist
addq.l #8,a0
move.l a0,d0
freememlist push
move.l 4.w,a6
.more move.l memlist,d0
beq.s .done
move.l d0,a1
move.l (a1),memlist
move.l 4(a1),d0
jsr -210(a6)
bra.s .more
.done pull
freemem ;
;a1=address to free!
move.l 4.w,a6
subq.l #8,a1
move.l #memlist,d0
.more move.l d0,a0
move.l (a0),d0
beq.s .done ;not found!
cmp.l d0,a1
bne.s .more
move.l (a1),(a0)
move.l 4(a1),d0
jsr -210(a6)
.done pull
initmap push
move.l map_map,a0
move.l a0,a1
add.l (a0),a1
move.l a1,map_grid
move.l a0,a1
add.l 4(a0),a1
move.l a1,map_poly
move.l a0,a1
add.l 8(a0),a1
move.l a1,map_ppnt
move.l a0,a1
add.l 12(a0),a1
move.l a1,map_rgbs
move.l a0,a1
add.l 16(a0),a1
move.l a1,map_txts
jsr calcpalettes
jsr loadtxts
lea window1,a0
bsr initwindow
lea window2,a0
bsr initwindow
loadtxts move.l map_txts,a5 ;texture names
lea textures,a6
moveq #47,d7
.ltl lea .temp(pc),a0
.ltl2 move.b (a5)+,(a0)+
bne.s .ltl2
cmp.l #.temp+1,a0
beq.s .notext
lea .temp2(pc),a0
moveq #1,d1
jsr loadfile
.notext move.l d0,(a6)+
dbf d7,.ltl
.temp2 dc.b 'txts/'
.temp ds.b 64
initwindow move #16<<grdshft+128,wi_camx(a0)
move #16<<grdshft-128,wi_camz(a0)
move #0,wi_camr(a0)
move #0,wi_camy(a0)