
28 lines
716 B

include "includes.i"
xdef CpuFillColor
;; d0 - color index
;; a0 - bitplane pointer
movem.l d1-d4/a0,-(sp)
move.w #(SCREEN_HEIGHT)-1,d2
move.b #0,d1 ; bitplane #
move.w #(SCREEN_WIDTH_BYTES/4)-1,d3 ; long word moves, so / 4
btst d1,d0 ; is the color's bit set in this plane?
beq .zero
move.l #$FFFFFFFF,d4 ; yes ? all ones
bra .loop
move.l #0,d4 ; no ? all zeros
move.l d4,(a0)+ ; write the data to the plane's line
dbra d3,.loop
add.b #1,d1
cmp.b #SCREEN_BIT_DEPTH,d1 ; all planes for a single line done ?
bne .fillBitplane ; no ? do the next plane
dbra d2,.fillLine ; yes ? do the next line
movem.l (sp)+,d1-d4/a0